BBQ Turkey Recipes

The Best Sous Vide Turkey Breast Recipe – How to Make Roast Turkey Breast using Sous Vide

The Best Sous Vide Turkey Breast Recipe – How to Make Roast Turkey Breast using Sous Vide and an Air Fryer: In this video we show you how to use sous vide to cook a turkey breast and then achieve a really crispy skin using an air fry oven. This is a very simple way to have a fully cooked “make ahead” roast turkey breast requiring you to just heat, crisp it up and serve when desired. This recipe works for all types of sous vide cookers and air fryers or convection ovens.

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today we’re going to make a turkeybreast sous-vide style let’s get started[Music]hello everybody today I’m going to showyou how to make a turkey breastsous-vide stylewell then finish it off in an air fryeror convection oven so first we startwith a frozen turkey breast I thought itoff by putting in a bowl of cold waterand took about maybe three hours I hadit in there and I changed the water acouple of times and I believe theyrecommend about a half hour per poundand I think this is a six and a halfpound turkey breast so the next thingwe’ll do is we’ll just open it up oh letme put some plastic gloves on and we’llopen this up we’ll season it and preparefor the sous-vide bag now for thesous-vide bath I have a Curtis Stonesous-vide stickI haven’t preset to 165 degrees which isthe temperature I want for this turkeybreast I also have it set I think justin between four and five hours the timeisn’t critical and I’ll show you why ina minuteso let’s cut this openand and this is a great way to do itbecause since we’re gonna cook it to theperfect temperature you don’t have toworry about overcooking it or anythingit’s gonna be a fantastic way to get adelicious moist turkey breast and it’salmost carefree once we get it set inthe sous-vide we can pretty much forgetabout it till it’s donethis is thought out so there’s a lot ofturkey juices in here so again whenyou’re doing this be careful to clean upall of your surfaces because this is youknow raw poultry juices now your rawturkey juices here I guess is a bag forgravy agree the mix you’re not gonna usethat and here is our thought-out bone-inturkey breast now I’ve given me a minuteI’m gonna clean this up and then I’mgonna show you how I seasoned it andprepared for the sous-vide bath I’ll beright back okay clean up our work area Iput some fresh gloves on and tried toclean the area up now when I’ve alsopatted the turkey breast dry it’sreasonably dry so show you how weprepared now you could just sprinkle I’mgonna use all I’m gonna use standardpoultry seasoning that you buy pre-mixedyou could mix your own with thecombination of salt pepper sage thymerosemary and maybe a little onion orgarlic powder also she could make yourown custom blend but for ease of use I’mjust gonna use a pre-mixed poultryseasoning blend you can just buyanywhere at your local store and I’malso going to to help it stick eventhough this isn’t totally necessary thisis optional I’m going to spray it withsome avocado oil just to you know helpit to I’ll rub that in a little bit andnow I’ll just sprinkle our poultryseasoning onget it all over now what I like to do isuse these metal shaker style canistersthey work very well for evendistribution I’m also gonna season theunderside here get that real good get upin here neck area okay I believe we’repretty good now and the trickiest partis probably fitting into a bag now youcould put this into a vacuum-sealed bagand vacuum seal it many people do thatbut you don’t need to you can just use astandard like a you know freezer bagziploc bag now this is a one gallon sizewe’re gonna see if I can get it to fitin there otherwise you can also buythese in two gallon even three gallonsize but I think we can get it to fit inhere now this is the standup style bagif you’re familiar with the differentstyles of bags this has a flat bottom sowe’re gonna see how this one works we’llgive it a try now the key thing isinstead of trying to guess how much timeto use on the sous-vide stick I’m goingto stick a roasting thermometer into itI’m gonna try to stick that into thethickest part of the breast here andwe’re gonna watch that now that was atricky part let’s see how we do when youtry to get this in hereyeah but like so get it in looks like itmight fit I don’t know it’s the kind offat there’s our thermometer Oh our zipcame off the top of our ziplock bagoh no there we go do they get a bettercon I’ve never had that happen beforeall rightit’s in our bag it’s sealed I want tomake sure I can see that thermometer nowI have it it might be a little hard tosee on camera but in person I’ll be ableto see that in the sous vide back sowe’re all set now I have to take our lidoff now I believe this is a Rubbermaidcontainer a 12 quart container just soyou know again it’s a Curtis Stonesous-vide stick I’m gonna lift up oursilicone lid let me turn this aroundready get this in here now the waterlevel I may have to take some water outas this goes in let’s see I’m loweringit slowly I think we’re gonna be good Ithink we’re good okay I can see thethermometer on the side I’ll try torotate the container so you can see whatit looks like and this is a nicesilicone lid oh this is not a Rubbermaidbrand lid this is a different brand oflid and I’ll try to swing this aroundlet me get this out of the way and I’llshow you what it looks like if you canpick this up on camera now I don’t knowif you can see I believe the thermometeris right around here so that’s I’m gonnawatch as this is cooking again this isit it a 164 when I lifted the lid thewater dropped to 164 temporarily butthat will recover and we’re gonna letthis go foras long as it takes so I’m guessing youknow probably good two hours I don’tknow we’ll see and I’ll let you know howmuch time so I’ll be back here when thisregisters 165 and we’ll go to the nextstep where we brown it up so again wetook it we thought it out in water weseason it we put a little oil somepoultry seasoning put it into a ziplocbag put it in here I already had thewater going at 165 and we have thethermometer in the bag so I’ll bring youback here when it’s 165 okay it’s beenabout four hours and the 165 degreessous vide water bath so let me turn thisoff and we’ll take a look and see whatwe have as reading our roastingthermometer which I put into the turkeybreast initially and it looks like it’sabout 165 so look at that a check nowthis is pretty hot so be careful withthis and I’m actually going to use thesesilicone mitts to pull it outand I’m gonna put on this roasting rackhere’s what we have to do next is to tobrown and give it some color now whathappens is at this point our turkeybreast is fully cooked so if you wantedto you could do this step a day inadvance or a couple of days in advanceour turkey breast is fully cooked atthis point so all we have to do nowbefore we serve it as we want to putsome color on it so I Chi said you cando this it took four hours so you can dothis you know a weekend in advance orsomething and put it in the refrigeratorthen when it’s time to serve it on theyou know Thanksgiving therefore wheneveryou want it just pull it out and brownit and I’ll show you that we’re gonnaBrown it next so we’ll take it out ofour bagthere’s some juice in here I’m gonna I’mcooking it naturally I’m just gonna dumpthat out once I get out of the bag heresticking on the bones get that out alittle instant probit now if you recallhere was that roasting thermometer thatI put inside and I’ll just double checkthis and it is 1 so climbing over 161162 I’m gonna call it 165 as it says onthe thermometer so that took again forhours yours may take a little longer ora little less time depending on howfrozen or thought-out it is when you putit into the sous-vide water bath nowwhat I’m going to do is I’m actuallygoing to pour off this juice I’ll beright backI’m gonna get rid of this bag and pourup this juice then we’re gonna Pat thistry and go to the next step I’ll beright back ok I’ve poured off that extrajuice and I just cleaned up a little bitwhat I want to do now is to paint thiswith some melted butter and then we’regoing to roast it on a high heat or ifyou have an air fryer that will holdthis you can air fry it we boil it wejust want to brown up this skin and geta little bit of a crispy skin going onit that’s what I’m trying to achieveright now I just put some butter on itall overthat looks pretty good I’m just gonnasprinkle a little more lightly though alittle white coating with a poultryseasoning okay now I’m gonna put thisinto our oven I’m going to put now thisis the Breville of air smart oven so Imay put this on airfryer mode we’ll turnit up to 480 the maximum now I’m gonnaset the time for 15 minutes when thispreheats when this sits I’m gonna put itin here and I’m gonna watch it I’mthey’re just gonna walk away and letthis go up for a tea the whole time I’mgonna stand here and watch it as itcrisps and when it gets a beautifulshade of golden brown I’m gonna pull itout I’ll let you know how long that isI’m guessing I’m gonna take the whole 15if it takes longer I’ll let you knowwhat I’m putting this on here promote soagain if you have an air fryer you putit on max fit this in it depending onthe style you have or if you have anoven put on broil or roast at a highheat we’re not trying to cook it anymoreit’s fully cooked we’re just trying toget nice and crispy so once it’spreheats I’ll put it in there and I’llbring you back okay it’s been in theoven for about 11 minutes at 480 degreesand it’s getting quite brown so I’mgonna turn it offwe’ll take a look at it again I had itin the airfryer mode in this oven youcould use a royal mode if you don’t havean airfryer mode or if you have a largeair fryer you could put it in there ohlook at this this is fantastic lookinghere take a look at that huh that is onebeautiful roast turkey breast and weknow it’s fully cooked because we had itsous-vide to 165 all we had to do wasbrown it that’s why I said if yousous-vide it a couple of days in advanceit’ll be all ready to go now this wasstill warm inside because we did itright away so if you have it in thefridge and you’re gonna reheat it you’regonna have to put it in a low oven say325 I don’t know maybe about 45 minutesto an hour to so we get it uptemp you don’t want to dry it out somaybe try you know 30 to 45 minutes andprobit if you’re reheating a cold oneand then right when it gets close to theinternal temp you want to eat then turnthe heat up to 450 480 even 500 to giveit a quick crisp so right now this isquite hot I’m gonna give it about 5minutes to rest then we’ll walk carve itup and give it a quick taste but againlook how beautiful this turned out nowis 11 minutes at 480 so see you in aboutfive minutes all rightour turkey breast has been resting for afew minutes it gave me a chance to get anice platter out let’s put it on therewe’ll cut it off I’m just gonna usethese silicone knits to put it overthere because it’s still quite hot okayput this out of the way get this trim itout of the way one more look before Icut it up it looks great smellswonderful tooso let me just cut a piece of this offI’ll give it a tryoopslook at that wonderful crispy skin I’llcut another slice off here and then I’llhold it up to the camera for you to geta lookoopsokay there’s the whole discipline get anice look at it see the steam coming outit looks looks wonderful I could seesome juice coming out on the bottom herewe go that looks wonderfulokay let me give this little tastevery tender very moist not dried outlike you can get when we make a turkeybreast and that’s because we did thesous-vide style mmm I’m gonna try alittle bit of the crispy skin piece andI don’t see how that ismm-hmm so let’s recap what we’ve donetoday with a frozen turkey breast thiswas about six and a half pounds I put itin a bowl of water and I wrote changethe water maybe once or twice and thenwas in that bowl of water for aboutthree hours that thought out six and ahalf pounds three hours of thawing wateryou then saw me put it into a ziploc bagnow if you have a vacuum sealer bag Irecommend no it’s because those areheavier duty in a sturdier bag and ifyou have it on the roll feed you canmake it any size you want but I wantedto use a ziploc bag just to show to thatif you do not have a vacuum sealer youcan use a standard freezer style bagit’s finebecause we all go up to 165 degrees withthis recipe so there’s no problem usingyou know a slider bag ziploc baganything like that is not a problem sowhat we did is when we put in the bag weseasoned it like we’ve seen with poultryseasoning all over we put it in the bagand then we put it into the sous-videcontainer the sous-vide bath that was a12 quart container and we had at 165degrees we also put a roastingthermometer in the turkey breast when weput it in the bag the way we couldmonitor the internal temperature whileit was in the sous-vide bath thisparticular turkey breast took four hoursif you want to play it safe you you knowit’s hard to overcook in a sous-videbath because you’re not gonna go aboveyour set temperature so if you wanted toplay it safe and you weren’t in a timecrunchyou could easily let it go four and ahalf or five hours if you had a largerone or it was colder than this one youknow more more frozen than this one youcan easily go five hours in thesous-vide then when you take it out youcan either put it in the fridge for whenyou want to serve itand then it was reheated at a lowtemperature and then brown brown theskin Chris but you know get a crispy orlike we did we immediately put it on aroasting rack and put it in the toasteroven or the airfryer oven and we used inthis particular instance we used theBreville air oven at 400 degrees for 11minutes and that made it nice and crispyso again there’s multiple options thereas far as the type of oven how you crispit up and do you want to do it rightaway or do it in advance either way Iwanted to show you the results you’llget and I think you have to agree youknow it looks fantastic it tastesdelicious it’s a great way to go youknow if you’re gonna make a turkeybreast like this for the holidays or anyoccasionso I hope you enjoyed watching thisvideo and you’ve learned how to do yourown sous-vide turkey breasts won’t beafraid to do it give it a try and if youenjoyed watching this video leave somecomments tell me what else you’d like meto make would you like me to make aturkey breast in a different style or awhole turkey smoked it or spatchcock itsomething like that or if you’d like tosee other sous-vide recipes let me knowin the comments section and please pressthe thumbs up like subscribe buttons andthank you for watching oh and try thisit’s really a great way to cook a turkeybreast so thank you for watching[Music]it’s very good thank you for watching

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