BBQ Turkey Recipes

How To Make BBQ Turkey Thighs

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[Music]that’s not my soul fly it’s Sunday in myhouse you somet thumbnail barbecueturkey thighs and I’m making a littlebit size but I’m thinking straight beansand mashed potatoes but the main dishthe main thing of this video is thesebarbecued turkey facts again welcome toall my soul squad members guys thank youfor coming over I hope you’re joiningthis channel hope you seeing goodrecipes that you like to see thankseverybody been purchased in my flour TTseasoned flour this is open C llc.comget yours and we will be using in thisrecipe it’s a simple quick recipe thereare turkey thighs just like a bigchicken thigh but it’s from a turkey assimple as that my dog was I know stupidturkey thigh I cleaned the my backturkey thighs I want to use my greenpepperI already got was frozen somebodyturning pretty right then probably me soI was able to get at least one piece offand I had some onions I cleaned myturkey thighs I had my onions right hereand yes Massa taters barbecued turkeythighs cornbread and um fresh tree beansso you go string beans cooking righthere they cook that’s chicken broththey’re cooking the chicken broth havingseasoned them yet done II think so thebomb but take us eyeballing it cookinghaving seasoned anything yet I want tofit all my onions remember it’s yourfamily you know how they do unusually nomatter like is you know kitchen my mykitchen my way your kitchen your way I’mnot a fan of onions but I know I’ll getwith onions and green peppers and garlicand all that type of stuffit brings out the flavor in your foodbut you have to do thatany thanks to it just to make everythingtaste good I got my oven preheating or375 yes yeah nice – I’ll bring all theway back out out now my green pepperthis is frozenI’m just gonna sit right on top but I’mgonna do that after I get some flour Idon’t want to use that you get flourthat’s already open so I’ll be rightback okay guys I’m going in the seasonof choice with me it’s gonna always bemy flour just because the flavors arethereokay so I got it on top of here all overthe onions and I want to flip this I’mgonna flip it but I want everything tobe nice hi babynicely seasoned I’m not adding any typeof um I’m not adding any type of othersees me but I know this is going to doit for meand it’s not gonna make a gravy becauseI’m using it as I sees me so it’ll betopping this what barbecue I’m notmaking barbecue turkey thighs yes okayso call me yeah you know that’s rightdude so she won’t be here for dinnerlook at that that’s going in the ovenuncover these turkey thighs is gonnamake its own water whatever Caesar thatyou use use your season I’m just gonnapop the green pepper right there oh stopthat creep up right there on top playthis in the oven 375 clean up this messwhen we come back these will be doneand I come in halfway through take themout they’re flipping because they’rereally big and I’ll bring you back forthat probably about two hours cookingthese probably at the out of Mark we’regonna flip them let me back okay guyshave been one hour they look so good myhouse smell goodI flip them look at thatI’m sure I know I said it was gonna makegravy using my flour but it made gravy Iknew it was I’m just gonna dump it alland Orey like is my acting you know whathe was this little bit gravy that’s inhere the flavor is so good look at thatI’m putting this back in the oven mmmthey still gotta cook but the housesmells amazingonce they get cooked on this side cuzthey’re so big I wanna make sure theyknow I like do about they cooked exactlyone out of my time I went off on thesesamples I don’t have to use some timebefore but some things just to make sureit’s perfect I want to do that so I didone hour flipping them I’m gonna doabout 45 minutes and then after thatsmug them what some baby ray barbecuesauce oh my god I love itsmother mr. barbecue sauce i’ma show youguys how I make my mashed potatoes butlook at these string beansI did some onions garlic powder andpepper and cuz I cook them in chickenbroth not a whole lot cuz everybodydon’t like them it’s just enough when wecome back we’re gonna show you how toput together the UM barbecue sauce tomake the mashed potatoes yes cut Oh sendme milk just one backing other but atleast 45 minutes well at least I wantthem to really get done oh they lookgood and smell goodokay guys these are my chicken mychicken punch turkey thighs and mypotatoes are doneI’ll let no cool down like in fiveminutes the arm straight means I’m doneand so right here what I’m going to dois that I got my barbecue saucei drained all the water you know wherethe gravy that doesn’t any betterbecause again it’s as much food I wantbarbecue turkey thighsmath and mail yupshe won’t spit me again some on bothsides but the barbecue sauce on it andthen food is so slippery and look at thegrade you wanted the flavoranybody bag Oh God oh my goodness thattastes good I know I’m supposed to but Ihad to I’m a cook I gotta make surethat’s coming out correctlyhmm I’m the oldest back up they are doneit’s a Wesa our about 25 minutes getthese I don’t like a lot of walking so Ithink I still have a flavor the gravy inthe UMI have some green pepper ahead of hereso yes so this one case is in the ovenmmm you like a lot Bob your saucedo you but this is more than enough forme I can’t wait I can’t wait I can’twait look at thisOh y’all look at that this going back inthe oven for like 15 minutesI want to overcome this I just want toget that box off nice and hot let me putthis in the oven let me I’ll come and dothese matches ages okay guys this isfive-pound bag potatoes hook that’swhat’s often I drained the water offthat I’m sit for a few minutesthat looks so good I’m going there witha cup and a half of Parmesan cheesegrated Parmesan cheese and some creamcheese using a whole eight ounce andcream cheese I want some pepper now atthis point if you like God it you couldtake about maybe three cloves of garlicand mince up I’m okay oh we always eatgarlicit’s a nice buttery nice buttery butterythe tails put a family party claims youto use chives I’m gonna parts of it andthen we just go smash it all up togetherwhy it’s nice and high oh we like thatsmashing that last nice and high I likethese potatoes cuts so so small look atthat butter look at and if you you can look you know do what you dogonna pull out the blender these aregonna be so clean andthese are ready you don’t need one milkyou don’t need nothing just what I putin here i’ma finish turn these up youwant see the end result on that platelook at that nice and thick maybe backwe’re gonna play that for you so squatwe got back let’s look at this barbecueturkey patties you got a good shot therebarbecue turkey thighs we got the mashedpotatoes we got your string beans wehave put all that right in we want toplate this spoon now only I don’t likeabout these that you don’t get a wholelot in the UM you don’t get a whole lotof it look at that I’m a lotno I’m right-handed look at thatguys come out and see me at my meet andgreet then you can say some boulders nowso good some of this blue that I’ll becooking up in this house trying to getsome good meat on here cuz I know youpeople here they love who they love toeat the way this house is smellingthey’re like what’s going on the kitchenI’m in the kitchen cooking yeah let’sget some mashed potatoesnice and click homie hmmand so many strange things go have somebarbecue sauce on that’s okay but that’sdone Bobby in turkey thighs cheesymashed potatoes fresh drink things youcan answer nothing better than baddescription belowyou got my link to my flower you got thelink to my meet and greet every 25thexcuse me and I don’t know happy son belike share subscribe look at this mealbut you eat the Sunday nightyou

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