BBQ Beef Recipes

BBQ Catering: Trimming a BIG beef brisket

A professional bbq caterer understands the need to trim a brisket properly. You need to leave just enough fat on the brisket to keep it flavorful and moist, but not TOO much fat that makes the meat greasy. Carolina Smoke BBQ (and all of the caterers on does a great job at trimming their brisket. Look, it’s tough for a caterer to trim off fat. They pay for the beef brisket by the pound and trimming the fat is like trimming money off of the profit. However, it’s worth it.

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Video Transcription

let’s see at 7:00 what 7:30 right nowthe hardest-working man in barbecuebrisket get ready for today so uhSaturday did you mean prime rib leftoverfrom last night by the way no okay so noprime rib this morning sandwicheswaiting this afternoon 150 people thingand you’re gonna put rub and stuff onthis right yeah okay oh yeah oh yeah youknow what one thing is you don’t babeyou don’t take the all the fat off ofyour brisket no and why you take a lotoff but what take some oh yeahbut Nutter I won’t I still want theflavor uh-huhdon’t want the favorthat it’s a lot of fatyeah yeahlet’s see here and then there was oneother thing I was going to ask you tothere’s no specials today no not todaytomorrow tomorrow what’s tomorrow Sundaylet me get consenting ribs corn on thecob all the corns to the last chickenarea on the cob yeah alright alrightoh my God look at thisshe’s releasetrim and trim and trimmingall right

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