Beef Cube Steak presents a production of Beef Cube Steak Recipes and easy Chicken Recipes.
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
tonight we’ll be having beef cube steakand barbecue chicken before we throw ourfood on the grill outside we’re gonnahave to prepare the sauce for ourbarbecue chicken as we see here we’vegot butter salt pepper a little cinnamontwo cloves of garlic as a base just somegeneric plane barbecue sauce to be likea dollar and bottle over and deer birdsa cup of McCormick’s whiskey fourtablespoons of brown sugar twotablespoons of curry and two tablespoonstamerica of turn we want to do is goahead and melt the stick of butter inthe pan for a little bit and whilethat’s going and warming up will soonadd the barbecue sauce to it and thewhiskey we want to prepare some of theterm a canned curry butters mouth alittle bitpots warming up a little bit let’s goahead and put on the barbecue sauce inwith the butter let it kind of warm up alittle bit to this will make the roomsmell great and that’s what cooking youall about isn’t it Chris yeah a littlebit of Korean tear MEK one do the brownsugar in the back that shouldn’tprobably be doing this plate oh yeahlook our potatoes are donefour hours ahead of the main course nowork there does need to marinate as wellit brings the flavor out of the curry inthe tournament you’ll know it’s ready togo we see a little bus even it starts tosmell oh I smell good don’t burn it allright so we got to do is go ahead okaylet’s move it does smell good yeah we’regonna mix that in with the barbecue puta little brown sugar and here brownsugar is great so we’ve got the term ikbrown sugar and butter barbecue sauce onthe grip on the skillet here right inthe pot here I’m gonna heat that up wewant the bubble at this time we can alsogo ahead and add in the cinnamon saltpepper and two cloves of fresh garlicwe’re gonna go ahead and add this cup ofwhiskey now make sure you getMcCormick’s is a good whiskey you don’twant to spend more than say 11 blocksand say you know no more than pocketchange more than $11 for a 1.75 literI’m gonna put a layer this dress lid ontop of the cube steak drizzle it on topof the cube steak therego ahead and flip that steak over youdrizzle something the other side of italright that’s ready to go on the grillwe’ll go ahead and drizzle some of thison the chicken we want to use about halfthe sauce right now just go ahead andlet it cover it completely you’re gonnaput a little bit the ruble the chickenwhile it slow cooks on the grill so thechicken is covered covered in the sauceI’ve saved about half of it to put on itbolts on the grill I like to put thesauce in there now because thecaramelize is on the chicken all thatbrown sugar tastes great so our grill isready to go we’ve got to do next is putthe chicken on it’s nice and covered inthe barbecue sauce we want to put thismore over the heat here I’m gonna makesure chicken cooks so goodabout 180 insideput the cap on to regulate the fire oncewe get going nice fatty nice big pieceof chicken here as it cooks we’re gonnawant to rub BBQ sauce on it thatMcCormick’s chicken listen the cornmakes chicken for the rest of this sauceon top of the chicken here get it goingstarting to flame up pretty good so youwant to put that cap away theirapplication is awesome therehow’s it smell there smells reallyreally good put the big cute steak onthe grill put a little off the grill cuzwe’re cooking chicken here’s about sokeeps it gonna cook a lot quicker thanthe chicken though get a little brownthere a little bit flip that we wentahead and flip the beef cube steak overfor a little bit you can feel it itstill feels pretty rock let’s go aheadand put another application of barbecuesauce on you see so technical soundingthat’s falling apart pretty good righttype of temperature yetthat’s what about 150 is getting therewe want somebody