BBQ Beef Recipes

BBQ Beef Tenderloin, Green Peppercorn Sauce & Garlic Baguette Bread

How to make a beef tenderloin BBQ, green peppercorn sauce, garlic baguette bread & spinach dinner

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hello guys welcome to JAC videos it is aSaturday evening in January 2020 oh bythe way Happy New Year guys today I wantto show you how to make a beeftenderloin barbecue green peppercornsauce garlic baguette and spinach I wasat the grocery store the other day andpicked up this nice tenderloin whichweighs about three to four pounds Iforgot to videotape how I cleaned thetenderloin and got it ready before Imarinated it I thought about making avideo just now sorry guysbe sure to take your time and clean theTenderloin really good it is a great wayto make sure that you are having thebest steaks including filet mignon yetthe end of the Tenderloin should looksomething like this in my video thereare lots of videos on how to clean andbutcher a tenderloin properly I want tofocus more on the prep I did to get thisready to be barbecued I will explain andshow you what ingredients are used formaking the sauce to marinate the meat itis pretty easy nothing too complicated Iused yellow mustard horseradish crushedgarlic olive oil black pepper driedrosemary leaves and salt to prepare thesauce for this size of tenderloin I usedabout two tablespoons of yellow mustardtwo tablespoons of horseradish fivemedium-sized cloves of garlic crushedtwo tablespoons of olive oil onetablespoon of black pepper powder onetablespoon of rosemary leaves and oneteaspoon of saltonce it is mixed it should looksomething like this in the saucer thisis the leftover sauce after I marinatedthe meat I am going to use this leftoversauce while I BBQ the meat mix all theseingredients very well and apply it onthe tenderloin once done cover it andplace it in the fridge for about 10 to12 hours take it out an hour before youare ready to barbecue the meat so thatit will be almost at room temperature Iam really happy with how it looks after10 hours being in the refrigerator thismeat looks very well marinated andis ready to be put on the barbecue it isthe middle of winter here in Canada andmost of the Canadians don’t reallybarbecue at this time of the year I havemy barbecue in a covered porch so itmakes it a bit easier to cook this meaton the barbecue right now it is freezingrain outside and in a few minutes itgoing to turn into blowing snow wellthat is not going to stop me fromputting this meat on the barbecuethe only problem when it is cold outsideis to get the temperature to get whereyou want it to be at but it is okay wewill work with what we have even underthese extreme weather conditions here Ihave my barbecue all lit up and ready togo it is very dark out here and veryhard to see I have all the four burnersturned up on high so I can get the meatseared around the surface to seal in thejuices tenderloin should have a nicecaramelized surface so start out bysearing the roast on a high hot grilljust long enough to lightly brown thesurface let’s go ahead and put this meaton the grill and get cooking left sideof my barbecue is the hottest side so Iam going to place it on the left side Iwill leave one side of the meat on thegrill for about five to six minutes andturn it on to the other side I know itis too dark here guys I am going to turnmy flash on my camera so that you cansee better there you go now we can seemuch better it is so hard to film andcook at the same time just bear with meso I just placed the meat on the grill Iam going to leave it there for aboutfive to six minutes with the lid closedand get the meat sear I still have allmy four burners on high like I saidbefore it is very cold outside and Ihave to have all burners on high to keepthe barbecue temperature stable let metake you outside and show you what itlooks like out there you can see all thesnow accumulated on my deck from theprevious snowfalls it is freezing rainright now and by the time we are donecooking it will turn into blowing snowokay I am going to turn the meat I justturned the meatto the other side I had to use my bothhands so I couldn’t film you can see howwell this side seer look at thedifference compared to the other side sothis is how you want your meat to looklike after being on a hot grill forabout five minutes if it was summer Iwould not leave it on one side for morethan three minutes now I am going toapply the leftover sauce that I havefrom marinating the meat go ahead andput the sauce on the meat take your timeand make sure that you apply the sauceeverywhere to get that nice flavor allover the tenderloin I am almost doneputting the sauce on this side so guysfor this cooking process you will need atwo zone fire a hot zone to get the meatseared and a cool zone to cook the meatuntil it reaches about 130 degrees oncethis side is done I will turn the twoburners off on the right side of thebarbecue to create a cool zone so thatthe meat can cook in indirect heatcoming from the left side of thebarbecue you will see this process in aminute normally the tenderloin is themost expensive cut of beef you will findso the last thing you want to do is messit up for methat means overcooking it I can’t stressenough how important it is to have aquality meat thermometer when you arepreparing this cut beef tenderloin isbest served medium-rare at 130 degreesit should have a warm red center andfirm feel on the outside you can cook itlonger but I gotta warn you that it’sgoing to take away the beef flavor andyou’re going to lose the tenderness themore it cooks once all sides are searedthen move it over to the cool side ofthe grill move to indirect grilling andfinish it off over a low heat close thelid and leave it alone maintain a grilltemperature on the cool side of around325 to 350 a 6 pound beef tenderloinshould take a little over an hour toreach our magic temperature of 130degreesdon’t go buy time though cook totemperature once the Tenderloin hits 130degrees removed from the grill and placeon a platter allow the Tenderloin torest under aluminum foil for 15 minutesbefore carving seriously let it sit ifyou don’t all of those delicious juiceswill run out of the meatit will continue cooking during thistime and the temperature will rise about10 to 15 more degrees the meat needsthis time to stop the cooking processand absorb the juices that are pushed tothe outside while that is happening letus make green peppercorn sauce for thesteaks for the ingredients 1 large redonion sliced 4 cloves garlic peeled andsmashed 2 tablespoons of butter addbutter to pen and let it melt on mediumheat add shallots and garlic so tape for2 to 4 minutesthen take your dry green peppercorn andgrind them up to get half a cup put thisinto the mix and continue to stir pourone shot of brandy into this and flambeusing a long kitchen match wait till theflames burn out then add two cups ofcream into this and stirthen add one teaspoon of salt andcontinue to stir the two tablespoons ofbeef stock concentrate and stir againstir for two to three minutesreduced by half then shut offnow it is time to make the garlicbaguette let’s slice these baguette intosmall pieces use a bread knife to cutthem into small little slices let’s getthe garlic sauce mix ready for the breadpieces take 2 tablespoons of butter 1tablespoon of dried parsley leaves and 3cloves of peeled and crushed garliccloves mix all these very well togetherand place it in the microwave for 2minutes[Music]place the bread pieces on a hot pan andapply the garlic sauce on top with asmall brush after 40 seconds turn it onto the other side and apply garlic sauceagain when the bread pieces are goldenbrown in color take them off the heatcut the tenderloin into small steaks andplace them on a platter see how wellthey turned out guys look at this mediumrare pieces they are pink in the middleand so moist I don’t know how well youcan see them on the camera I am verysatisfied with how it came out and thisis exactly what I pictured it to looklike I can’t wait to try the first pieceit smells so good especially with thegarlic bread smell I am going to plateit and show you guys in a minute withpeppercorn sauce on top of the steaksguys give this recipe a try the nexttime you want something special and youwill love it see how amazing all theseitems look together on the plate if youenjoyed this video and liked the recipeplease like this video and subscribe tomy channel thanks for watching Jackvideos please come back for more videoslike this soon Bon Appetit

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