Found this in an old camper i was working on . Enjoy!!!
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
all right so this was the part to my bedI see what vitamins you got okay so Ikind of gross but it doesn’t smell it’scrazy because it doesn’t smell rottenrotten or nothing we we snack break solet’s see this is like 25 years oldready meal all right so there’s thebread I just cut it open[Applause][Applause]crazyno no mold so looks pretty good I’m notgonna eat it but it’s pretty goodcrazy gonna smell it real quick no thatsmells like cinnamon bread or somethingit’s pretty cool alright hold on we gota couple more stuff Oh clam chowder neweasy style Wow 25 year old ready mealNew England style clam chowderyum yum I’m not opening that well maybeI will cheese spread we know that’s goodoh no feels kind of like play-doh pottedme I’m I’m at work taking my break myhands are kind of dirty beveragebeverage based powder lemon lying nice25 years old this stuff is and what’sthis little more bread Oh more wheatsnack raidyum yum so look at that these are thenewer RM eyes or rme’s whatever I forgetthe an acronym for ready meal isdifferent this is like the old style butI guess if you were in desperate timesdesperate times calls for desperatemeasuresI imagine this base powder lime aidkool-aid stuff withstill good drink I guess it’s all sealedwhat’s this way the cheese spread you’veseen that all right now for the bestpart of the day the New England styleclam chowderstraight from Rhode Island straight fromCape v feel like I’m customs borderengine Oh smells so good Oh grossall are the piece of clam we smoked Ohdisgusting that’s definitely no goodwell yes twenty-five-year-oldMr I hope you enjoy my mouthpiece