I’ve been asking this question to myself for a good time already… How different really is a Bison steak from a regular steak? And I never did the test. So I decided to buy a Bison Ribeye and compare it to a Grass Fed Beef Ribeye and see for ourselves! We all know that Bison meat is clean, healthy and flavorful meat but I never cooked it side by side in order to taste the difference and have a reliable opinion about it and what better way to do it and share our experience with the people I like the most!
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Video Transcription
[Music]that beautiful and majestic creaturethat you see in front of you is ourAmerican bison American bison is thebiggest animal that lives in the landone of these bad boys can get all theway to 2,000 pound which is a lot it’salmost a pound and here you have anotherfact 500,000 of these beautiful Bisonsthey are raised on ranches as alivestock but please don’t get itconfused with the Buffalo the Buffalo isa completely different animal delistingAfrica and Asia and it’s reallydifficult to find some buffalo meat inhere I’m telling you because I wassearching for it to do a comparison withthe vice man I couldn’t find as we allknow bison meat is really healthy andreally good for your system but let metell you a few facts about itbison have more of the CLA fat that isawesome for possible and it’s alsocancer produced here in the US the bisonpopulation is never a mini shredder withanybody biotics performance it isillegal even though they are raised as alivestock they are 100% grass-fed andfairly raised I know your question nowwould be how do you prepare bison me I’mgonna do it x-axis and what I do withthee little bit of salt over here alittle bit of pepper over there a lot ofgarlic powder for that flavor then wewanna just put it on the grill wait forit to hit a hundred and twenty degreessear them up and eat it all man this isgonna be a good one but enough talkinglet’s light that grill up[Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Music]well guys what do you think about thisone and we have a guest today mr.George’s our guest todayoh my god he’s desperate to try you haveto sit down and you have to wait tell mewhat it is not this is the steak agethat’s steak number B so between thosethree what’s gonna be the best steakokay let’s cut it up but look at thebeautiful bread I mean I said to youthis is not a competition but this islooking goodit is looking humane let’s give her agood try let’s see okay let’s go for itlet’s see let’s see hmm[Laughter]the flavor is super stronglook at it so Bobby hey okay okaytell me about the flavor talk to meabout that flavor super strong superstrong obviously it’s beef so it’sreally beefy really beefy yes but verystrong tender and at the same time has abite in it it has a bite okay mm-hmmI love it so far you like it oh yeah solet’s go for number B let’s see number BI missed you you first go for it oh mygod did you see thatWow okay ready cheers hmm good good guysit’s really good really good but theflavor is not as intense as number thefirst one the first one is sack number anumber a and then has a bite in it chillwhat about the tenderness very similarfair enough I think it’s the same thingI mean let me tell you what we have herewell this is not this so I don’t knowwhat that is bison is bison oh my goshhey so good I have to say that bison iswe asked you guys know super healthy ohyesyes super good okay yeah and it tastesreally good I mean the other one I findthe other one a little more tenderthat’s the only difference but this oneis more beefy it has a better flavourstronger flavor taste and and you knowthe charcoal garden they are really niceit’s really nice Sarah beautiful awesomeamazing flavor in there I love it no ohyes I really liked that beef flavor thathit me right boom right there beyondwhat about you mr. Georgia what you needyou like betterA or B both again of course we are nottrying to compare beef to bison allright and again it’s no Buffalo itsbison and again it’s not a comparison wejust we just trying and see whathappened because I never try one next tothough they like that and I always liketo do it because I want to know what’sthe difference and the difference is isvisually there is a difference in thetexture there is a difference in theflavor there is a difference is a lot ofdifference in there this is a choicetake grass-fed choice steak is not agreat thing is not amazing but I thoughtthat was fair enough to compare and as Ican tell you they are similar and theyare not and they are really differentbut I love them both and bison isfreaking perfect all right guys now allthe comparison apart and everythinglet’s get into the fun part let’s go tothe jailthey’re all hosts donated whose turn isit I think is mine okay he’s mine yeahis it yeahthe pot is growing and not really so ifyou want to be part of the pot just putyour name and down below you see me seelet’s see the fritz family is one of thefirst that came into the pot yeah lookit took all that time yeah it’s good manthank you so much for giving us some maysee I’m baby Emerson we have a lot ofbison here for you which is healthy foryou now that you’re growing so you cango from thick bones that’s all we havefor you today please if you like heroeswith like lots and lots of likes if youwant to see and learn more about what wedo here subscribe to the channel man itran don’t forget to hit there Bebel soyou will be notified every time Tuesdaysand Fridays when we all love our newvideos and everything we use is downthere in the description if youhappening to say put it on down in thecomments that’s all for today guys byeremember that I love you we love you[Applause][Music][Music][Applause][Music]