Here is our holiday turkey recipe. This smoked turkey recipe is delicious. If you want to learn how to cook a turkey breast for the Thanksgiving you will love this hands on instructional video.
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#cookingwithalittlespice #smokingmeat #bbq
How To Cook A Smoked Turkey Breast
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]thanks places Andrew here it’s good tobe about the holidays so you know whatthat meansentertaining family time and cookingtoday Melissa and I are gonna be smokingit turkey breast so I love smoking allmeat last year I spatchcocked a turkeyspatchcocking turkey worked out reallywell the cooking was really eventhroughout and I’m gonna see if I’mgonna be doing a similar process ofbreaking the breastbone on this turkeybreast here here’s my turkey breast soI’m gonna season it and put it on thatsmoker three and a half four hours laterwe’ll be ready to enjoy a great holidaytradition here’s my gorgeous turkeybreast when I turn it upside down Inotice that they’ve cut it in the middleon one side of the backbone but if I cutit on the other side I think I’m goingto be able to lay it back upright andcrack that breastbone basically bycracking the breastbone evening out thecooking so that there’s no dry parts ofthe turkey everyone knows turkey breastscan get a little dry if I can even outthe cooking then we’re gonna have a muchmore moist turkey breast so I’m gonnagrab my knife you can also use shearsjust cut that take that backbone out andthen see if I can crack it flatso there you have it with a little wordI was able to take the backbone out Igot a little bit of brass Smith thereprobably with a little more practice Ican make a better cut let’s see howstrong this is wow that was pretty toughbut I got my breasts flattened out Idon’t know exactly where I cracked itbut there was some cracking it seemslike the exact breast bone cartilage isstill kind of upright but if you take alook at it it’s much more flattened outand that’s our goal we want this baby tocook low and slow and really keep themoisture inside that turkey breast wellnow it’s time to get the seasoning goingwho’s my seasoned turkey breast firstwhat I did to make sure I got that rubto stick I patted it with some papertowels and got it super dry and then Iadded a rub a mixture of 1 teaspoon salt1 teaspoon black pepper one teaspoongarlic powder and 2 teaspoons of Italianseasoning that’s it that’s all I usedthis is gonna have great flavor andalready smells great I’ve got the rub onthe top and bottom it’s gonna absorb inthat flavor the smoke will be ingestingthis is gonna be a beautiful turkeybreast for the family once the turkeybreast is all prepared I’m gonna let itcome to room temperature during thattime I get to head outside and go do oneof my favorite hobbies get that smokerray well it is just a gorgeous fall dayout here it’s probably about 55 degreesas you can see my charcoal is goingcheck out my preferred method forstarting charcoal the safest and besttasting and easiest it’s above othersupplies you’re gonna need during thesmoking process extra charcoal and ofcourse that beautiful wood let me showyou what I’ve got here’s about 4 gallonsdried homegrown apple boy taken straightfrom our apple trees in the backyardthey’ve been drying for six months wellover six months that’s the minimum timefor drying until you can smoke with itthese chunks I prune about February andnow they’re ready to go to help smokesome great turkey breastI have the charcoal on the side heatingup that barrel I’m shooting for about240 degrees inside for cookingtemperature for a six pound turkeybreast that is gonna take probably justunder four hours so as always it’s anexperience that I get to enjoy andpractice throughout the day I’m gonnahave my Applewood stocked and ready toadd and basically you just add itwhenever the smoke dies out and that canbe 15 minutes it could be 45 minutesdepends on a lot of the factorsincluding air flow and how hot thosecalls are another important thing I didto make sure this turkey breast is moistis added a pot a glass pot of waterthat’s gonna heat up and evaporate asthe cooking temperature rises creatingsome more moisture inside the barrel andreally hoping that that will keep thatturkey breast really moist again this isan experiment really it’s fun to justenjoy it’s really a win-win I get tohang out relax and enjoy some great meatat the end so hang on tight in a littlebit I’ll be putting the breast on andcan’t wait for that smoke to come out sowhile ago somebody recommended that Iuse dry wood normally I soak my wood Iwant to get the most longest smoke Ivanand I don’t want the flame to start whenthere’s more flame there’s less smoke sothis is dry wood that I put on nowapparently you’re supposed to get a thinblue smoke I’m getting a similar whitebillowy smoke however there’s nomoisture andthese from soaking the wood in thissmoke so all in all I think it’s abetter deal I’m still gonna work with itand figure out what I like but mainthing in using this dry wood ismaintaining the airflow I always closemy side Bend again this top one you gotto have that at least cracked if I’m lowon temperature I’ll open it up moreallow more airflow but again the sideone I keep closed because I find thatthe more air the the more likely thatflame is gonna happen so here we are forthe next three or four hours hanging outrelaxing and maintained and airflow thecoals and the wood well it’s been lowand slow for about five hours finallywe’ve reached temperature 165 for thisturkey breast I’m gonna take it off thebarbecue and then wrap it in some foilput it on the counter for 10 minutes andthen we’ll be ready to slice this upit’s been a great time have fun with myfamily and I monitored it correctly thereason it took a little bit long we hadtrouble getting temperature up to speedin the beginning but really low and slowis the way to go anyway so hopefullythis baby is juicy and ready and we areso excited that your head[Music][Music]it’s so good this really turned outamazing my family is gonna love it Ihope you love it thanks for tuning inwe’ll catch you next time I’m cookingwith a little spice