BBQ Turkey Recipes

Volcano Turkey Thanksgiving | Gas Grill | Cedar Plank | BBQ Champion Harry Soo

#HarrySoo #SlapYoDaddyBBQ #BBQTurkey
It’s turkey time and for viewers who asked how to cook a turkey on a gas grill, here’s a simple dry-brine turkey with a rum flambe volcano at the end. Bonus – how to make turkey gravy. Click “SHOW MORE” for links and info. Love outdoor grilling? Want to master BBQ so you can spread BBQ love? You’ve come to the right place. I’ve been cooking and teaching with live fire over 10 years as a competition BBQ cook. You may have also seen me on Chopped Grill Masters, Cutthroat Kitchen, Smoked, and BBQ Pitmasters. Be sure to subscribe for recipes and black belt pitmaster tips and tricks.

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Hi! I’m Harry Soo, a Grand Champion pitmaster from in Diamond Bar, near Los Angeles. Welcome to my vlogs, BBQ product reviews, travel & lifestyle videos, BBQ contests, classes, as well as interviews and stories.

On weekdays, I’m an IT nerd living a Dilbertesque existence in a fabric covered cubicle in downtown LA. I’m the head tour guide for a team of IT project managers who build datacenters, networks, servers, and infrastructure that helps bring tap water to 300 cities and 20 million residents in SoCal.

On weekends, I come alive as a pitmaster, competitor, and BBQ instructor. You’ve seen me on BBQ Pitmasters, Food Network, Chopped Grill Masters, Smoked, Cutthroat Kitchen, and local TV in California. My shtick is I’ve used a humble 18-inch Weber Smokey Mountain smoker to win 100+ first places and 1st place USA in the Kansas City BBQ Society (KCBS) awards including best chicken, brisket, and sirloin; and I’ve won over 27 Grand Championships. I’ve personally taught 200+ classes and trained 3,000+ pitmasters in small hands-on dozen student classes in the US, Sydney, London, Kuala Lumpur, Canada, and Hawaii.

I get many questions weekly about how to grill and barbecue. Since I started cooking professionally in 2008, I’ve answered thousands via email so I decided to post my answers via video to reach a wider audience. I’ll do my best to post a video on my channel periodically. I upload vlogs, BBQ product reviews, travel & lifestyle videos, BBQ contests, classes; as well as interviews and stories.

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Video Transcription

hey everybody is Harry from Socraticbarbecue YouTube channel that teachesyou how to master barbecue so you canspread barbecue loveit’s my Thanksgiving turkey episodeagain and I would like to show you guyskind of how to do a turkey in a gasgrill in your backyard a lot of folkshave told me that you guys don’t have asmoker but we’re gonna show you guys howto create a Thanksgiving great turkeyand you’ll get smoked at home I’m gonnashow you guys how to do planking if youuse some planks here we’re also gonnakind of do a little a Mayo with a slurryon it I’m gonna do kind of a rum fromBay at the end to make your own versionof a volcano Thanksgiving turkeyessentially what we’re doing we’re doingessentially a dry brine right Bryan is avery effective technique to get flavorinto your turkey all right this one hassay save some of this up what we want todo is to untangle the legs check for thegiblets you can’t provide any have theneck and you want to turn it around andthen get the giblets out of here so trynot to cook this with this pouch in herea lot of people don’t realize that theturkey has a area in the neck where theystuff deliver the heart use it here sothese are the parts of the turkey here’sthe heart here’s the liver and here’sthe Geezer so you got three organs hereand then you’ve got the neck here okayso don’t just remember to pick take thisout these make good really good gravywe’re gonna mix it with this to kind ofcook it and make a turkey gravy to gowith our Thanksgiving turkeythis is the tail of the turkey so Ialways throw it in a sauce so it makesgood turkey gravy sauce so I have somebest food mail so I’m gonna do a mailturkey this time the meal will give it anice stickiness and I’m gonna put mywrap on it we’re gonna let it sitovernight or at least a few hours Ireckon for four hours it probably doesit with my wrap so I’m gonna get amassage or in the British way they saymassage I’m gonna get the mail and as atacky surface also the mail helps yetthe little bit of browning on the turkeyitself I’m gonna use a combination of mychicken wrap and my aqua first rub sothese two rubs really work really well alot of teams everything walks using thistruck I’m gonna apply some rough on theinside I’m gonna get some of my purseand my chicken rub onto the cavity areahere we’re gonna let it sit and do a drybrine dry brine is a very effectivetechnique for you to get flavor intoyour meatsnotice how the rub is sticking nicelynow it’s a very easy way to get your upto stick just a nice nice thin coat ofmail chicken rub on it so will penetrateovernight I recommend you do it aboutfour hours if you can it’ll be longer ifyou have the time for cooking a turkeyThanksgiving dinner you usually want toprep the day beforeokay I just want to men – mention asafety tip here so you saw me use aspatula to scoop the dollop of mail tothrow on a turkey you notice that myspatula did not touch the turkey beforeI threw it back in here so please do notcross contaminate your Mayo at home whenyou do this because when you use thespatula you touch the turkey is nolonger safe to go back into yourMayo jar so please be careful don’tcross contaminate our turkey has restedfor a few hours having a few about fourhours so we’re ready to take it out nowand mount it on kind of a a littlechicken filter here you can use any oneyou like but I justone of those kind of beer can chickenholders like so okay and I have twoplants here we’re gonna be put on thegrill and I’m gonna show you today howto cook a turkey using a gas grillbecause a lot of you probably you knowdon’t have access to a smoker so this isa good option if you’re cooking at homeyou guess good burners on low and I’veour infrared burner on I’m going to goahead and put my two chunks of wood heredo planks of wood and over time thiswood will set to smolder and let thewood kind of smolder and we’re gonnaroast it around 300 325 degrees untilthe turkey is dead 42 getting thereeighty-fivewhat’s the turkey has a reach the colorthat you desire I always recommend youput a little tent foil away so thatdoesn’t overcook when you want to keepthe kind of a breast moist here thispart here you see the thighs take alittle bit longer to cook so thistenting method allows you to keep thebreasts moist at the same time keep theeyes in the dark meat all nicely cookedyou notice that the plank is startingyou know I spoiled it a little bit thisis the kind of easy way also to cookturkey without kind of messing up yourgas grill too much let’s go ahead andmake our turkey gravy now and I’m sureyou this really simple recipe just melta stick of butter and about a half a cupof flour get a little rule here what youwant to do is you want to cook the flouryou kind of remove the raw taste of theflour gonna add turkey stock that we hadearlier we boiled the neck gizzard liverheart and the turkey a little bit of along rule going here be sure not to boilthe cardinal rule hot liquid hereand you wanna mix it thoroughly no lumpsget it in the consistency you like Ilike to make it a little bit kind ofmore diluted kind of runny a little bitbecause you don’t think enough as itkind of cools down there’s an optionalpart here I like you chopped up liverand the parts here and kind of dump thatinto my turkey gravy this is optional ifyou don’t like turkey liver and partsdon’t put this part in but I like it inthere and use a little bit texturetesting of black pepper and there youhave it very simple turkey gravy foryour Thanksgiving dinner you can makethis ahead obviously and keep warm let’smake sure that you have enough liquid soit’s runny because you don’t thicken upas it cools down alright now that theturkey is ready let’s continue theflambe and for a little bit dramaticeffect you can have your guests watchyou as you flambe the turkey and youhave a little bit of volcano turkeygoing on here and yes a little bit of arum flavor here’s the turkey isabsolutely beautifully crusted on thepit you cooked it 165 degrees in thethigh and then about maybe 160 in thepress I’m gonna basically show you guyshow to carve a turkey put it on a plateput some gravy on it and show you guyshow to play the turkey but those of youwho are very intimidated about how tocarve a turkey I’ll show you some reallyreally simple way to carve a turkeyfirst thing you want to do is you wantto take off the tie and the drum so sowhat you do is you push it down then youhit a bone crack so you can see the boneright here you run your knife into thebone back set this asideabsolutely gorgeous and then you takeoff the wing run your knife right downthe armpit here you see the bone hereonce you hit the joint of the bone wingwill come off just this one piece justlike that okay that’s so hard next thingone movie so in order for us to cut thebird trim the breast we have to pull thewishbone up I’m gonna show you guys howwe pull the wishbone the wishbone isright in hereand they got a wishbone and which boardcan be felt like a little why and onceyou get the wishbone out it’s easy to goahead and pull the breast up here removethe wishbone like so it’s one wishbonecoming up so once you find the twowishbones you can pull it out and youtwo sitting a little bitvoila so here’s the wishbone so make awish and then pull one two three pullall right so I have to pick a piece so Ithink the rule is the bigger piece getsthe wish all right here so to remove thefishbone and then it’s homestretch afterthat a lot of people don’t know this andthey start cutting into the breast andthen it causes a whole host of problemsbut the trick is to just remove thewishbone once you remove the wishbonethe breast was vise very very nicely soget a nice knife run it down get yourknife into the turkey tenderloin my soulso and you just slice it down and thebreast just comes off beautifully likethat see yaso now you have the basic pieces hereyou have the wing this up here you havethe yard by the drum and the breast sothose are the main parts of a turkey howto be born the tie so when you do yourun your knife down the backside here tothe forty-ninth and then I kind of movethe meat around slice it thinly for theplate letter[Music][Music]all right so you ready for yourThanksgiving turkey what do you do bethankful for beans that you have a homeand you have lots and lots of meat toeat here we goturkey Thanksgiving turkey and mr. beansthere you go mr. Bean’s HappyThanksgiving[Music]

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