BBQ Turkey Recipes

Jack Daniels Bbq Jerk Turkey Wings

2lb small turkey wings
1 tsp black pepper
1 tbsp onion powder
1 tbsp garlic powder
3 tbsp green seasoning
1 tbsp minced onion
1 tbsp Jerk seasoning rub

/ cups bbq sauce
1+1/2 cup water
100 ml Jack Daniels Tennessee Whiskey
1-2 tbsp Jerk Seasoning

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Video Transcription

hey guys so today we’re making some JackDaniels barbecue jerk turkey wingsthey’re so yummy so let’s get startedwith the recipe so if you want you cancut out the head part of the turkeywings but yeah I left mines on but I’mjust showing you guys if you want youcould just simply cut it off and next Iwashed my turkey wings and now I’m gonnasee that it I seasoned the wings withsalt black pepper onion powder garlicpowdera few tablespoons of greening seasoningsand the green seasoning you can find itand the Caribbean section of the grocerystore or you could actually make ityourself by following any recipe on hereand lastly I’m gonna add some jerkseasoning so I added a Tim spoon of thejerk seasoning if you want you could addlike about two tablespoons to me if youlike your wings a lot of extra spicy somix the seasonings into the turkey wingsand then we’re gonna cover it and let itmarinate overnight let it marinateovernight or for at least two to fourhours because you won the wings toreally take the favor of the jerkseasoningokay so now we’re gonna start making theJack Daniels barbecue jerk sauce for thewings so in a pot over medium low heat Iadded in one bottle of barbecue sauceyou could use your favorite brand ofbarbecue sauce I decided to use a sweetand spicy flavor and then I added in acup and a half of water so I added thewater into the barbecue sauce bottle andshe shook it and theninto the pot next time adding in two ofthe little bottles of Jack Danielswhiskey so added to and I also added ina little bit of jerk seasoning so if youdon’t mind your sauce and your turkeywings being more on the spicy side youcan add more of the jerk seasoning Ididn’t add too much of – because Ididn’t want – too spicyand of course jerk seasoning is on thespicy side so you could add about atablespoon to two tablespoons of yoursauce if you want it spicyso use a possible and mix the sauce tomix everything together and we’re gonnalet that cover it and let it come to aboil and once it starts boiling you’regonna turn it over let it simmer forabout ten to fifteen minutes until itthickens just a little so next we’regonna put our turkey wings in a bakingdish and oh don’t forget to preheat youroven to 350 degrees so you can do thatnow and then put your turkey wings inthe baking dish and then we were simplygo to spoon the sauce about half thewrath of the sauce we made over theturkey wing and be sure to add any leftover marinade from seasoning the wingson top of it also so yeah do that andthen we’re gonna start beast at the topof the wings behalf of the sauce we madeso I’m just using a spoon and I’mpouring it over the wings and then we’regonna cover the wings cover them withsome foil paper and bake it in ofat 350 degrees for hour-and-a-half soafter one hour and a half I’m gonnaremove it from the oven and I’m gonnaflip the wings on the other side andalso I’m gonna baste it with the saucefrom the pan or you could actually addin the remaining sauce know and justbeast it on top of the wings and coverit back and put it back into the oven tobake for about an hour to hour and ahalf again until the wings are tendersoft and almost falling off the bone oruntil they’re cooked to your liking forthe last 30 minutes of cooking Iuncovered my wings and I baste it withsome of the sauce in the pan again sojust you just speak to you know put thesauce on top of the wings and yeah Ibake it uncovered for the last 30minutes[Music]and yeah that’s it for making these JackDaniels barbecue jerk turkey wingsthey’re so delicious and full of flavorthey’re so good so thank you guys somuch for watching I hope you enjoyed thevideo give these wings a try let me knowhow they turned out and I’ll see younext time[Music]

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