BBQ Turkey Recipes


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What up FAM! Welcome back to our channel! Today we’re eating giant bbq smoked turkey wings and thighs. We hope you guys enjoy!
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Video Transcription

[Music][Music]what do and I’m going to be welcome backChina on horse and I’m working anyway sobefore getting too much day we’ve gotsome turkey wings you get some turkeyeyes subscribe so there’s rice is makesure they don’t open breakfast okay thisrice actually left over from breakfastwe hosted PR game which mmm it’s beingread comment down below everything howthey fight is funnythat’s where crack up all time butprison your honorit’s a timeout everybody scheduledsupremacy us while they win the matterbecause as you know Bayer do any day nowwe are landlocked with that we couldand the game was specific gift thispregnancy for baby a baby at a otherfaultyou can love so we just sang for themajority baby and fellowship they’rejust saying check shield oh okayyou just have a relaxing time then youmay be fooled on camera doesn’t even owna pro camera don’t do people justthat’s a little bit finding with thepower company erroneous connect Peterwhat happened your soul started withpermissible if I went for two days twodays almost a reflex and then you cutour power off too late for our Beatlesyou can do and if that’s not enough thatinsult injury and that’s to tell ustheir if they determine that is thewrongness on their behalf did not evengive us on went back what we get as acrime deal bro what are you talkingabout manif they’re to tell me there wasn’t airthat a car whatever over to their arm orwith the bill that gives time to be itwould be a classic well you know we gotem Jensen our dynasty down me win oficebox monarchy especially you knowalready how to be on TV and not anythingtoday might need money for taking it tocall me outso while I was out I got sick with othertotal air kicks my voice hoarse buty’all know I’m thankful for the powerbeing I felt over there because they’reactually meeting some over there chipsand throw some figures you know becausethe Bible says you know if they see meso will you have the varsity you’resupposed to always understand the guyhad your best interests at heartwith all this which are just barbecuesauce siryou know one is this spicy on thatbottle which bullieson the ride waiver every time I needthis bowl now we know this may not be onterrible a lot of food but also forthose of you I stick with thistraditional move blogger Lee outsidethat’s not us and we eat such a widevariety of things but our pal just callsfor a different way please okay up theredetacher spawn giving upall right up here Oh Noman how about those no controversy heyif you watch footballshut up t because I love the game offootballso I ain’t no play here you got aspecific team that you like I ain’tsaying you know I’m winning so like thateven a strange wonder my failure so wewant to put the monkeys up OK byyourself in the middle I mean unlessyour journal oh no it is itso I’ve danced in the middle don’t meanit’s on my mind I did my mom went overthen your love it’s like just a life ofbeing a parent straight posture Fanny Iwant somebody I’ve been walking aroundthe Mitch Mitch shoes is prettygeneration are they in their opinion youknow what bypass the house you don’thave a we’re we have twenty six percentchance of winning again without the beatawesome that’s just over for pharmacyI’m gonna show you be the mother bymorning Chester stop my water so all[Music][Music]y’all hit his wife Anna so hard cuz if Iwere you need love our baby school[Music]cheating ms-dos a monster you target ourstaff that would be business we don’tfail it was all hype I never knew about[Music]we call the PMP timing down right youknow what P a P stand for one one thoseacronyms your one word no dairy nostammerPete you figure out the rear to see ifyou can do it[Music][Music]you take your good that’s why I saidwatch the hair in fact before me back bythem in times of family stuff go oncrackeither breath no going back Jim you knowwhat they always say here but I’ve justgot a lot on my mom bastard what’s wrongI just I was ballistic maybe there’s PDdeposition get the Beckett back okayI’ll meet you the minute okay[Music][Music][Music]and that was deductible but sadly wehave come to the point – we should beginthis one here I’ve washed voice yeahbake them a jack before I’m sorryit’s all hurting hery’all heard it first so sad we come tothe point in the end of the video whatwe must nature Gaston so to this videofilehave

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