BBQ Turkey Recipes

Texas Turkey Breasts and Most Controversial BBQ Topics – Season 2: Episode 40

Texas Turkey Breasts and Most Controversial BBQ Topics
HowToBBQRight Podcast S2E40
with Malcom and Rachelle Reed

This week on the HowToBBQRight Podcast, we talk about Texas Style Turkey (7:02) what really puts this recipe over the top (14:15) Malcom’s secret ingredient for a killer turkey sandwich (17:08) and how you can use this recipe for smaller turkey breasts – and even chicken (19:38).

Then I ask Malcom his opinion on controversial BBQ topics like pellet grills (24:57), electrical smokers (26:29), MSG (38:31), Liquid Smoke (29:26), Grass Fed Beef (30:51), Injecting with Phosphates (34:38), Wrapping with Foil (38:27), Medium Rare (43:18), Burnt Ends (44:57) and why Memphis has the best BBQ (48:02).

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Video Transcription

welcome to Malcolm reads how to barbecuewrite a podcast where we talk aboutbarbecue share recipes and discuss allthings delicious and now here’s yourhost Malcolm and Rochelle Reid heywelcome back to the how to barbecue ridepodcastI’m your host Malcolm Reed joined by mybeautiful and talented wife misssouthern shale chillhow’s it going really well had a goodweek so far we wrapped up the last ofour turkey videos for the year I wentthree turkey videos I didn’t know they’dhold no punches we started out with theclub come back with the what was itstuffed and smoked turkey last week andthen rounded it out with a Texas styleturkey breast that’s what we’re gonnatalk about first right or you gotsomething you want to get into youapp the app is back up Conda we noticedwell the company redesigned it or notredesigned it just made sure everythingwas functioning properly added a likefeature to it we hired a freelancer thefirst time the first time and so we hadan app but it crashed did it make it funfor I don’t know a year I was here andthen they issued an update on thewebsite that basically pushes therecipes to the app updated when thathappened everything was time to updatethe app to go with on with that one andlo and behold we couldn’t get touch intouch with the fellows created the appso we didn’t have no clue that updatedbut we hired another company to go inand get it all working and they fit theissue to update or it was a big we’vebeen working on this since Julyyeah it took a while yeah cuz I had tofigure out what the guy did first yeahthat’s the best way I do not explain itthat’s what they told me so this weekwe’ve been testing it and everythinglooked great on Orion everything lookedgreat on there in we released it but afew people are still having issuesI guess the Android people mainly rightI we’re working on it or going they knowand now we have updateyou have to actually go in and updatethe app to get the new version oh yeahit can’t just be set the motto orwhatever yeah yeah that’s what I did Iwent into my iPhone and I went into mysettings on the you know the App Storewhere my apps were it made it manuallypull down the updates and then it tookit for a while before it ever told methere was an update and after a fewhours it said update available and Iupdated it yeah then it’s weren’t finesince it’s a lot faster what I’m sayingyeah and there’s a save feature favoritefeature and you can get to all thesocial post you can get to the podcaston it listen to us you can get to theshop if you need some supplies endingarchive all your favorite old videos orwhatever you know the recipes not thatthat’s coolhope it continues to work okay in forher we’re paying for app monitoring nowso if there’s problems y’all let us knowbut most people are having no problemsand it’s working good what have youlearned from this whole app experiencebut I know nothing about it developmentof apps and you’re pretty much in theirhands yeah there’s a hurry-up-and-waitapproach to it and nothing gets donefast I know why app guys at developersmake so much money and it’s all Greek tome yeah yeah everybody kept emailinglike I sure we should get that appworking let me do ya it is a B thoughall that stuff I go back reference themif I’m going the grocery store I’ll pullit out okay a business I’m making it’sit makes it easier than having to justget on the computer and or try tonavigate it through a safari orsomething you know a browser update appif you still have issues let us say yeahsure emailing me an email maybe they’llget lost I’ll try to check oh that’sjust a fluid um you’re not the bestchecking emails this week exists Turkeywell we’ll have one I have one otherthing pique giveaway oh yeah now that webriefly mentioned that last week but itlive Sunday and we did you set a timeit’s going live Africawhenever we posted Sunday on Instagramis live yeah and then it’s going downit’s going but it’s going for a fullweek so the next Sunday it’ll be overand we’ll be if if you follow us on allthe social sites you’ll see about it butthe post will be on our Instagram mainala barbecue right page on Instagramit’ll be the last post up for that wholeweek and we’ll probably do some storiesand stuff but it’ll be the main post onour site and you can comment on thatpost all you have to do is like our pagelike P K’s page and France France isthat easy and you win you could win apk3 potentially one person’s going onone lucky person to win a brand new 360a little more raised great and amaverick wire profile gets to it mightbe Wireless probe thermometer I thinkI’m sure it has a bar to the beat Probut think it looked like it had a littlehand I didn’t I didn’t look at it realhard but it’s it’s $100you know thermometer at least I wouldthink yeah the whole value package islike 900 bucks so we’re lucky enough togive that away and it’ll be shippedright to you all you have to do is enteryou don’t do anything else no purchasenecessary 18 and I’ll maintain and overus resident only enter once notaffiliated with Instagram anything elseI gotta say like I covered it so checkout for that if you want to try to winon 360 which is an awesome girl yeahthey can’t go to one of my friends Iguess you could I don’t know whatthey’ll doI I’m not actually picking the winner Itold PK that I didn’t want to beconsidered doing favoritism or anythingso they’ve got a randomly generatednumber selection thing and it’s gonna Iguess it’ll it’ll pick out a numberthey’ll count down the post andwhoever’s the lucky person will get ityeah and it’s coming from PK they’regonna ship it right to you so you don’tdo anything just wait to be contactedalthough they’re gonna tell me of thewinner isn’t and we’ll make a post aboutthe winner yes and hopefully they’ll puta picture and tag us in it when they geta brand new PK delivered to their homebut the whole thing’s because PK he’sdoing that giveaway all winter longyou bother great man yeah what is theturkey take like they want to get that’sjust their name of their promotions likegetting rid of turkeys like Turkey timesover its back time to grill until the PK360 or the PK down turkeys with your PKokay I could take that some Turkey’sturkey bacon turkey no I did one lastturkey video last week for the year it’smy last one I promise you yeah and itwas appropriate but it was so I didn’twant to do like a traditionalThanksgiving style recipe and if you’veever been to Texas and seeing turkey onthe menu this is pretty much how they doit most places they take these monstersized turkey breastsI like a sore thumb I’m guessing beenheat or u.s. foods in Texas or Cisco orsomewhere maybe some people maybe theprocess over there I don’t know I don’tknow where they’re getting these Julyturkey breast but they’re monstersthey’re four or five pounds just eachbreast on each side so it’s got to comeoff a big turkey walk around bowed upworked out I want to know now I’m one ofthe by like a 24 25 pound turkey and cutthem off myself and I don’t know why Inever thought of that it never occurredto me I’d want to do this recipe for awhile this I we went over to Lockhartback when the nbb QA was a it’s beensome years ago it was in San Marcos andwe took our own little barbecue crawlspots all over that turkey on the minionit was great it’s you know it’s God wenever had Turkey like no no it wasbecause it was caliph would you wouldyou call it black pepper Turkey – it’sjust like a savory seasoning on theoutside salt and pepper there’s such awonderful thing when you put it in somesmoke like it’s not overly peppery it’snot overly salty it’s just a greatsavory flavor yeah and it tastes yeahand it makes a good bark on it and itsticks to this that sticks to the meatyou know they pull the skin off of theseand then some like I saw some commentspeople so they leave the skin on I guessyou could but to me you’re gonna loseall that even if you did it’s gone whenyou slice it you know those faces ittears up so muchI just think it was great to do itwithout it though I like that style andsmoked turkey skin is not that great nohe doesn’t get crispy it’s gonna be yeahso I think it’s came off trimmed it upthere was nothing to trimming it up hehad a little bit of fat these were likesome fresh turkey breasts that had beengrown from a farm somewhere you knowlocally sourcedI guess they come I didn’t ask KevinWare’s what farm they come from and hada sticker on it I don’t remember what itwas but they come like wrapped up infoil double packed in the vacuum cellpouch with the logo some farm on it andwhen I got on they were he partiallyfrozen him to the ship him and I juststuck him in the fridge and let themthaw it you know fished on anotherperfect I mean did you talk about whereyou got him yeah they come from my buddyso I couldn’t get these at the storeyeah and I could have been there I’vebeen looking for never found them and soI called I was talking with Kevin downthe butcher shop he owns a butcher shopin Pensacola gets us a lot of great meetcompetition me he’s got all kinds ofstuff so goodflagging me I mean and I asked him he’slike man you anything going on you knowthis for these next few recipes and Isaid well I really like to do these youknow Texas style turkey breast but Ican’t find them he said oh man let memake some calls cuz it wasn’t somethingthat he sells all the time he said I gotyou I mean won’toh yeah so he say shipped them up to meand uh and I did them this week I’mfantasticso where you got the idea from LockhartTexas from yeah I guess it was lessfirst place I had it I mean now when wewent out to Arizona Little Miss barbecuehad turkey the same style turkey they’redoing texas-style barbecue it was goodthere too but these turkey gettingserved with sauce or anything like thatthey just they cook these turkey breastsand they take them off and they holdthem warm until you get ready to buy itat the restaurant and they put it upthere and slice off how much ever youwant it’s sold by the pound but you maygo in there and say give me you know aslice of turkey breast a couple of ribsand then half pound of brisket orwhatever that’s how you order it you canorder it by the pound or by the slicehowever you want no clutter it’s thickeras thin as you want and so that’s what Iwas going for that Texasrestaurant style or not it is arestaurant vodkaTexas barbecue restaurant style turkeyis what it was and it’s all I did washit it with that a new card o-type Texasbrisket rub it’s TAC I thought it is soever since I got Jolin I’ve been workingon my takes a style brisket the saltpepper brisket and I’m making so manylike I said well I just started out withjust like a big empty tone shaker I hadand I would just add the pepper and thesalt and I might tweak it a little bithere and there but is mainly like Ithink it’s 14 mesh pepper that I boughtand then kosher salt like Morton’skosher salt from Sam’s I bought a bigbox and I would just break out I didn’tnecessarily you’re adding a littlegarlic a little R yeah I’ll put some init just to make it my own twist on itsome of them some of them they do have alittle other stuff in them and I wouldjust keep a shaker of that and I wasputting it on brisket and so it’s got tothe point where I think it’s good enoughto sell and I want using it’s good oneverything I’ve usually don’t stay it’sgreat on ribs it’s really good on turkeyyeah and it makes a phenomenal brisketI’m done we’re talking loose you know weare gonna sell it yeah got a label lookfor it and that bottle was just like alabel up for it awful printer at homeand I said I gotta have something to putit in so let’s put there this creates abuzz around it and so hopefully I’ve gotit already formulating they sent mesamples back and I liked it so I’m justwaiting on label design and nutritionalanalysis and cost I have no idea whatthey’re gonna tell me that much costyeah bad it all be about the same pricesall over the roads I hope so if not Iain’t going for it I’m not gonna chargeyou know cuz you really could just goblend you and that’s what the whole partof that recipe was if you want toduplicate this just do like two partspepper to one part salt if you want tothrow something other than they’re fineif not just run it you know there’s noMSG in anything like that I think theonly other thing I put in it was like alittle bit of onion a little bit ofgarlic and maybe some herbs like oreganoparsley or sigh Karen I got the recipewrote down and everything I can give itout but no injection no Brian no and Joeyou know Brian you could if you wantedto if you wanted to yeah if you want toinject that Turkey pressure Brian itit’d been really good and I might dothat next week yeah because I got onemore in the freezer well actually to cuzit’s a whole package it’s got two ofthose big breasts in it and so I made Imade Brian I’m gonna brown one and Jackone see what it goes well that’s gonnabe some good eatin now this this turkeyis perfect for making sandwiches it madea killer killer sandwich I’ll talk aboutthat after we finished how it cooked itso it goes on the pit and in Texas theyuse offset pits that’s how they smokethem to Post Oak most of the time youcould use makan I wouldn’t deviate toofar away from that if you want trueTexas style but hey if you want ahickory smoked turkey breastsalt and pepper go for it really yougood you could use any pit I wrote it275 for about two hours the good steadysmoke and then then this is what puts itover the top finishing it in the stickof butter and I don’t know the we’re outwhere I saw this is Erin frankly I meanthis ain’t my recipe here Franklin gavethis out this is how they do it in therestaurant and so I would just smoke itand then let it rest and slice it upservice yeahso that’s what I did and I put a stickof butter it was just regular saltedbutter I have a stick on bottom put thebreast in there and like skin side up ortop side whatever you call it down onthat butter so it’s clicking upside downthe next part of the cook put the restof butter on top wrapped it up tightjust stuck a probe in it when it got toabout 160 – ish you know I pulled it offand let it rest and sliced it afterabout 30 minutes you know I wasimpressed when you pulled it out of thatwrap it looked the same as when it wentoh yeah the butter was still stuck on itthe bark was still there that’s what thetwo hours and that good dry Post Oaksmoke does it creates that barca kind ofcrust on the outside so everything stucklike if it when I picked it up to wrapit if it would all you know been stickyand rubbed off so and it probably wouldcome off in that much butter yeah butsince you know since ityeah since it said it all stuck to itit’s still like the few pieces that areleft and a frigerator still got thatgood cross I decided if it snacking onit all week turn me off a piece it’sgood for it’s just all-natural turkeybreast I mean how can that be bad it’sstill juicy cold nut bag dude but so inin the video I cooked four of them withjust two old birds yeah and three ofthem we vacuum sealed up and we tookwhat what would you say was about a cupof that butter drippings maybe even lastnight maybe 2/3 maybe him it’s a goodamount and we poured that in it and Ipoured it up in a measuring cup I didn’tmeasure eyes that was a closest thing tome to pour that butter in and so Ipoured it in there and you put it in thebag and sealed it up I stuck them in thefreezer and they’ll be ready to go to Imean how are you gonna reheat thosefirst I would let them thaw out like theplan is probably to eat those huntingtake them deer camp or duck camp orwhatever but I would just take them outof the fridge and let them thaw out andthen yeah you could pop in the microwaveand reheated you could put it in theoven put it back on the smoker it justneeds to come back up to 140 at thispoint they’re not sliced I’d probablyslice um cold and reheat it or makesandwich you could just make sandwichesout of it could you just thought that’sready to go just ready no I mean you’dwant it to be you know you know you onlyfroze like to have it completely thawedit’s fine to go ahead so this sandwichthat I did and this was killer to pieceof white bread no toast no nothing youdidn’t text you I put mayo on both sidespretty heavy yeah turkey and thenshredded lettuce like iceberg lettuce isleftover from taco night yeah Lesterfrom talking like and there’s thisthere’s this taku dressing that that alocal Memphis company sells are startedcalled Poncho’s tropicale dressing and Icall it like a Mexican vinaigrette it’skind of mustard sugar at the time it’ssweet it’s it’s really good and Idrizzled thereall over that lettuce and that sandwichand that’s it and it made that turkeysandwich was so goodI made mine but I didn’t think to putthe Poncho’s on it cuz you made yoursafter I mean right I made mine and itwas a really good turkey sandwich butthen I took a bite of yours withoutPancho’s dressing on it that’s good justa little sweet a little mustard yeah alittle bit of oregano that went withthat pepper and salt flavor of theturkey and I smoked it was good if youwere to put a fresh tomato in there withit it would have been more some cheeseor some baconI’ve been redoing my club I didn’t thinkthis was just a quick sandwich so onething I thought about if you once youpulled that turkey off the smoker itswrapped up you let it rest for 30minutes or so yeah before we sliced itbut you could have thrown that in acooler I would have been good for hoursyeah yeah you could have taken iteverywhere and it would have you knowwith a regular turkey you got the skinthe skin can get soggy can you know youcan lose some right skin when you’reholding it’s not gonna do that with thewith the skin off and that black peppersalt and rest on it that’s what Ithoughtyep and that would be a really goodwould it take somewhere if you had toyeah because it cuz it would stay warmfor so long and you know once it getsbelow 140 you’re on the clock when itneeds to be a to refrigerated but itwould take it a few hours to get downthere and it’s gonna be perfect right at140 I mean that’s let’s get eating padyeah no I didtip it just to be curious what they wereafter 30 minutes they were still at 160I didn’t drop much no I just said it waskind of cool that they do yeah wouldn’thot you know that it it’s probably 55 Iwould say outside and it sit there for30 minutes they were still under sixtydegrees but you can see the steam comingoff when I was cutting it what if youbought us you bought a turkey debone thebreasts you know pulled the breasts offthe the turkey a whole turkey but it’snot gonna be that size what if it’s likehalf that size what would your cook tombe oh it would speed it up I’d probablyyou know size just say if for instancesomebody asks could you do this withchicken breast yeah something small likethat I would say thirty minutesto set the seasoning and then finish itin butter the other 30 minutes itusually it usually a big chicken breastslike that and I’m talking them you knowwhen that’s eight ounces or so will takeabout an hoursmaller ones about 45 minutes but youcould do that with turkey you know withthe larger size turkey breasts or I wantyou to let me good yeah heck yeah I’mmaking chicken sandwiches would be realgood I have to try that would it workfor a bone-in turkey yes I mean yourbreastsyou could do that same I mean I don’tsee why I wouldn’t pull the skin of itoff and do the same thing then you cutthem off right there and yeah thatthere’s no reason why that wouldn’t workfor me it’s pretty pretty basic so Idon’t get any more simple yes it wouldwork I mean the times are gonna bedifferent you know when it comes tocooking turkey I found the biggest thingit just gets you a decent the thermaldot is the easiest and cheapest one thatI know that’s really super accurateabout for 30 40 bucks oh yeah oh theygot myself a 25 all the time we’ve hadthat one we use in the kitchen for twothree years yeah if you know that sowith this recipe I would say to 140 iswhen you want to get wrapped with thebutter and you could take a whole breastand wrap it up with the butter too and Imean there’s no reason why you couldn’tyou could spatchcock take that wholebreast cut the backbone part out lay itout like a spatchcock cook them likethat and then wrap that whole thing upand then cut them off I better be reallygood now think about it because cookingon the bone like that gives you so muchmore flavor I’m really going to playwith brining them and Jack them inbecause I just did it straight turkeymeat with that season and oak smokesimple simple simpleand the flavor was phenomenal reallygood you thought that it would lookedugly the bottom side well just where itlays on the you know the bar grates butthat’s part of it I like the way beenreally cooked on a pin thick coat yeahyou couldn’t fake that but no pelletsinvolved in that one not knocking mypellets right that was Jolene at herfinestbut that’s a long-feared federal lawhospitalizes like stuff like that justlater logs I know you say in the commhere you know one thing I wrote downhere is that’s not something people toexpect to get on Thanksgivingyeah that’s why it’s not traditionalyeah Thanksgiving fair but if you did itlike why you’re smoking your traditionalthing yeah had another one and you coulddo see that’s the great thing aboutdoing those especially if we can getthose big ones you could do twodifferent ways you know and you could doa Cajun one like that then you could doyour you know the Texas one or you coulddo a traditional one but and then youcould do that I mean there’s you couldget some different flavors going on andit’d be really good a jerk turkey yousay that’s yeah I thought I thoughtabout doing that too yes the jerks alsodifferent wings man that because at theport yeah I better be really good somoving on to our main topic fruit that’sI wouldn’t change nothing phoebscovering but know I would changeanything on that recipe just maybe tryyeah use that one use that as a guidelike to how to cook it and then playwith all your flavors however you wantyeahJackson’s seasonings marinades whateveryou want to do to it yeah simplest way Icould show you how to do it take histurkey so we had it on our um kind ofyou know when we lay out our topics wetry to plan ahead we’re headed on abouthosting Thanksgiving and Christmasholiday parties but I thought that wasboring yeah we’ve been talking aboutthat a bunch of yeah so last minute Idecided to do controversial BBQ topicone of those young buddy I don’t I don’tI didn’t prepareanything for this one I just a lot youtell me when to be here I’m gonna throwsome topics out and you give me youropinion I could do that all day longfill the time I don’t get me any kind oftrouble is it the barbecue police whenhave you ever cared about the barbecuepolice pretty good so what’s the firstdeparture what do you think the firstcontroversial topic would be pelletsso yesPoint Blank do not go pellets are notgonna be coals or real wood smoke anyday hands down as much as I use pelletgrills there’s many different ones as Ihave I will be the first to say theydon’t come they don’t come close to itnow is it good yeah it’s good barbecuebut it’s not there’s no there’s noduplicating they’re real wood fire andthe smoke you get from a good properairflow I mean that’s that’s fact butyou use them but I use them and I usethem and I like them I like them becausethey’re easy I like them because theycook good it’s even heat and you knowyou can get some smoke flavor you not toworry about over smoking something andyou know they’re easy would you ever umuse them for a big contest did Iabsolutely did not have access to any ofmy other pits my way if I still throwsome wings on them for Saturdayafternoon yeah all day long cook turkeyI probably could I don’t know if I’m notprobably gonna fire of Jailene forcooking Thanksgiving yeah going huntingall week I’m gonna cook Thanksgivingturkeys and ham some fella girl goingyeah man I know just freeI’ve noticed that you get better butyou’re talking I was just done it allout there what about Electrical smokerswhat’s your opinion on electricalsmokers never cooked on one not evenonceso what I don’t recommend them I mean Iknow that’s what people have some peoplethat’s only thing they have access to Idon’t I mean I don’t think for the moneyyou spend on that I spend spend a couplemore hundred bucks and get me a pelletreel or a weber smokey mountain youthink an electrical smoker and a pelletsmoker or about the same level of each Iwould rank the electrical one bulletyeah they’re probably just as easy Iguess I’m saying if you’re gonna buy anelectrical one for ease of use yeah it’spretty easymostly they just operate off like apellet puck or something like that apuck of wood or you can put some chipson the element or something and it’s notthey don’t move the air and stuff it’sjust it’s kind of just like conventionaloven cooking really so what’s thedifference between electrical smoke anda pellet smoker would you say delishyou’re burning wood on the that’s yourheat source on the pellet grill the airsmoving a little more much those pelletgrills are based on like a the stickburner design because they have the fanpushing there and it’s drawing good airout those electric ones aren’t doingthat they’re just radiating heat it’sjust radiant heat in thereI miss producing some smoke but most Idon’t have anywhere to go except insideitself yeah man I don’t know I hadn’tpaid that touch that close of attentiondon’t many of them but that’s just notfor me you’re not down on the electricalit’s not down on the electrical smokersI’ve had the opportunity to cook on themand people said they would give me someand if somebody offered us to do acookbook I’m not cooking on electricalsmart there’s too many other ones outthere now if if now says the only thingI had and I was out somewhere I wantedto cook something yeah I probably wouldI’d cook in a clay pot with like somework you dig a pit take a pit thing butI was – I’d stay away from don’t wasteyour money go ahead save a little bitmore and buy some decent next topic firemsg people that say they’re large MSG’sare just sissies what’s a littleheadache anything for somethingdelicious um I’m Pro MST I like itlove China I love cheap Chinese foodChinese buffets they’re loaded with itthey can’t tell me I going to eat myGeneral Tso’s chicken that they’re notusing msg and I’m for it you might itmight give you a little discomfort I’dbe a little headache or something painscared of it there’s a lot worse glutenI wish I could put some gluten and allmy stuff just so liquid smoke I’ll stilluse asbestos no useless my liquid smokeoh I hate I don’t do it’s so fake why Imean it reminds me of the drippings outof my pipe on the Holy Ghost yourcondensation that’s pretty much what itis it’s condensation when I smell theycatch reminds me of cleaning smokersyeah I can’t stand it I can tell whenit’s in something I don’t want to see itin a barbecue sauce it’s just fake andthere’s no place for it and I got ruinon it when I was a kid my greetings tohaving refrigerator and she’d put it onher I should do a skillet burger andsmother and liquid smoke and you tasteit for two days after you hate one itwas like you’ve ever heard anybody talkabout the Big Mac Big Mac there’s twopieces of white bread been smotheredburger and liquid smoke it probably hada slab of Velveeta cheese on it andketchup and it would just turn into thisglock orange pink glob did you have thatsame experience I think maybe everybodydid I don’t know nothing about oh no youdon’t like burgers you’re lucky to havethat onions hanging out grass-fed beefat least noI don’t know grass-fed I think the corndear me I’m a super deer course ya knowI’m not a fan I’m not a fan of grass Imean that’s that’s more of a personalopinion yeah yeah it really is what isthe deal with grass-fed beef is supposedto be healthier yeah supposed to behealthier those animals had to walkaround and they graze they didn’t alleatin a line with portioned outantibiotic corner or whatever it is theyfeed them yeah they’re much leanerthere’s no fur that kind of braid to digthem fat hello I believe not breedingall the taste out of them you give me amarbled up I want a callous been tied upand brought down with beer and said thisdelicious diet this gals have had thelife they wouldn’t made to go out walkin the field they crazyclimb mountains meat grass probably airconditioned beer massages every nightthat’s where it’s at they taste betterdo you think you don’t know about thehappier gals on the back extra marblethe go grade oh yeah I don’t I’m not afan I’m an what I eat it grasp its I’lleither I don’t have any other choiceI’ll he does you’re not picking ityou’re not choosing grass-fed overregular no no I’m not why our girlbrushes oh no you know I used to haveall the cheap girl brushes and use themand stuff and and I’ve never personallyexperienced any of those bristles comingoff but I could that makes us cheap onesit’s like Chinese stuff that makes youknow just cheaply made and you can getthem for four or five bucks and you knowthose things come and so I try to I’vetried to not use them I don’t I don’tbomb anymoreum I’ve seen too many okay I’ll usealuminum foil or I’ll use I like thewood scrapers I’ve got like you know youbuy when you buy grill grates they havethese different tools they can get oneof them’s almost looks like a littleflat razor blade thing it’s greatscraping down a rack things like thatI’d rather use than just still cheapbristle brushI saw story on Facebook which is thereason I came up with this idea anywayas a kid had eaten some burger and ithas a dislodge yeah it cut and operatedon yes he got a bristle stuck in histhroat and had to go to the emergencyroom and pull it out and I know JoeJamie says that they found him and andtheir food before really thankfully itwas before they ate I couldn’t tell youthe last one of those I’ve had they usedto always used to get these grill kitsand then have one of those and a set oftongs and a big ol fork never using thatstuff but you know you’d use the I’vebeen back then I would always grab oneof those and go to they don’t last verylong and you know those bristles weregoing somewhere when you’ve done Wardall day on the mean where you think itwentit’s on the grill you come back behindit no Mac it’s better to clean yourgrill right after you get there cookingon it comes off really easy then and yousuck a rag with the whole wipe it downreal good and I want to worry about thatdo what you say know what you did that’sright and injecting Ohspecifically injecting with phosphatesyeah I don’t ban this one this I don’tknow if it’s controversial I don’t liketo eat it I don’t know why I mean itseems like you know what maybe youprobably laugh at me so every being weekabout that to chill eat I’ll eat it butit does stick with use too much of it orjust put you in the bathroomyou want the bathroom eat you bunch ofit we do it we use it in competitionsall the times it’s a fact that it doescause the meat to retain more moistureif it’s used right it’soh yeah wouldn’t want to judges checkphosphate no no but you know I don’t useit at home because I mean the only thingI you know we I never really put it inport much I would use some in a contestbut at home I would never put you know apork yeah I really don’t even use a porkinjection at home and then if I do it’susually something like almost like abrine or it’s just brown sugar and saltthat we’ve melted down just to add alittle more flavor in it but most of thetime I just go natural even in briskethere lightly the briskets that cooked Idon’t inject them now in contests I’mloading it up I mean it’s you know it’sit’s getting the full dosesame thing for chicken and same time forthe pork turkey you always usuallyinject but you’re not injecting withyeah usually I’m like about a Creolebutter injection if I’m wrong if I’mgonna inject turkey it’s gonna be abutter ejection yeah I just like thatrichness it gives it a little more likechicken broth flavor in there it’s kindof a poultry flavor and I don’t I don’tnever had the phosphates to it so youyou’re not opposed to injecting no I’mnot opposed to injected you know I thinkit’s a great way to get some flavor andsome moisture down in the meat but Idon’t I’m not a fan of eating far butyou’ll feed it to them gently I feedthem all that a mistake maybe a ifphosphates is phosphates is in a lot ofour food yeah price I pay it miss seasonwell they they’ve gotten pig hear aboutthat but yeah the cost of brisketsnowadays man that’s a pretty dick of hayeah they are they I don’t know if it’scontroversial it’s just a fact I’m notsaying they’re oh that isn’tcontroversial it’s just like anythingchicken wings are high now you can getchicken wings they’re more expensivethan chicken breasts a lot of timesand then briskets you know it used to bedirt cheap especially you know in stateslike Texas or put you know and out inthe West where they eat a lot of it buthere it’s through the roof because wedon’t people around here don’t eat thatmuch of it and you’ll see a $75 brisketchoice great brisket that’s skinny andlong and thin and Kroger and that’s whatthey’re getting $75 for it I mean that’scrazy to me no more ya know barb llingthe fat so what’s a competition brisketaverage going right for competitionthese days that’s a hundred thirty-fivebars without shipping no that’s probablywith shipping so you can figure they’regonna be eleven ninety nine a pound andthen plus shipping usually what it is sothat’s a really good brisket though yeahbut I mean the days of seeing dollarninety-nine brisket around here I don’tknow will ever see that again wrappingwith fall the old pig scratch huhyeah I’m fan I’m in fact I probably usemore fold I use anything we waste a lotof fall and people give me a hard timeabout you know you’re getting that inthe food and you’re gonna I’ve beenusing ever since I’ve been cooking sowhat’s the controversy behind it wellsome people say it’s cheating that’s whyit’s called the crutch it’s like you’releaning on something if you’re having tocook barbecue with the luminol fall youknow you’re cheating and I don’t I don’tthink so I think it’s just a way ofmaking better barbecue I mean it speedsup the process a little bit and then itprotects it from getting overly smokedor over you know get that bad smokyflavor yeah and it shields shields itfrom with some heat so it cooks moreevenly it’s Falls your friend to mewhatever it takes I’m liking the butcherpaper though I’m Pro butcher paper todoes butcher paper give you the sameresult a soul um you don’t get thesteaming effect using the butcher papernow for briskets where I want that barto be barky it’s great I even like it onribs I think it gives ribs a greattexture I don’t use it in contestsbecause it’s more about we’re abouttrying to get that brisket done andor glazing everything now anyway forjudges so it’s you know it’s not likeI’m on that hard bark yeah but Ipersonally like a good mark come onbarbecue so here lately I’ve tend to useput paper more than I have aluminum foilbecause of that I like you know y’alldid some butcher paper salt-and-pepperribs pork ribs all the drone yeahthey’re so good aren’t they yeah it’ssomething about it soaks up some of thatfat so the the bark stays good but theribs are still really tender and reallyjuicy and they’re really good forget andtry though if you hadn’t tried tobutcher paper ribs just was like a thesame kind of white pepper salt rub likeI did on the turkey breast they’rephenomenal yeah that’s a Texas style ribit really is and a lot of times I don’tjust do something this cut they do thewhole slab of spareribs there’s somegood meat around that nothing workingreally goodwell we’d been cooking a lot of salt andpepper ribs at the house you know and Ireally like them and then we had acontest and I took a bite of somecompetition ribs and I it’s been a whilesince I had competition ribs and I waslike man these are good for a while Iwas tired of yeah competitionstasting stuff you never saw Austintypical barbecue rubs different well ittastes of meat tastes of smoke andthat’s what you get when you cook umthat way if I say I’m like a drum oroffset it’s just old school as it getsflavor-wise I love it um what temp totake port to specifically pork loinyeah they released a thing not too longI’m it’s been some years now but theylowered the doneness temperature yeahfor a port especially loaning to whetherit was always like people said 165 wellthey took it our maybe 145 and they looktook it down and say it’s safe at 135and so I’m you know I’m a fan that’swell that’s all I’ve always been cookingcooking about 135 let it carry over it’sabout 140 which is perfect and it’s moremedium thereI’d still be a touch of pink on it butit’s not gonna hurt you it’s not likewe’re eating the old trichinosis allcase in domestic swine I don’t know whenbut is that why they can get it frombear meat okay is that why they said totake it to 165 to kill oh yeah there wasalways a thing that’s the whole thingprocess I got you got to take it it’sgot to stay at that temperature for solong to be safe to eat to kill all thebacteria that they could possibly be init and that’s where those guidelinescame from and it won’t get sick theynotice they were getting sick fromeating undercooked food so they come outwith those guidelines and still a groundpork so if you’re in ground pork youstill got to take it up you know to 165yeah but poor coin so much better 135trot down there if you’ve never done itI’ve pulled some at 130 and let it carryover to 135 oh it tastes like it’s areall your flavor is at those temperaturesonce you get it up towards solid it’sthat’s kind of thick and it’s all whiteand you didn’t cook all the flavor outum what about beef what temperature ismedium rare for me it’s one I’d take itif I want something medium-rare and pullit off at 125 124 125 it’s gonna carryover at about 128 to 130that’s perfect medium-rareI guess you see people what I don’t knowunderstand why you see people talkdifferent temperatures when they’re whenthey’re talking that that’s this is whatI now this is coming from B I’m not atrained on beef charts with other thisis what I’ve seen and now when I’mcooking it what I call medium-rarethat’s where it’s coming off it yeah isthat controversial I don’t know maybe Istarted one on that onesome people say medium-rare is like 135yeah that’s like you’ve done what themedium fixing to carry over to mediummedium-well mm-hmm five more degrees andyour if you go to 140 you’re well you’veruined it whatever you’re cooking youknow yeah when it comes to beef soespecially if it’s like a river mines120 rare 125 be aware when 30 mediumthat’s where I take mistakes at statecontest and then medium well 2 is 135and I’ve never cooked one past 135 total[Laughter]that’s my that’s the high barbecue rightstandard scale for cooking beef itreally just needs to go yeah I don’t Idon’t say finish you’re saying I pullthem in that yeah pull them at thosedams it’s not gonna rise 5 to 7 degreesas we learned in the earlier video burntends that aren’t brisket burnt endsoh my anus controversial is it go hey tome if it’s on the edge of something andit’s been smoked and seasoned in thiscase it don’t have to be cubed I don’tcare we come in triangles or whateverkind of shape they are it’s the outeredges of some kind of meat that’sgetting you know kind of overly cookedand cooked down and almost like uh whatare the Cajuns call them when they fryMariana real realI don’t know I don’t speak French butthat’s kind of what it is you know Idon’t care if it’s if it’s pork if it’sBolognaif his brisket what about the pork bellyburn hands are you considering that theyeah yeah I’ve cut them to where it’sall gonna simulate that burn in edgewhat it’s a traditional burn in isthat’s why I called him at well to meetwell actually I guess I called him thatbecause we were doing brisket burnt endsfor a competition and they were justsquared cubes there was out oftraditional burnt end of a brisketprobably not it’s something thatcompetitions is bastardized and turnedin for the judges and to burn ins theseperfectly little cubes of deliciousnessyeah they really are deliciousbut to me a traditional burn in is thoseedges on a brisket that you can’t sellit’s not gonna make the slice you knowyeah it’s the couch pieces it’s like thefirst little tip up there it comes fromthe flat is that a that’s a barn into meit’s on the end of that brisket and youchop that off and startsquaring it up before you make yourslices and as you get back to the pointyou can only get you know as you’re outon the outer edges at that point you gotto cut that off and then you can youknow cut it up into these chunks it’smore chunks than cubes and that’s theburnt ends and that’s kind of what whathow how how I think it goes so you’resaying if you really want to gettechnical not all the brisket burnt endsthat you’re getting yeah I mean I don’tthink that burnt ends can be the burntedge of anything it’s not really burntit’s just overly cooked more than therest of the meat ideally is that thatmakes sense yeah kind of how do you docompetition burnswell we separate the flattened point andthen we square it we take all the youknow shape up the point where it’salmost like a perfect little rectanglethen we cut that into thick strips andthen we come back and we square you knowcut them across ways and it createsthese perfectly little cubes and thenwe’ll reese’s them if they need it tossthem in a little sauce and and drippingsmixture put them back on the pit to sitand it kind of creates this bark all theway around a little bit okay then we’lltake them and dip them in sauce andglaze that and then they’re going in theboxand they’re Buber tender no but they’lljust melt in your mouth perfect onewheel just almost like you don’t eveneat eating just gum it grandma hallcould eat these you know and it’s justflavor other is there’s net barn aboutoh nothing barn about no there so ifit’s Barney did something wrong they’renot burnt I don’t know where it camefrom that’s a that’s a good questionwhere did that term come from theremight be a research project yeah whichregion will but as barbecue Memphisbarbecue Memphis is the best was it gameday somebody had a big son when theywhen game day came to Memphis it said aTexas barbecue sucks don’t it was reallygood but now Memphis is the best becauseit’s getting really king of pork porkbarbecue officially pork when you thinkof barbecue you think of pork I domore specifically ribs and pulled porkyesthat’s what Morgan writes what we’vebeen raised to think hogI mean that’s barbecue and we do it thebest therapist that’s trueI’ll watch for that that’s five wordswhat about all the other breed since thebarbecuethey’re good there’s no bad barbecue Ilike it all Kansas City barbecue yeahKenzie’s good barbecue Carolina stylethat’s where our whole hog style camefrom they just stopped it there theywere like condemned come do it this wayuse the salt that’s it take a stepfurther we got absolutely delayed overthere we’ll go over the top it we’regonna bring that soul into it that’s theone thing they’re missing over therethey don’t have this they don’t havethat Delta soul yeah you know I thinkthat’s what makes Memphis style so goodwe put soul on our barbecue well I thinkit is we’re gonna make this extradelicious we’re gonna add some buttersome salt garlic it’s going it’s goingdown brown sugars coming in yeahmolasses all the good stuff all the goodstuffs doing a Memphis barbecue theymake a good slaw with some mayonnaise init and some sugar that’s going on itwhen y’all put some sausage and cheeseon there and some dry ends of dry ribswe taste the rib sauce on the sidethey’re gonna have some vinegar in itour vinegar sauce on the side or sweetsauce or a hot sauce to go with it allthat do you think there is any wrongtype of barbecue you know I’ve alwayssaid that there’s no wrong barbecuethere’s some better than others andbecause people are real quick to saythat’s not real barbecue what do youthink remind you of cafeteria pork yeahyeah I used to service some someinstitutionalized version of that ingrammar schoolit was like a pork patty that dipped insome kind of barbecue sauce and that maybe a pickle on it that was it oh reallyfries and corn niblets charred matescausing cancer have you heard thatyeah if her dead I don’t I don’t know ifit does or not I’d hate to mean if itdoes a little bunch of us with somecancers like I’ve heard that but I don’tknow if it’s a fact I don’t my opinionon it I’m gonna give up my steak yeahI’ll quit charm on Reba you can countthem I’m strong you do want out fat andhappydo you yeah that’s all I had do you haveany you’d like to add to that one oh onethat hits me right away is the marginrush butter oh yeah I get called out onthat all the time why are you usingmargarine but and the simple fact isit’s easy yeah that’s where it came fromwe’re using it barbecue contests a stickof butter sitting out at roomtemperature is just gonna melt well wecan have that bluebottle the magic bluebottle out all day long it’s looser iseasier to come out I don’t and that’sthat’s the biggest you know reason forit is it get conveyed with chemicals andprobably doesn’t meet California’s codeof plastics or whatever see I don’t knowthey don’t you know they don’t sell thatyou get it’s hard to find in CaliforniaI’ve had people tell me we can’t findparquet in parts of California stapleit’s like you have a mayonnaise in thebottle of squeezy parquet here a tub Iguess not my first experience was it wasa tub like Country Crock margarine orwhoever is that margarine to that’s allman-made butter one and our house weonly use the squeeze bottles when you’redoing some barbecue you know using thetemptation yeah yeah it’s not going onyeah I don’t know I don’t think you’dnotice that make a difference in verselab or ribs if it had some bullet forthat are genetic versusbut er I’ve tried it’s not thatnoticeable there’s been several peoplewe’ve tried the really expensive butterto cook chicken with and competitionsand I’ve about decided that the cheaperstuff works better really yeahwe’ve always used like gold Irish butteror a chicken and I’m not opposed tousing the cheap squeeze butter samething with the cook it’s price at peopleask me why are you using the cookingspray that’s you know why would you putsome kind of product like that on thatturkey last week when I was you knowbasic cause it’s easy and it works wellno I was just that’s what that’s what Idid yeah I always use that could youmelted some butter and pasted that onyeah of course good could you put butteron the butter in like a spray bottleit’ll do as well I’ve tried it I don’twant spritz right yeah like butter pan[Laughter]but no that’s about I’m sure there’s aton more controvert I want to revisitthis you have to remember what you askedme and well yeah revisit it again I’llmake us start making a note every timewe get an angry email there we uh thatwe set some dates for upcoming we aredoing two classes in February they’reboth on February one of them I haven’tgot that we haven’t firmed up theofficial date for the one in JacksonMississippior is it Madison Mississippi MadisonMadison Mississippi but we will be doinga contest or a class there on a Saturdayin February and we do have a date for aclass in Memphis barbecue company but Idon’t have that date in front of mein February we’ll have more informationon this yeah but they’re gonna be morelike backyard skills type classes yeahactually the one at them at thisbarbecue so the old class all right it’sa grilling trail excise those will be upto be looking for more information onthat oh and uh I wanted to mention thismy buddy Jimmy Parsons and Chuck Edwardsthey’re doing a state class they had oneI think it was last year sometimes itprobably was the beginning of the yearbut right right it was up in JacksonTennesseeor we went to Atlanta yes I rememberhaving the conversation with Russellabout it and they they’re so they’redoing another one and it’s open they thepeople have been winning with that tookthat cliff had like three winnersmultiple second-place and other towthat’s a great class anybody’s lookingfor a state class and you get a statecheck that yeah and you get to cook aWagyu stared in those same steaks Ithink that we cook out there at theworld foods a thing yeah the hassle beefcompany or whatever they’re gettingthose you get your own way your steak Ithink to cook at the class this ispretty cool yeah check that out um Idon’t know the date on it I think Jimmytold me but don’t have it right in frontof me I should write it down I did havesomeone email me and say that they theysend me a link to an article with thatPrescott playing like this everything ispossible for the Cowboys even the SuperBowl they’re gonna go through theVikings in the you know they alreadylost that one you think they’re gonnabeat him ain’t buying it I like the heckI think he’s a good guy I’m just sayingI’m not throwing away my Super Bowlcowboy super okay take it away take itunder that one well I’m still come on uhfingers crossed that the Vikings can dosomething so how are the Vikings doinggood second place in the north on GreenBay so I gotta go through Green Bayfirst got to go through Green Bay theygot to play them again and then wentwhen did they play them again they’rethere next few games are pretty toughthey’ve got to play like San Franciscostar Seattle San Francisco and thenGreen Bay and Chicago and Detroit thingsthe rest are scheduled I don’t knowexactly what order Seattle thanks thisweek how you doing in fantasy footballI’m number one didn’t bring Justin backhave a season revisit where we’re atbelieve it or not your boy first placefirst place I think I’m nine and twohe’s surprised yeah I was reallysurprised I’m nine and two we’ve gotthis is week twelve this week twelve Ithink it is no wait 14 starts playoffsI’ve already clinched from playoff spotso I can tank the next couple gamesstill have a spot in the playoffs thenit’s all bets off you got a you got acannon so I’m gonna keep doing what I dowhich is not much right after the draftthey put up a I guess it was a chartthat says how they ranked your yeah yourpic so you know what did that what dothey know what one of them guys knowyeah yeah anyway I’m doing I’m killingit I’m going for the trophy I’ll behosted in the draft party again nextyearpretty sure you will be now it’s been agood football season take on rebels arestuck it up where our ball games gonnabe the egg ball that’s what’s going downthat’s coming up this week so we gotThanksgiving this next week no we’regoing to my family Sunday my family forThanksgiving doing a lot of deer hunt sowe won’t have a podcast we’ll be backafter that we’ll wrap this year up we’llstart doing some holiday stuff forChristmas yeah and the new year and wegot a ham probably yeah some holiday atyeah that’s that sounds good to me Idon’t know if I’m what squeezing anddeserters I was thinking something aboutChristmas morning style something thatyou know so the recipes that G daytranslating them to a grill recipe yeahit’s kind of like a treat I don’t knowif you come to the desert but you stilluse your breakfast casserole yeah yeah Idon’t usually do it on the smoked aredoing the oven but it’s your exactrecipeyeah well y’all keep an eye out for thatPK thing starting this weekend andrunning all next week and she’ll wherecan I find us if you’d like to connectwith Malcolm it’s how to be BQ right onFacebook Instagram Twitter and of courseYouTube if you’d like to connect with meit’s miss southern show on Instagram andTwitter all right well hey we appreciatey’all check it out everybody have ahappy Thanksgiving out there thankswe’ll see you in two weeksyes we go

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