This meal was ready in 30 minutes using the pressure cooker.
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BBQ Beef Recipes
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Video Transcription
hi Phyllis here from southern PeruVolcom I wanted to show you my bread Ijust threw it together let me turn thisaroundit kind of rose too much and so what Inormally do is you know turn the ovenoff and let my bread rise a little morein the oven with it you know when itfirst starts cooking but I’m having totake it out this time I’m gonna set myoven at about 400 degrees and becauseI’m using those new thicker pans I’mgonna have to put it on the bottom rackbut anyway tonight we turn this aroundagain we’re having some beef tips andit’s about let’s yeah it’s 6:30 so wehad the smoothie at 11:00 because Ioverslept big time and we have tuna fishsandwich a small tuna fish sandwich yetlet’s see I guess it was about threeo’clock I wasn’t really hungry then butwe went ahead and ate so I’m going topick some beef tips and what I’m gonnatry to do is use my pressure cooker andtrying to get a maid in 20 minutes nowearlier today I made the potato salad sowe’re gonna have a hope some of thosegreen beans there’s little tiny frozengreen beans that come from France andwith this bread which is a little rose alittle too much but it’ll still be goodso we’ll be back in just a second I’mgonna get those big tips ready mysequined doom in like 20 minutes back ina minuteWowdeglaze that pan Jeunesseturn my burner back on there what thebeef tips look like they’re not as brownis that like a but there’s some whateveralright so we’re gonna go aheadso our gonna need a jiggery also muchI’m gonna go ahead and dump some of thisbarbecue sauce on them actually a wholebunch really that’s my favorite barbecuesauce I’m just gonna get it to mash downin therefor this little bit of liquid Avramyeah maybe about a cup of waterthree cups on the cup put my little wirewrap in I keep hitting me all sorry andnow I’m going to put this bowl rightdown in the other this is a Pyrex Bowland it should do fine in the pressuresee that stain starts rising and thislittle gadget here comes up this littlepurple thing it will start time and he’sstayin like I’m gonna probably leave along time about 10 minutes you know justto be sure they’re super tender so abread is already somewhat brown in theoven it should be ready in just a minuteseparate for me they’re gonna be able tomake this 20 minute deal so we’ll beback okay the bread is done such as itisand I’ll let it rise way too much Ididn’t wail stupid good slice is kind ofcrunch down so anybody beat tips havegot another policy six minutes to go andthe beans you already done and thepotato salads in the fridge don’t begetting that out of already got our teams is ready so we’ll be back when thisbeep tips are doneok the beep tips are ready I did put thepressure cooker under a little string ofcold water to hurry out the cooling downprocess so I could get the little seewhat these babiesnow here’s the question are they tenderthere’s a good one to try all right I’mgonna try this oh I know it’s very hotthey’re tender very good right there I’mgonna take this out of the pressurecookerthere’s what they look like let me seeif I can’t turn that light on anywaythere’s what they look like I’m gonna goahead and slice the bread over there andhopefully it’s cool enough I actuallystood it up against the tile so it wouldhopefully cool fasterthere is the potato salad so we’re gonnadish this up on the plates they will bebackall right the meals ready and itdefinitely took 25 minutes because Ihadn’t counted on the time it would takefor the beef tips to cool in thepressure cooker all right so here arethe beef tips some little dippinbarbecue sauce and this is a potatosalad you know I’ve done a video on thepotato salad and the only thing I diddifferent instead of using manning’s Iused the no fat yogurt in the in thereinstead of the mayonnaise which I don’tthink is this good by the way but it’lldo and they’re the beans these are thoseFrench grown little green beans andthey’ve got garlic a little garlicpowder a little olive oil and somealmond slivers and there’s the bread andit’s not the prettiest spread in theworld but it’ll taste good all right sohere’s mr. Peppy’s play and we are readyto eat so it is seven o’clock soactually it was more like 30 minutes butanyway I did my best okay all right wewill see y’all next timemaybe onewelcome on a close-up of those they aresuper super tender and very very tastyall right so we’ll see y’all next time