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When barbecuing cubed steak it’s important to remember that it’s a very tough piece of meat. Start out by using a tenderizer to help make the steak a little more tender. Add a little salt and just wait as all the natural juices help create great flavor. Learn how to barbecue cube steak with tips from a professional chef in this free video.
Expert: Chef Plum
Bio: Chef Plum has 18 years of experience as professional chef, is a graduate of CIA and has been featured on Network TV and The Food Network.
Filmmaker: Rocco Jr. DeVito
Series Description: When it comes to summer, there is nothing better than a delicious, home cooked meal on the grill. Knowing what kind of meat to buy and how to season it are two of the most important aspects of any great grill master. Learn how to grill everything from cubed steak, to hamburgers to barbecue artichokes with expert advice from Chef Plum in this free video series.
Original of the video here
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Video Transcription
what’s up guys chef plum back with plumlove foods and today we’re outsidegrilling it’s a beautiful day we’regetting close to summertime around hereso I’m super excited about ittoday I’m making something called abarbecue cube steak now I wasn’t toosure about making cube steak but it’sgoing to be deliciouswhat it is is normally it’s a tougherpiece of meat for instance today we’reusing an I round and they pound it outand they use what’s called a tenderizerto make little tiny marks in it andcubes in it I’ll show you on the week alittle closer to it but what it does isit makes a steak more tender we’re goingto pop it on the grill we’re going toslap it up and barbecue sauce and thenwe’re going to shout out looking forwardto showing you divide check it outhere’s our I round you can see see howit’s got that funny little markings inthere you can see that that’s where theytend to rise it and pound it out it’s atough piece of meat a little barbecuesauce salt and pepper couldn’t be easierI’m gonna make you a rock star so we gotour grill going it’s nice and hot as youcan see you always want to start with ahot grill don’t ever start with a coldgrilled give it a little bit of time toget hot go inside crack a beer let thegrill get hot after you light it nowhere’s our I round we got to make surewe season our food folks we’re gonnatake a little pinch of salt put it onthere nicely flip it overdon’t just season on one side it has twosides put salt on both sides and thenwe’re gonna add a little black pepperonce we get on the grill just pop itright down sure if you can hear that butthat’s the sign of a hot grill add alittle black pepper to it again I can’temphasize enough to season your foodguys if you don’t season your food youmight as well not even be payingattention the most important thing youcould possibly do to your foodespecially on a grill is to season it upnicely now this is a nice and thin pieceof meat when they’re nice and thin likethat you don’t want to overcook them soit’s going to cook relatively quicklylet’s take a little bit of our barbecuesauce and just sprinkled on top likethat again you could use a brush on itbut instead I’m going to put it on andjust spread it out with my spatula alittle bit that sauce is going to get inbetween all those nice and little cracksare inside this piece of meat so add alot of nice sweetness and juiciness toit these steaks also make a great steaksandwich you know it’s it’s late atnight you’re coming home from work youhad to work late you had a meetingmaybe you had to pick the kids up fromthe basketball game you have nothing fordinner instead of going out grab acouple cube steaks out the freezer popthem on the grill put some barbecuesauce on and throw it on some breadsuper simple hit it with some potatoesor rice or even some grilled vegetablesat the same time a lot of times my wifeand I will slice vegetables up and putwhatever protein fish steak and ourvegetables on top of the grill just cookit all together so when you have a pieceof steak like this flip it once don’tflip it a whole bunch because it’s sothin it cooks so quickly we just flippedours let it cook for about another 30seconds or so it doesn’t take a longtime you’re basically going to do about70% on one side 30% on the other youknow a lot is a lot of different methodsof doing it but when I do a thin pieceof meat that’s how I like to do itbecause it ensures that the meat doesn’tget overcooked so we flipped it we’repulling it off the grill you can see italmost kind of like a little burgerpatty we’re going to put it on a platejust like that if you have a littleleftover sauce you put a little sauce onthe plate with it and I always tend tofinish it off with some greens it’s thateasy guys at the barbecue cube steak acube steak is one of the cheapest piecesof meat you can get from your grocerystore go to the butcher shop and talk tothe guy say hey can I get a cube steakthey love making them it’s easy for themto make and it gets rid of a piece ofmeat that might be a little tough butyou can still pop it on the grill makesure you season with salt and pepper puta little sauce on it and you can be arock star for dinnerI’m chef plum with plum Love foodsthanks for checking it out and we’regoing to grow some more meats because Ineed more meat see you lateryou