Today upload we are making some Beef plate ribs aka Dino ribs and using Uncle Steve Shake “thick meat”. And spritz with Crawford’s beef “spritz” on our Ugly drum smoker let me tell you what these were on point hope y’all enjoy link before for Crawford’s and Uncle Steve Shakes !!
Thick meat seasoning
Beef “spritz”
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys welcome to another week camppals BBQ a today’s cook we’re gonna bedoing some of these chuck roast beefribs this is a plate ribs I guess youwant to call them or anything like thatthey’re the three bones I got from ourlocal meat marketthey’re pretty meaty pretty thick so ontoday’s cook we’re gonna be using uncleSteve’s shakes once again I want to senda shout out to uncle Steve shakes Iappreciate you for getting this carepackage down to me we’re gonna be usinghis thick meat seasoning four ounces ofhappiness it says so what we do is usingthick meat on these plate ribs and thenwe will we’re gonna be cooking them onmy drum I’m gonna try to attempt to do alow and slow on my drum but a lot oftimes when those get round up you knowthat temperature gets crazy but I’mgonna try to get it low and slow and letthese ribs just you know settle in thereand hang out see how long it’s gonnatake I’m not not sure quite sure howlong it’s gonna take me but I will lety’all know once we get done once againwe’re gonna be using the uncle Steveshakes I will leave the link in thedescription below where you have to findsome uncle Steve shakes and guys trustme this is really good stuff really goodstuff so if y’all want to try this outI’ll drop a link below where you canfind it and get with uncle Steven youknow hook you up so let’s get startedI’m gonna do a little trimming on it butnot monthly major and that should be itI’ve seen out what this is my mom[Music]alright guys so here I’m just like Isaid it’s gonna turn up a little bit ofnothing crazy by the way either soburning her teeth on these at my localmeat market look at that that’s prettygood marbling there I’ll tell you whatso I’m just gonna trim up a little bitof this stuff a little bit of this fatcap very little not too much and thenwe’ll be ready to season and put them onthe grill I guess soonce again we got this uncle Steveshakes dick me already trim that I’vecleaned it up a little bit ok mydaughter in the background workinghousework your family when all we’regoing to do in the back end give it someseasoning[Music]the cornersthis cornertoday record canor yourself[Music]I put it all around edit inI’ll let this sit for a little bit andthen we will guys we’re about the fourfour hour mark[Music][Music]a little breather he’ll get crazy[Music][Music]alright guys so they are out total cooktime probably seven hours I put them inthe last hour or so in oil paper and itgot tender but ya got a little jigglejiggle-jiggle we’re gonna get into seewhat happens[Music]Ohright off the bone[Music]let’s go hot still hot look at thatpretty damn goodtotal seven hours on the UDS good Bartget everything we’re gonna play them upand see what comes out yeah bone rightoff all right guys[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]alright guys so we got a plaited Ialready cut this way a little bitbecause we’re getting samples but theywere awesome follow up the phone youknow perfectly cookedI mean overcooked a little but due tothe fact just to get them tender like abrisket but they were good remember weseasoned done with uncle Steve’s shakesthick meat and perfect for the thickmeat that was awesome guys I’ll leavethe link in the description below whereyou can find uncle Steve shakes ThankYou uncle Steve let’s take a bike checkit out good you hear my kids in the backyou’re ready to eat like that Oh greasygreasy Oh delicious hey guys once againI appreciate all the love and supportkeep on the lookout for all our videoscoming up thank you for the likes sharesubscribes and once again I don’t have alot them but I got some whisking andcranberry juice at kirara what thisrhyme ass[Music]