BBQ Beef Recipes

Beef Jerky on the Traeger Grill, Ep33

Merissa has the perfect snack for you this month. This homemade beef jerky is full of flavor and fun. Game on friends – how did your batch turn out?

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[Music][Applause][Music]hi welcome back to two in the kitchenI’m Marissa well today I have a specialepisode for you we’re gonna make beefjerky on our trigger grill it’sdelicious it’s lean and it’s great forone of those summertime snacks let’s getstarted so I had gotten some sirloin atCostco only because that’s the onlything we had right now but you could usetop round or flank steak for this andwhat you’re gonna do is you’re gonnatrim all these like little fatty piecesthat you can kind of see off firstbecause you want your beef jerky be aslean as possible so I’m gonna go aheadI’m gonna trim that right off and thenI’m gonna go against the grain and startmaking my beef jerky in really thinlittle pieces so you could see it’s justabout a quarter-inch and I’m gonna placeit in my bowl all right so my meat iscut up a real thin now I’m gonna goahead and add the flavoring so soy sauceit’s gonna be one of them and I like tojust kind of put maybe about a cup in orenough to really coat the meat as youcan see I didn’t measure but I’m gonnajust look at the bottom of here to seewhere I’m at you kind of want thatreally good salty flavor so the soysauce is great for that maybe a littlemore[Music]well you know what I’ll just put thewhole bottle in why not there we gonext I got black pepper and oh mygoodness what who doesn’t like a littlebeef jerky with black pepper in it sogood so I’m gonna just keep going keepgoingthere is no how much it’s just kind ofdepending on your taste how much youlike but I know my husband likes somebeef jerky and he likes his pepper and alittle spicy next it’s gonna be crushedred pepper oh these are gonna make itspicy – so this is gonna add some heatif you like that I’m still going oh allrightnext garlic salt or garlic pepper thisone is garlic pepper and I just giveagain and a real nice shake to that andthen lastly I’m gonna do kosher salt thebigger the better on the salt all rightso now it’s everything looks really goodI’m gonna go ahead and stick my hand onin there mix it up oh it’s cold but itlooks good all right so I’m using mytrigger grill for this recipe I’m usingthe maple Hickory maple Hickory cherryblend for my wood pellets it’s a gourmetblend fancy I know and now my grill isjust on a smoke mode so I’m gonna goahead and I’m gonna lay down my meatand I cut it real nice thin pieces I’mgoing to start on the back and just workmy way upall right so I just lined up my meat youcan see there each one doesn’t overlapthey’re just nice and perfect separatedI have it on the smoke mode I’m gonnaleave it on there and then we’ll recheckthese in about two and a half hours allright I’ll see you soon[Music]you want to play play woodI’m gonna switch I got it because of thequarantine it’s something to like helpus stay active when we’re at home wellif it’s a Nintendo this is just like the90s my hair is long again or longer andI’ve got perfect technique for thesecartridges I got a little cold out herethere’s a storm brewing in my beefJerky’s done I’m gonna flip it over andmaybe give it another 15 minutes or sobut you can see it’s real nice andcrispy I’m gonna give a shout-out to myneighbor Ryan for giving me this ideaThank You Ryangive us a thumbs up if you like thisvideo or the smokes get in here allright I’ll see you inside I just got thebeef jerky off of the grill and it’ssmoked for two hours and 45 minutes Iplaced it in a ziploc bag I’m gonna goahead and put it in the refrigerator andstore it in there please don’t store itin a closet or anything it doesn’tcontain any preservatives and so it willspoil if you want to make my day hitthat subscribe button below that’s all Ihave for you have a good day[Music]chill in the kitchen[Music]you

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