BBQ Beef Recipes

Bonus video, my beef jerky, home made, delicious…Right here in Chandler, AZ

Today I show you my home made beef jerky. I normally make my own marinade, but decided to try sweet baby rays bbq sauce as my marinade. I think it came out pretty good.
I do need a new smoker though… what do you recommend? No pellets…Separate fire box, easy to clean…
Made in my home in Chandler, AZ

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BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes

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Video Transcription

hey what’s up everybody its Hari Lara’shere today I’m in my kitchen actually alittle different thing just a little bitof fun we had a couple of steaks my wifebought and she asked me to marinate himso in the process I stopped at thegrocery store picked up a couple LondonBroyles because I haven’t had somehomemade beef jerky in a long time soeverything that’s been cut up marinatedoh dang you saw my secret ingredienttrying some sweet baby Ray’s on the beefjerky today so you could see how much isthere doesn’t that look goodcan’t wait to get that on a smoker alittle bit later and then tonight we’llbe having steaks some shrimp cocktailmaybe some corn for dinner and the beeftrick you’ll be done probably three orfour hours after that so listen thanksfor tuning in I’ll show you the smokerlater and then we’ll see the resultsafter thanks for tuning in talk to yousooneverybody it’s hari Laura’s again sohere’s the coals and the smoking wouldit’s hard to see but you can see thejust one here works off of water on thebottom so I heat the water on the bottomso the heat that’s building isn’tbuilding up the the temperature of thewater it’s already hot we have dinner acouple of steaks on the bottom beefjerkey on the top see in a little whileok so it’s been about a half an hourcome along real nicelyand it was hard to sing tried to use theflashlight make it a little easiereverybody once again Harley Lars thanksfor tuning in so – beef jerky apparentlymy smokers on its way out it was rust onthe bottom the tub that holds the wateron the bottom has got a hole in it so weleaked out this is this is what I got ohmy god it smells so goodso good so I’ll be in the market for newsmoker if you’re reading this if you’rewatching this sorry and you haverecommended for a smoker I’m up to hearit I kind of like the one with aseparate firebox hopefully somethingeasy to clean I’m not big on the pelletsI prefer the wood you know so I can usecharcoal flame you know charcoal forheat and then throw a pieces of wood Iuse the cherry wood Applewood whateverwhatever is available some kind of fruitwood I like because I like the way thesmoke in it but I’m open to suggestionsso if you have one maybe post it bono ifyou could post a pictureum but post something in the commentslet’s see what you recommend and thanksfor tuning inhope you like this little special ofbeef jerky try to mix it up this wouldbe going live shortly thanks for tuningin subscribe hit the bell leave acomment share with your friends thankyou for tuning in

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