BBQ Beef Recipes

Brian’s Jerky Journey Bakers Dozen Episode 13 Lorissa’s Kitchen Korean BBQ Beef Jerky Review

Hope you enjoyed the intro cameo by my middle cat Cam. Yes I have 3 male cats, all named after Bruins players, Dougie the oldest, Cam and the youngest Orr. As for Cam, he is the most unhappiest looking happy cats I’ve ever met. Very friendly….except when it comes to Beef Jerky. 😉

This week I sampled Korean BBQ Beef Jerky from Lorissa’s Kitchen. A good pre-workout snack prior to me working out Saturday afternoon focusing on “Push” muscles (Shoulders/Chest/Triceps). I of course devoured the bag afterwards….”it’s going to my delts!” 😉

Quick disclaimer, I was mistaken as it relates to the recommendation. Was another friend of man and fan of the page who sent me a private message about the product saying that I should try it out.

Lorissa’s Kitchen website:
Twitter: @LorissasKitchen

Where to buy Lorissa’s Kitchen Products:
Rating Review based off the following 5 star criteria (weight)
Tenderness/Texture (25%)
Scent/Smell (25%)
Chewiness/Taste (50%)
Lorissa’s Kitchen Korean BBQ Beef Jerky
1 oz. serving, 2.25 oz. package
Calories: 90, 20 calories from Fat
Fat: 2g
Saturated Fat: 0.5g
Trans Fat: 0g
Cholesterol: 20mg
Sodium: 530 mg
Carbs: 8g
Dietary Fiber: 0g
Sugar: 8g
Protein: 9g

Weight Watchers (WW) smart point value=3 points per serving, 7 points for the 2.25 oz. bag.
Tenderness/Texture: 4/5
Scent/Smell: 4/5
Chewiness/Taste: 4/5

Overall Ranking: 4/5 stars

Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

hey daddy what’s up cam I want some beefjerky cam you’re a CAD you shouldn’t beeating beef jerky that’s just for humansI don’t care if you don’t give me anybeef jerky I’m gonna cut you make him ahuman slave hey what’s up everybodywelcome back to an all-new episode ofBryan’s jerky journeyepisode 13 baker’s dozen episode I’myour host the place to be the notoriousBryan G and talking about baker’s dozenbaker’s mentality this seems to be inthe air right now it is the Saturdaybefore Thanksgiving for me right nowmiddle of the afternoon I’m actuallyhere at one of my gyms locations theyactually have my gym actually has alocation about ten minutes from my son’splaygroup so I just dropped him off hisplaygroup vegetarian wife is going topick him upand I’m gonna go to the gym a little bitand work on my push my shoulders chestand tricepswhich should be a little interestingtoday given the fact that I had donethem on thursdays thursday nightactually because I was at my saidretreat mentioned in my last episode allweekend I usually do my push routine onthe weekend and then on Monday Tuesdaymornings very early I do legs and coreon Mondays and then I do my pole whichfocuses on back and biceps on Tuesdaysso and that’s actually gonna change thisis the last week that’s gonna happenbecause my wife has change of yourschedule so and it’s good for her andit’s good for all of us all aroundbecause she’d worked she was off Tuesdaymornings and work Tuesday nights andshe’s off Mondays altogether but withher job she actually she works shedoesn’t necessarily work a full standardeighths of nine-to-five 40-hour weekkind of schedule so so she works rightnow I was it stands up until you knowthe end of this monthshe works Tuesday nights double onWednesday so she’s pretty much out ofthe out of the house from I would saythe standard is 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 Tuesday nights and Wednesday moreand then she works a standard like youknow eight to four shift on Thursday soit’s taking its toll on her for a whileand she’s kind of moved up she’s beenwith her company for God at thirteenyears now so she’s kind of moved upsenior to level wise to the point nowwhere when they hired me people aspeople leave her seniority is highenough now where she can actuallyrequest a modification of her schedulewhich she decided to do now so she’s nolonger working Tuesday night she’sworking Tuesday morning so starting inDecember that’s gonna go away from meand I’m gonna have to find a third dayto do my lifting which I’ve mentionedbefore I do try to do my lifting threedays a week and then aspects of cardioanother two days a week for a total offive days a week on average so it’sgonna have to find a way to fit thatthird day in somewhere be it may beTuesday night instead of Tuesday morningbut regardless I’m gonna be doing what Iusually do because of that retreat lastweek I had to do my weekend exercisedecided to actually stay true to myroutine and stick to those routines I doMondays and Tuesdays on Mondays andTuesdays so instead of doing it on aSaturday or a Sunday depending on thesituation I did it on Thursday but todayI’m gonna do it on Saturday so less thantwo days after I done it hopefully I’mnot gonna feel the effects of ittomorrow but I am taking tomorrow off asa day so because it’ll be today it’ll bemy sixth straight day working out afterbeing off for two straight days for lastweekend so anyway so what I’m gonna doI’m actually not gonna eat this wholebag today though right now becausesomeone else by young I’m gonna have acouple pieces which probably be a goodpre-workout snack actually had mypre-workout drink here I use somethingcalled c4 max yeah c4 ripped that’s whatit’s called so it’s a good drink to youknow for me to get in and I usually doabout eight ounces in this bottle andthen I use a supplement called bio steelthere are different individual flavorpacks that I’ll use these shaker bottlesso and I’ll use that during my workoutso but but yeah so I I kind of had aparticular brain in mind that I wantedto to review this week but it seems tobe the case lately whenever I go to astore in this case ofa local Target store they didn’t have itso but they actually had another brandand it was another brand that one of myfriends and fellow fans and likes of theBrian’s Turkey journey channel I postedon my page stating that she thoughtabout me in my page and got this andactually plowed through it on the wayhome and that brand is Larissa’s kitchenI have here the Korean BBQ so it’s notteriyaki it’s not original and it’sKorean BBQ but yeah so I just thought itlooked good I mean just kind of youpasty visually on the package anticipatewhat it might look like and there’s alittle you can definitely see a littlebit hint of Korean BBQ seed in that soI’ve never really had Korean barbecueI’ve never really had Korean food ingeneral anyway I’ve heard good thingsabout it so I figured why not try it alittle package so this is a two and aquarter ounce package in it’s a standard1 ounce size a little bit aboutLarissa’s kitchen from Larissa herselfin the pack of the package she statesthe best things in life are made withlove that’s why I started Larissa’skitchen out of love for simpleingredients delicious recipes andnourishing snacks and just like you mybusy on-the-go family needed wholesomereal snack solutions the kids would loveto our first batch was ahead and wehaven’t slowed down since so and aboutthe Korean barbecue they’re saying it’stender beef strips tender beef steakstrips marinated in soy sauce and brownsugar with hints of garlic and onion andflamed kissed for that chart grilledflavor the whole family will love hmmabout you to try and this taste off ofthat and then the in the back here ishave some disclaimers that they’reclaiming their beef is raised withoutadded growth hormones there’s no addedmsgexcept for that naturally occurring inthe yeast extract and soy sauce that’sin the jerky and there’s no addednitrates except for those naturallyoccurring in the sea salt and celeryextract as made season so they touthaving 9 grams of protein per serving nopreservatives standard 1l sized bag ithas 90 calories 20 calories from fat 2grams of fat half a gram of saturatedfat that no trans fats20 milligrams of cholesterol 530milligrams of sodium eight grams ofcarbs no dietary fiber eight grams ofsugar and nine grams of protein so nofurther ado and I like to say my privatevideos let’s dig into this and look attenderness and texture and it’s part myrating scale that will account for 25%of the story so in first impressionsscentI can smell coming out it definitely hasan appealing scent to it so if you wantto take a smell to take a smell sotexture and this is probably gonna beright to my chest Ryback says tendernessand texture so it pulls fairly easilybut it’s not like what’s the word am Ithinking I’m thinking oh it’s not easilyterrible terrible it’s not easy to tearit’s it’s terribly and I haven’t triedit yetso but it definitely has a freshness toit as I’m pulling at it then sentencesmell I got the initial whiff of itsmelled appealing from the bag got anice scent to it don’t know what to sayabout the seeds in there yet but we’llfind out right now as it relates to[Music]taste chewiness and taste but oh yeahfrom one other thing is um so right nowin terms of the scaling for thistenderness and texture I’ll give this a4 because it seems to me reset goodquality since it smell I will give a 4as well and then chewiness and texturechewiness and taste which is half thescore[Music]I got Chipotle last night for dinner abowl I found a nice little cheatingtactic for it listen you know when youget Chipotle good burrito but um wwactually has a great article in terms ofwhat the smart points value is for itemsat your holding so so basically if youwanted to get a burrito at Chipotlestandard burrito with like steak brownrice celery salsa no cheese or sourcream or guac that’s like I would saythat I think would I count it upinitially was like 12 points which forme is that’s basically a third of mypoints so and you would think that okaythat makes sense the 30 points threemeals a day and all that but you knowyou might be snacking a little bitduring the day as well so you prettymuch have to eat very small forbreakfast and lunch in order to accountfor that because you want to kind ofsnack during the day so you can keepyour metabolic you know levelsconsistent throughout you want tonecessarily have them slow down so yeahso I’m eating it last night and I’m justjust plowing through the ball but thehack that I found was you can buysomething called flat out and a littlebit bigger than a burrito but youbasically pay point wise only 1/3 of thepoints you lose two-thirds of the pointsjust there and you can just roll it inthere wrap it up yourself and just eatit as a burrito and you basically gethalf the points for it so I did that waspretty good but I still had to use thebowl for the rest of it but I was justplowing through it so good but yeahthough this is good this is solid for aswell so very easy ranking for thislarysa stitching pre Korean barbecue outof 5 starsI’m giving it a 4 all around so it’spretty good highly recommend it in termsof upcoming episodes I’ve gotten somegreat feedback from people friends andfamily that I know living differentparts of the country that are gonna becoming up next week for the Thanksgivingholiday they’re gonna be bringing medifferent types of jerky that they seein their region so my sister inSavannah Georgia has been after youbringing some stuff up I have aco-worker that lives in Charleston SouthCarolina and my best friend from SaltLake City he’s gonna be bringing somestuff up as well so I’ve being a lookoutprobably the next three to five episodesfor those reviews as well as a veryspecial brand sponsored review I will bedoing along with three to four of myother friends where we’re gonna betesting out the particular type of jerkyfrom a brand that I’m not gonna mentionyou until I get the product but itshould be exciting so stay tuned forthat if you haven’t done so already likethis video it’s a subscribe button tocheck out past videos and future videosupcoming as well as like my Facebookpage at Brian’s jerky journey on Twitterat BG jerky journey as well as instagramat bryan jerky journey so that’ll do itfor episode 13 of Bryan’s jerky journeyhope you enjoyed the journey with me andyou’ll join me in the next one thanksthank you for watching Browns jerkyjelly they don’t like jerky sir

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