It’s time to smoke up another Brisket, and this time I get to do that on a brand new grill generously provided to my channel by Camp Chef. Using their Woodwind WiFi 24 Pellet Grill, I smoke up a 17 pound USDA Prime Brisket using Oak Pellets. In this video I share some of the things I like about this grill, and some things I would change, but I’m very excited to use it in upcoming cooks to turn out some amazing food.
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Video Transcription
it’s been a while since I’ve done abrisket and that changes today becauseI’m going to be doing a 17-pound USDAprime brisket out on a new grill[Music]all right we’ll talk about that newgrill in a little bit once we get outthere but first I’m gonna go ahead andtrim this up now I’ve said it before andI’ll say it again I’m not an expert attrimming briskets if you really want tosee people who know how to trim abrisket perfectly go over to James at amum and claim him smokers his youtubechannel or Joe at smokin Joe’s pitbarbecue they do a lot of briskets I’llput links to their channels down in thevideo description check them out theyknow exactly what they’re doing I can dookay but I always get comments on youshouldn’t have done this you shouldn’thave done that it all tastes good in theend all right so here’s our fat cap sideand as we can see we’ve got quite a bitof excess here you want to get it downto about a quarter inch in most of theplaces here[Music]and I dried this brisket off afterremoving it from the cryovac pack but Ididn’t want to get it too dry because Idon’t like to use a binder if I don’thave to and I think there’s gonna beenough moisture on this to hold the rubwe’re gonna put on and I’m just usingthis small filet knife I like to usethis when I’m you know removing fat frompork butts or briskets or things likethat yeah I know I’m exposing a littlepiece over here but that’s all right onthe point side a little bit hard I’mtrying to keep this to the side so youcan see itall right let’s turn this guy over seewhat we got on the other side not toobad most of the silver skins alreadygone we got a pretty good-sized hunk offat right here and we’re going to bedoing this fat side down todaythat’s just my preference usually whenI’m doing something like a big brisketor pork butt and you know what I’drather under do it then over do it sothat’s good with me let’s go ahead andget our rub on now for the rub today I’mgoing tried-and-true on using Texas bestbrisket rub from heaven made productsyou get a good coating hereand we’ve got plenty of moisture here tohelp hold this rub in[Music]so we can get this big boy overone-handed here[Music]back over to our meat side make sure wegot a good good coating here work aroundget the edges now normally I’d like torub this and put it in the refrigeratorovernight but got thrown a curve ballit’s supposed to be really windytomorrow and I’m really just not goingto have the grills or smokers going andthat much wind so had to do it today sothis is not going to get an overnightrest in the rub it’s going to get about20 minute rest in the rub but I’ve donebriskets like that before it’s going totaste great it’s just if you can give ita little more time that flavors gonnaget in there a little more alrightthat’s looking good let’s get this outto the grillalright here we are at the new grillthis is the Camp Chef woodwind Wi-Fi 24now I’m going to talk more about thegrill as a grill and do reviews on it inthis video and in upcoming videos butfirst I want to get this brisket on moveour temperature probe outgo ahead and get my temperature probe inhere alright that’s looking good I’mgonna go ahead and close the lid andthen I’ll talk a little bit about thegrill so first thing you should know isCamp Chef sent me this for review so Igot this for free so as I mentioned overtime I’ll be doing different parts ofthis in reviews every pellet grill doesvery similar things some do slightlydifferent things there are some thingsI’m very impressed with so far in thisthis is the first cook I’ve done on itbecause I thought let’s go with the bigboylet’s do brisket first and see how itdoes but I’ve run it probably five orsix times doing temperature tests otherthings I’ve used the temperature probesin comparison with my thermal workssmoke temperature probes to see howclose the probes are on this spoileralert they’re right on there within fivedegrees so in upcoming videos I’ll talkabout different parts of this now reallyquickly there are two things on thiswhich I think could be improved they’rekind of small and this is what I’venoticed right away the first one maysound silly but it’s actually not whenyou have what’s called the sidekickattachment on this the cover that youget with this if you buy it or if youpurchase a commercial one which is tothe same specifications is a very tightfit when you have the sidekickattachment I think if you have the searbox attachment or just the Shelf it fitsfine but with that sidekick which islarger it it’s a really tight fit youcan get it on but I think if Camp Chefmade the cover just a bit bigger itwould be perfect second is at least asfar as I can tell on the woodwind seriesthat’s out there now this is the onlyone without four wheels it has two solidlegs and two wheels the others all seemto have four casters or wheels is that adownside I don’t know it might be morestable without the wheels on the oneside but I’d like to see four wheels ifit could work out it would move a littleeasier I think it does move prettyeasily there’s no big deal with that nowbefore I show you the first part of thisCamp Chef woodwind Wi-Fi 24 which issort of a Wi-Fi controller aspect of itlet me just cover the brisket we’redoing today we’re gonna take it to thestall range somewhere about160 degrees internal then we are gonnawrap it because we are going to need tomove it along today I ended up getting alittle bit later start because I had tocall that audible and decide to do ittoday ultimately it’s gonna go to atemperature of somewhere around 200degrees until it’s probe tender thenwe’re gonna let it rest for an hourwrapped in foil in towels in a cooler sonow the first thing I want to show youis this Wi-Fi Bluetooth controller onthe woodwind so this is the Camp Chefwoodwind Wi-Fi controller it does bothbluetooth and Wi-Fi you can connect iteasily to your home network pairs itwith bluetooth just like any otherdevice and what I’m gonna do is I’mgonna go ahead on my smartphone myiPhone here I’m gonna go ahead and justchange the temperature and the smokesetting so you’ll see that I’m going toup the temperature to 275 and I’m goingto change the smoke setting because youcan adjust smoke settings on this I’mgonna change it up to five just so wecan see that so I just changed thetemperature setting and you if you lookat the set temperature thing below thereadout it’ll say 275 set temp so I justchanged that and we’re gonna change thatsmoke setting up to five and so thereyou go we just changed the temperatureto 275 and five smoke now I’m going togo ahead and dial it back down to 250and our set temp changes back to 250 nowyou can do all these same things withthe little dial right there on the sideof the controller as you can see thereare four probe ports so you can put upto four temperature probes in therethat’s for me there is a built-inambient temperature probe so right nowyou can see our meet temperature probeis showing below 40 degrees 37 39somewhere in there so we are set to goyou’ll see that the temperature will goup and down that’s like any smoker it’sgonna go in a range and the higher smokesetting you have the more it’s gonnafluctuate in the testing I did I wouldget about 15 to 20 degree fluctuationswhen I had about a seven smoke set itgoes from one up to nine I believe maybe10 but that’s not bad that’s prettynormal for a fluctuation in a smoker sowe are set we’re gonna come back inabout two hours and check this willprobably spritz it at that point if weneed to right now we’re looking goodalright this bris gets me going for twohours on the Camp Chef woodwind Wi-Filet’s have a look[Music]looking good I’m gonna see our surfacefeels it’s a fairly dry surface rightnow I’m gonna go ahead and spritz thiswith a mixture of apple cider vinegarand water it’s two parts water to onepart apple cider vinegar I’m gonna keepa little moisture on the surface hereI’m not running any water pants in herefor this first cook I just wanted to tryit without a lot of extra stuff I don’tthink I mentioned that I’m using oakpellets today so let’s go ahead andclose this up and keep cooking you cansee our grill temperature is recoveringquickly and our brisket temperaturesright around the ninety degree range sowe’re doing good we’re gonna keepwatching it we’re shooting for that 160or when it hits the stall before we wrapit so if we don’t hit that in the nexttwo hours we’ll come out in two hoursand check it so I’ll see you back herein just a little bit all right we’vebeen going for four hours now with thisbrisket you’ll notice the timer on thecontroller there it says four hours in57 minutes I had the smoker running forabout an hour beforehand just to get thetemp stabilized to check it honestly itstabilized within 20 minutes I justwanted to run one more check before Igot this brisket on so let’s go aheadand see how we’re doinglooking good gets a nice color thereyeah that bark there starting to setstill a little moisture down here wantto go ahead and give it another spritzup here we’re still a good 20 degreesaway from what I want to wrap this[Music]alright let’s go ahead and get thisclosed up keep watching it once we getin that 160 range we’re gonna wrap it orif it hits the stall before that sowe’ve been hovering around 155 for 20minutes we’re five and a half hours intothis let’s take a look but I think it’stime to wrap thishe’s looking good yeah I’m gonna goahead and wrap this now so let’s goahead and remove our temperature probetemporarily I just want to add somemoisture in here wrap it up tight[Music]I like to get it so it’s actuallyhugging the brisket really not trying todevelop any space for steam we just wantto retain the heat as it builds up[Music]and if you’re wondering why I went withfoil today instead of butcher paper it’sa pretty big brisket new cooker I didn’twant this to take a super super longtime and my experience shows thatbutcher paper does take a little bitlonger you do hold the bark togetherbetter that’s what I found but this willbe great points still here at this endwe’re gonna orient it the same way andtry and get the probe in about the samespotwe’re gonna let this go until we get inthat 195 range and then we’ll startprobing for tenderness May let it go alittle bit beyond that to 200 we’ll seeso you can see we’re showing an internaltemperature of 149 so and not exactly inthat spot where we had that 155 butthat’s fine I’d rather see a lowertemperature so we can go off that wewant to get it up to that 195 range butright now I’m gonna make a change in thesmoke setting I’m gonna take the smokesetting down to the lowest it is onebecause we don’t need any smoke now thatwere wrapped and I’m going to change mytemperature setting up to 275[Music]as you can see on the controller therethat registered the change the app doeswork I like it so I’ll see you back herewhen we’re getting close to that 195range to check this for tenderness allright we have hit a hundred andninety-nine internal after about 8 hoursand 15 minutes total cook time on hereso let’s do a tenderness check and seeif we’re ready to just let this restjust gonna use the thermal pin here toprobe I’m gonna really only try and gothree or four places I don’t want toventilate this thing totally in case itneeds to stay on longer so let’s justsee we got to get through the foil firstthat is tender okay that’s the pointlet’s check our flap yepyeah we are tender all right I’m gonnaget this off it’s gonna go inside I’mgonna cover it with a little more foilsome towels and a cooler let it rest andI’ll see you in about an hour when wecut into it all right a little overeight hours of cook time another hour ofresting and here is that 17 pound USDAprime brisketI think the Camp Chef would wind Wi-Fi24 did a good job I’m still learningpellet grills and one thing I can tellyou here is I think I put too muchmoisture on it I spritzed it too much wedo have some bark set but there’s somereally soft areas you can see somethingthat’s peeled away so that’s a learningcurve there a lot of people say thatpellet grills dry stuff out and mysurface actually has a lot of moistureon it so we’ll see next time try it alittle different but let’s see firstwhat I want to do a lot of people willjust cut straight into this and you knowwork their way up to the point but Iactually like to separate them so I’mgoing to go ahead and separate the flatfrom the point here[Music]now if you like to do it the other wayjust having together that’s fine I liketo do it this wayoh nice juicy point we can already seethat and this is still a very hotbrisket and we are definitely gonna havea juice lanch first thing I am gonna cutinto this flat I’m just gonna gostraight across the middle here let memove this just slightly over here so wecan open it up there we go we got a nicelittle smoke ring nothing superpronounced you’re not going to get thistype of smoke ring you’re gonna get inthe offset smoker and remember smokering isn’t necessarily just from smokeit’s about combustion gases that’s whyyou can get it in a plain charcoal grilllet’s oh okay this did not get dried outI hope you can see that and I’m gonnamove this one half of the flat there andlet’s cut a slice that’s looking goodlet’s see how we did in the tendernessDepartment here pretty bendy now let’sdo a quick little pull test here comeapart nicely I think it would like it alittle more tender I think if I wentmaybe another five degrees or so onthere would have been good I’m gonnatake a quick taste right here before wecut into the point let’s see well that’sgood super juicy that texas best brisketrub on the outside from having madeproducts always does a good job mmm thatis good the main thing I was worriedabout with this was dryness and it’s notdry you can just see all that juice inthere all that moisture let’s cutanother slice[Music]that is looking good there all rightlet’s move on to the point all rightpoint grain runs a different way sowe’ve turned it and I’m just gonna gostraight down here and then cut somepieces and man this is still hot evenafter an hour oh yeahmove this out of the way here yeah myboard is a complete juice Atlanta mess Ihope you can see that oh look at thisright here super tenderalright I’m gonna go ahead cut some ofthis up get it on a little plate wipe myboard down because it’s time to tastealright I already had that littlecheater taste of the flat I know it’spitmaster privileges people call it butI like to kind of wait till the end butI couldn’t wait there so here we gopiece of the flat let’s seereally good flavor it actually bitesreally well like I said maybe anotherfive degrees there just to take it alittle more tender but it probed reallytender when I tested it out there and Ididn’t want to overdo it and as youcould see plenty of juice plenty ofmoisture and there that fat renderedwhich is really the most important thingthat I was shooting for I really wouldhave liked a better bark on the outsidebut that’s on me I put too much moistureon the outside I should have just let itset further and then not worried as muchbut if I had to trade less bark for moremoisture inside that’s what I wouldtrade I think next time I can probablyget both but that flat is tasty time forthe point we do have a little bit ofbark on this piece of the point here andthat end which is the larger sort offattier end was sort of aimed at thecorner now I’m thinking it might haveactually gotten a little bit more heatcoming up over that foil covereddeflector plate that was down there thedrip tray I covered that with foil likea lot of people do just to make cleanupeasier it is ventilated it has holes inthe bottom so that if you want to dodirect grilling with this grill whichyou can do that’s what it’s for but Iwasn’t gonna use it for that in this soI want to clean it to be easier so Ithink I might have directed the heat toone of those corners where the cornerthe point was and I think we had alittle more bark so let’s see hmmfall apart tender actually does have anice little bit of bark there very happywith the point I’m actually about 20%happier with the point than the flat butI wouldn’t turn either one of them awaythey’re gonna be eat so that was myfirst cook on a pellet grill on the CampChef woodwind Wi-Fi 24 if you have anysuggestions on what you’d like to see mecook on that pellet grill next drop itin the comments below and let’s see whatI’m gonna cook next out there[Music]