BBQ Beef Recipes

Choice Brisket on Weber Smokey Mountain | Detailed Tutorial

Smoke brisket like a Pro with this step-by-step tutorial. You’ll be making tender juicy brisket in no time! Timestamps for sections of the video are provided below.

00:40 Choosing a great brisket
02:38 Setting up the WSM for Minion Method
09:53 Injection the brisket
11:44 Making a homemade rub
14:36 Let’s put the brisket on the WSM
16:03 Checking at 2 1/2 hours into the cook
21:13 I answer your brisket questions (Q&A)
39:36 Checking at 3 1/2 hours into the cook
40:59 Checking at 4 1/2 hours in
42:26 Wrapping the brisket
47:31 Checking at 6 hours
53:19 Testing for tenderness
56:01 How to rest a brisket
57:39 Slicing some fine brisket slices
1:03:33 Final taste test

Items used in this video:

22.5 Inch Weber Smokey Mountain

Pork Belly Wood Works (Cutting Boards)

Arbor Fabricating:
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T-ROY COOKS Theme song is owned & Copyrighted by Troy Smith. Use is forbidden without prior consent from Troy Smith.
Written by: Troy Smith and Nick Tornatore
Performed by: Nick Tornatore

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Video Transcription

hey everybody welcome to board cooks Iappreciate you joining today I’m gonnashow you how to cook a choice gradebrisket when you’re where Smoky Mountainshould be goodhope you stick around[Music]in the backyard really showing you thatyou do getOh’s with the beer whiskey but he cooksresponsibly[Music]hi folks this is what we got today USDAchoice this is a choice of grade brisketI usually get either prime or some BlackAngus brisket but I had a request to dosome choice so this is what we’reworking with today it’s about 12 almost12 and a quarter pounds I like grass-fedbeef I think it gives a little bit moreflavor but talking about briskets whenyou go to choose a brisket try to phoneone that’s got a lot of this there’swhite marbling in it not not the bighunk of fat but marbling in between thefibers of the meat that’s what you’relooking for you also want to try to findone that’s got a real nice flat ifyou’re not familiar this is a flat inbecause it’s flat there’s big honkinground end that’s what they call thepoint this is where you get your burntends from right here but trying to finda nice thick thick flat if you get onethat’s really really thin it’s gonnaburn up as it cooks you might as welljust cut it off and try to try to findwhere it’s a little thicker and cook itthat way usually when I trim these up Itrim them fairly good this is a twelveand a quarter pound let’s say twelvepound brisket I’m probably gonna cut twoor three pounds of fat off so we’regonna wind up with a nine to ten poundbrisket that’s what we’re gonna cook inbriskets when you’re cooking about 225or 250 Fahrenheit they usually takeabout a hour and a half per pound sowhen you’re cooking don’t go by thismeasurement this weight on your tagbecause you’re gonna cut to three poundsoff here go by the the weight of thebrisket after you cook it and againguesstimate to three pounds also whenyou choose a briskets try to find onethat’s flexibleit almost folds over on itself folksthat’s what you need right there at thatshows you that’s gonna be a nice tenderbrisket all right I’m gonna get thisthing cut open and we’re going to trimthe brisket up if you’re not familiarwith how to trim a brisket I’ll put a Icard up in the corner for you I’ve madea video specifically trimming brisketsy’all check that out if you haven’talready we’ll meet you outside whenwe’re firing up to wherever smoking outand I’ll show you how to do that nextI’m never going to discuss the webersmokey mountain itself I’ve got thetwenty-two and a half inch I’ve had minefor about eight yearsI still love cooking on it when you’regetting the coals going I like to openall three bottom vents down hereand to help get you some fuel efficiencyin your weber smokey mountain what i’vebeen using for the last seven years orso I just took the main great that itcame with this bigger one and I boughtlike a fourteen inch or so small grillgrate just from a local hardware storekind of crisscross them and then I’vegot copper wire that I tie it up so thatthis is not coming off this you knowthat’ll give you a lot more fuelefficiency because these holes aresmaller and it’ll allow your charcoal tosit up above the Ash longer giving youlonger burn times that’s the reasoningbehind this now last year I found a newproduct this is stainless steel it’s gota nice handle on it y’all check outthese holes on the bottom and a littlebitty small holes that’ll give you evenmore fuel efficiency I think I put afull 18 pound load of charcoal in thisthing one time and kept at about 250 ishI think I got in like 34 hours and I’vegot that on video too when I first gotthis this is from our bure fabricatinglinks will be down below in thedescription box just hit show more foranything you see me use but I love thisthing right here and also recently theycame out with this this is what you usein the centerbecause when you’re done on SmokyMountain like this you like to I like touse the minion method myself where youhave a bunch of coals around and you putlit coals in the middle and the litcoals eventually catch the ones on theouter sides and that’ll give you a lotlonger burn time so I can usually get inthe summertime maybe twelve fourteenhours before I started using this youknow with that old great I just showedyou I can get a good 12 14 hours in thesummertime when it’s really hot or about10 hours in the winter time when it’sfreezing but this is my setup I’m gonnago ahead and load up some charcoalaround here I’m going to light a chimneywith about a half-full chimney ofcharcoal because you don’t need a wholelot and I’m gonna put that hot coals inthe center will catch out back then Ohfolks let me show you real quick this isanother trick that I use a lot of timesthis is the normal way you use yourchimney put your chimney full ofcharcoal up here light it from thebottom a lot of times like I said youdon’t need a lot of charcoal for thatwhoever smokey mountain to get goingmmm fill this thing halfway like I’mfixing to do or better yet build thisbottom side with charcoal briquettes andlight it from the bottom actually what Ido just kind of got a cone in the middlehere so I’ll just put one of those firestarters down in there and then I’ll putsome charcoal on top light it from thebottom and you got about that muchcharcoal that’s really all you needfolks but we’ll catch y’all back Shorethey just want to share this little tipwith you I’m so used about a half a bagof that kings for blue in here I’ve gotsomething left if I need to add somemore later I will but I don’t think Iwill I use leave now to usually give meabout a 10 hour cook with half a bag onthis this charcoal basket I’m using herealright my chuckles hot plate form inthe middlelike that if you get a few stragglersthat’s finelet’s look up my charcoal add it in thecenter there and it’s just gonna slowlyburn out like thatmy vets are here here in here got threechunks of pecan wood or pecan how’re yougonna say it I like to put my word Chuckon what my chunks not chips I like toput my chunks near my vents and that’sgonna give us a nice long burn let’s goahead and go going in I’m gonna fillthis with water that’s the way I like todo it but you know if you don’t want touse water in your water pan use somesand use some ceramic briquettes putyour some foil in there if you want tohelp the grease clean up however youwant to do it there’s more than one wayto cook this y’all I’m just showing youone way and I don’t do it this same wayevery time the brisket is still insidejust resting with the rub on it we’regoing to let this baby come up to aboutthis weber smokey mountain with about250 fahrenheit somewhere in that rangev fluctuates between 225 and 275 I’mfine but we’re gonna try to get it up toabout 250 then we’ll bring the brisketout herewe’ll be right back okay I just wantedto show you my water pan it’s kind ofleaning this way so it’s more full onthis side but it’s about 3/4 of the wayfull that usually lasts me a good 10hours or so on the water go ahead andthrow my grill let’s get it warmed upand then I’m gonna spray it down andscrape it down cuz it’s got a littlerust on there all the bottom vents arestill wide openso once the what’s the temps once thetemps on the weber smokey mountain startgetting up to about 220 then I’m gonnastart closing those vents down abouthalfway and from there I’m just gonnakeep monitoring and as it gets closer to250 ml keep closing down some of thosevents and in in hotter weather it’s notabout 65 here right now but in hotterweather during the heat of the summeryou may actually need to close down onevent totally and just leave two ventsopen a little bit to regulate the heatfor thethat you’re looking to cook at but we’regonna see how this one wants to worktoday but uh one thing’s for sure onceyou get the vent set some babies set andforget it so let’s go check on thatbrisket all right this is our brisketafter we’ve trimmed it looks gorgeous Icut a piece here that I you know Iprobably shouldn’t have but it’ll befine folks I just kind of want you tosee all the marbling in this this is agorgeous choice roast kind of roundthese edges here cut the sides down alittle bit on each each of the sidesthis round this will help the smoke andthe heat flow over it and give it a niceeven cook this deckle part right here Icut all that out pretty much but Ididn’t go crazy competition styletrimming on this thing I just wanted tokind of get itbackyard barbecue style trim here’s theother side I did get a lot of thissilver skin off of here but again you’renot trimmed a little bit of this trimmeda little here but nothing major folksjust trim it as good or as little as youwant the main thing is to leave aquarteryou know maybe eighth inch on this topside I actually don’t mind having thison the point side trim down a little bitwhere it’s got some shiners here becausethat’s gonna allow that rub to get inhere and it’s gonna really give it anice flavor on this point in on thisflat right here the flat is what you’reconcerned with when you’re doing achoice roast because a lot of times yourflat will dry out during the cook nowwhat I’ve got here we’re going to injectthis one got some beef broth you can usebeef stock water butter whatever youfeel like I think this will just give ita little bit of extra beefy flavor andhelp keep it moist so what I need to dois transfer this brisket into a pan sothey don’t get my injection everywhereso hang on I think I mentioned a pouredmy injection the beef broth into thismason jar here get you any kind ofinjector this is a Cajun injector forturkeys and stuff but it works foreverything else as wellOh folks if you’re having trouble withthis laundry right here put your littleoil on here you see it’s kind of shinybecause I just lubed it up with a littlebit of a olive oil there cups it slidemuch easier[Music]if you want to add any ingredients toyour beef broth has your injection Iwould stay away from large chunky stuffbecause these holes in these injectionneedles are not that big and you may getthem jammed if you try to put some kindof like salt pepper depending on howlarge your chunks it is but I’m gonnainject this whole thing I’m just gonnayou know go in here see it’s alreadyeating everywhere over here kind of holdyour hand over it here we go I’m justgonna go along here and I’m also gonnado the point summer wound up doing onetwo three four five part about sevenseven seven sevenso about 28 injections and that shouldhelp keep this brisket moist we’ll catchyou back and we’ll put some rub on itall right as you can see I used I usedalmost all of this 14 ounce can of thatbeef broth a little bit left and usuallywhat I would do is rub someWorcestershire sauce or some oil orsomething on here to try to act like abinder but we got this beef broth onhere so I don’t think I need to do thatmaybe put a little bit more up herewhere it’s not really everywhere and agood bit of this did squirt out don’tworry about all that I kind of stoppedit up with a paper towel before I turnthe camera back on that’s fine rightthere there we go yeah let’s make us aruball right fry rub I’m gonna keep itsimple for you guys but you can usewhatever rub that you want y’all see meuse plenty of rubs on beef in the pastget your favorite or just use thissimple rub right herekosher salt ground black pepper I liketo throw a little cayenne you can alsoput some garlic powder in there 50/50mix of your salt pepper to see how farthat gets this one – I like a little bitmore pepper maybe a 60/40and this is Chorus ground from Fiestait’s actually a little too coarse I wishit was a little ground up just a littlebit more your cayenne pepper I’m gonnaskip this the heat will mellow out theheat I mean the fire and the smoke fromthe weber smokey mountain will mellowout the heat so it’s not super hot Ilike to just put a little bit maybemaybe a teaspoon you know like that notmuch folks sure wash your hands butwe’re gonna get this a nice mix we’llget our Brisky back up hereyou want to rub it down real good pat itin let’s do that all right man I can’tbelieve how good this brisket looksreally does look good this is the fatside so I’m gonna cook fat side up on myweber smokey mountain I will explainthat when I get out there so I need to Ineed to do this meat side first with therub cuz I want to finish putting the rubon on the side that I’m gonna leave upso let’s just go ahead and put this saltpepper and cayenne pepper rub on hereand like I said before the brisket is abig old hunk of meat so you can coat itdown really really good guys if you wantit to rain just bring your hand up alittle higher or rein it on there moreevenly however you feeling doing itthere we goPat it in you see how big these chunksof pepper are I wish it was ground justa little bit more but you don’t want toput table Braund on there that’s toofine all right we’re gonna do this sideand folks will meet you out at the webersmokey mountain here shortlyall right guys we’re deadlocked here on250 it’s been holding like this forabout 15 20 minutes so I think we’regood to gotop vent is fully wide-open as it alwaysis when I cook and getting the tipalways leave the top fin wide open guysbottom vents I’ve got the I got one ofthem almost all the way closed and twoof them about open like a number twopencil about that thickness a quarterinch or so if that I’m a grill grate inthere waters in there I sprayed thisdown scrubbedget on the barbecue sauce and stuff ohhere we go I’m a brisket we’re going fatside up my reasoning for that is I liketo put the fat cap facing the heat onthe weber smokey mountain the heatscoming around that water pan and comingup the sides so heat on the bottomcoming up around the sides hitting thedome bouncing back down the heats comingfrom the dome lid area that’s why I doit this way if you’re cooking on a webersmokey even if you’re cooking on a grillor something where you’ve got anindirect heat like over here or overhere put your fat cap down guys that’sfine or if you’re doing some kind ofother indirect cook fat cap down oroffset you can cook fat-cat down becauseyour heats coming through the baffleplates on the bottom side of yourcooking chamber and an offset on theweber smokey mountain i do like goingfast side up though playing on let thisbaby go for maybe be a couple hours orso we’ll check it see if it needsspritzing and bring it back if thathappens otherwise we’re gonna let thisbaby ride until we get to around 160internal fahrenheit that’s usually whenit starts getting into the stall andwe’re gonna wrap it alright for you guysout there the length to time your cookswhich no two cooks are the same no twopieces of meat are the same so they cookat different rates but if you’re intocooking by time folksit’s 9:30 a.m. my time okay hopefullyI’ll remember to show you what time itis when I pull this baby off but it’sabout 9:30 a.m. my time right now we’llbe back in a little bit all right guystwo and a half hours and we’re stillholding 250 Fahrenheit got a lovelyweber smokey mountain just for thatsimple fact alone said him forget itbabylove it alright there’s our brisket it’slooking pretty doggone good looking realnice in fact I don’t think I need tospritz it yet maybe another half hour toan hourI’ll spritz it but you see it’s poolingsome liquid here and here I show you alittle trick I learned from my buddyHarry sue I think I’ve shown this onvideo get you some chunks of wood allright put your chunks of wood under yourbrisketdad yesthat’ll workanyway that’ll help that liquid roll offalright so what happens is when thatliquid just sits and pulls on top ofyour on top of your brisket it keeps theit basically makes a spot in the barkokay you’re trying to develop bark atthis point so leaving that pool ofliquid thereyou’re not gonna form any bark on thatsection of your brisket it’s not reallya downside it just doesn’t look thatpretty okay oh yeah I know we got to doat this point we’re going to put someprobes meat probes and a pit probe onthe weber smokey mountain and folks Ijust got this in check this out I got methe new smoke x4 is that what it is yeahsmoke x4 thermal works man y’all know Ilove my thermo works smoke this is thenew model it’s got four different probesprobes you can put in there and it’sgood for like a mile and a quarter orsomething like that line of sight no upno obstacles so it’s a look it’s got alot better range than the old smokeswhat I’m sayingbut again link will be down below ifyou’re interested alright and whenyou’re putting your meat probe on youjust kind of want to sit it kind ofwhere it’s kind of in the middle I guessI mean this is all pretty much gonna beclose to the same temp so it’s not thatbig of a deal and I’ve got my own set upfor the first first probe see the probeson the side here the first one I haveset up for the temperature on the wherewe smoking down this thing will stay inthere I’m gonna have to stretch it out alittle bit or songhere we go come on to you boy oh it isthat’s coming loose pretty good I don’tknow I’m gonna fix thatyeah usually using my thermal workssmoke the original I’d only have to pourprobes but I’ve got four so I’m gonnause one for my flat oh let me show youreal quick – these probes they readabout that far on the end right thereokay so what you want to do is try tostick this middle part especially thisvery tip right here kind of bevels righthere this very tip needs to be in thecenter of your brisket something likethatwe make this probe number two[Music]not also gonna put a probe in my pointdown here yeah let’s golet’s go from this side folks think thatwould give me a little bit better yeahsomething like thatso I’ve got readings from my point andmy flat and from the Weber smoke youknow then we’ll make this fort numberthree let’s fire that baby on onswitches on the back alright there we goso that’s what we’re looking like rightnow you can see I’m uh tips the point146 flat 156 the probes 171 because I’vegot the lid off so this is the receiverthey’re going on I’m go ahead and coverthis thing up here we go guys theyshould connect here very shortly likewithin 30 seconds or so if it doesn’tthere’s a sync button on the bottom theback of the main transmitter see it’salready synced up and that’s what we’vegot right there so this thing should getback up to 250 Fahrenheit we’ll keepcooking and hearing again about an houror so I’ll go ahead and start spritzingthis baby I believe we’re cooking folksjust sit back chill out relax let theweber smokey mountain do the work and Iknow y’all got some questionslet’s go answer some questions for youcuz I get these questions all the timefrom from my fans so let’s go hook youup with some answers to some questionsabout the web of Smokey Mountain andcooking brisket alright so this is uhjust a little quick Q&A I mean this iscoming my Thursday check if you hadn’tcheck that out check out my playlist onmy Thursday chats and I’ll be startingthat up again soon for you guys this maymake the video a little bit longer thanusual but these are some importantanswers to questions that I often get sonewbies starting out folks you know youjust got your weber smokey mountaintrying to figure it out how to cookbrisket stuff so I get these questionsquite often I just thought I wouldinclude it in this video even thoughit’s a little bit longer you can alwaysfast-forward through the videoif you don’t want to you know if youwant to skip this section or somethingbut I’ve been sitting here while theweber smokey mountains doing all thehard work cooking that brisket and iwrote down some questions and i figuredi would kind of go through them a littlea little bit let you hear my thoughts onsome of these questions that i get oneof them is and I probably should haveshown this at the very beginning when Iwas trimming the brisket but what cutwhat kind of knife what type of knife doI use when I’m trimming a brisket I liketo use a knife that is basically aboning or a feel a knife not one that’sreal flimsy it’s still got a littlestiffness to it but it will Bend alittle bit and that’ll allow you to getaround the edges and the corners of thebrisket so a boningfeel a knife personally I have one fromDow strong that I’ll include a link downbelow for you it’s it’s an excellentknife it’s very sharp you know it holdsan edge really well and it’s reasonablyquiet priced I got it on Amazon the nextquestion is about smoke ring a littlebit about a smoke ring a lot of peoplewill find that they can’t get a reallynice smoke ring on the weber smokeymountain I’m one of those people thathave a hard time getting a smoke ring ona smoky mountain okay part of it is isbecause of the design of the webersmokey mountain now smoke ring is notthe end of the world it’s just mainlysomething that you can boast to yourfriends hey I got a nice smoke ring itdoesn’t really do anything to the flavorof the brisket okay now on the webersmokey mountain it is difficult to get asmoke ring unless you’re just bombardingthat meat with smoke which you don’treally want to do because it’ll makeyour meat bitter too much smoke on yourmeat will make it taste bitter so Idon’t really worry about it a whole lotif you want a cheat you can get you somemsg or here in the States called tinderquick the little small red and whitebottle tinder quick msg or get you somekind of a rub a barbecue rub discusssome msgin that msg will help develop a smokering for you okay the more MSG you puton it the thicker the smoke ring nowwe’ll say I’ve tried the black ops fromoak ridge barbecue and I think it doeshave MS Jean and I got a real nice smokering once on my word of Smoky Mountainusing it what about using let’s sayyou’ve been cooking for a couple of twoor three hours on you know smoking abrisket when you wear a Smoky Mountainor any meat for that matter and younotice it’s not smoking anymore out ofthe upper vent I don’t really worry awhole lot about that either but I willsay that once your meat gets to aninternal temperature of 140 145 ofinternal Fahrenheit it won’t absorb anymore smoke flavor but having havingsmoke continually through the process ofsmoking your brisket or other meats thatwill enhance the bark because that smokethe particles in the smoke collectinside that cooking chamber inside theupper lid of the weber smokey mountainalong with the moisture and they attachto your brisket or other meat and thathelps form a nice bark so it’s up to youI would just urge you don’t over smokethe brisket in fact this brisket I’mdoing right now the smoke stopped aboutan hour and a half in so I added acouple of more chunks in there I didn’tshow it on video but I did add a coupleof small chunks just to get a little bitmore smoke because I usually like tosmoke four to two and a half hours or soand then that that’s fine the rest ofthe cook you’re not seeing any smokecoming out of the stack and I’m finewith that try it out and see yourselfdone and also – I use three chunks ofwood knowing this size chunks is whatI’m talking about three fifth sizechunks of woodwhen I’m smoking a big roast like abrisket or pork butt or something likethat if you’re smoking something likechicken fish especially something thatis light you know and not it’s not aroast pork chops you know stuff likethat you don’t need a lot of smoke maybeput a chunk or two at the mostif you’re doing a thinner cut of meatokay or even a steak you know what abouttemperature fluctuations well you knowthe Weber Smokey Mountain Burns charcoalbriquettes you can burn lump wood in ityou can actually burn real wood in itwhich I rarely do but I have used itwhen I want those higher tips I will uselump charcoal to get the higher tempslike if I’m cooking chicken and I wantto crisp that skin up at 325 or 350 I’lluse a lump charcoal that’ll help you getthose higher temps normally though I’mjust using Kings for blue just regularcharcoal and you will get temperaturefluctuations because the briquettes eventhough they do burn more evenly thanlump charcoal you will still see somefluctuations a lot of that has to dowith how the the briquettes arecompressed and the ingredients in themixture that they’re making thebriquettes out of you know sometimesthey burn more evenly than other timesso it’s kind of hitting this but usuallythey won’t fluctuate that much you’llget a lot more fluctuation if you’reusing some more charcoal because itdefinitely burns unevenly it’s actuallyyou know wood and if you’re using realwood for sure you’re gonna getfluctuations so bear that in mind aswell I would just learn how you use yourweber smokey mountain using Kingsford orokra you know some other some other B&Bis a good oneuse some other type of brick yet that’sthat’s charcoal briquette instead oflump learn your weber smokey mountainand then you can start taking aroundwith it and you know Justin Vince on itand using other types of fuel what aboutspritzing spritzing depends on the meatthat you’re spritzing but I’m doingbrisket let’s just talk about briskethere usually I like to spritz when thethe rub has set on the brisket or wrongthe meat and to test that just simplyput your finger on the meat and if youpull your finger up and you’ve got somerub on your finger it’s not quite setlet it go a little bit longer before youstart spritzing and that’s usually gonnabe for me like the two to three hourmark like while ago we checked thatbrisket and it still looked wet on thesurface in a lot of places in fact wegot the pools of liquid that we need tolet dry out so I’m not spritzing it yetI’ll wait another 30 minutes or so it’sbeen about thirty minutes since welooked at it so just in the two threehour of mark that’s when you probablyneed to start spritzing if you want tospritz at all some people don’tspritzing sometimes if the Bark’s notsaid it will wash your your rub awayleave a bear bear meat there and if youdo spritz oh I wanted to mention this ifyou spritz you can use water you can usebeef broth if you want to get a littlebit darker bark use some scripts likesome fruit juice that’s got a little bitof sugar in it a regular fruit juiceapple juice or I like to use like acranberry pomegranate cranapple some youknow something I personally like to usesomething that’s a little bit darker incolor like a grape juice would work butthat’ll darken the bark on your brisketbecause it’s got sugar in it and it’llalso give your meat a little bit sweeterflavor which some people want somepeople don’t like today I think I’m justgonna go with some water cuz I just wantto get that beef taste okay but whatwe’ll see I might change my mind which Ido often while I’m shooting videos andcooking and to wrap her not to rap wellusually I don’t rap unless it’s a cheapcut of meat like this choice brisket upcooking today if you’re using some blackangus or some Wagyu or some USDA primeor some higher well marbled cut ofbrisket you don’t really have to wrapunless you’re just wanting to speed upyour cook wrapping speeds up your cookokay it may drop it from an hour and ahalf per pound to like more like 45minutes to an hour per panel during thattime is wrapped and also to let me talkabout wraps if you’re if you arewrapping whether it be foil or butcherpaperI prefer butcher paper if wrapping ahigher grade of meat because all of thethe fat that’s rendering out that fatwill absorb into the paper and it’llstill allow smoke and heat to passthrough and allow steam to escape ifyou’re wrapping in foilyou’re gonna have your barks gonna besoft because you’re basically steamingthe brisket you’re steaming your meat soyour bark is not gonna be firm at theend unless you open the foil up and letthe heat from your cooker firm that barkback up and if I do do that I’ll usuallyabout 180 590 Fahrenheit internal iswhere I’ll peel the foil back a lot oftimes and that will firm the bark backup somewhat not like it was when youfirst oiled it but that will help but inmy opinion paper is probably the bestway to go also I was mentioning papersthe best way to go if you’re doing ahigher grade of beef if you’re usinglike choice or select then I would wrapin foil because you’re retaining thosejuices from your brisket and when it’sfinished cooking it will absorb backsome of those juices so even thoughyou’re steaming it your bark is gonna besoftyou are basically saving the juices thatthe brisket had to begin with becausechoices select briskets they don’t haveawarbling they don’t have a lot of fat torender out and that’s a lot of times whythey turn out dry unless you inject themI’m hoping this one turns out okay butevery brisk is different you never knowuntil you cut into it at the end greatof brisket versus the time that it takesto cook that’s a good question I mainlyused USDA prime brisket now sometimes Ido use Black Angus which is similar ifif you’re using one of those highergrades or even Wagyu you’re probablygoing to look about you know about anhour a per pound to cook it in about 225or 250 Fahrenheit mm-hmm and the reasonit takes less time then you’re selectingyour choice which take about an hour anda half per pound is because your yourbrisket is is so well marbled it’s gotso much of that fat that soft fat thatwill render out while it’s cooking thatfat as it heats up it heats up theinside of your brisket and that’s onereason that it cooks faster so highergrades meat cook faster than the lowergrades meat so if you’re cooking let’ssay Wagyu and you’re shooting for anhour and a half per pound you’re gonnayou’re gonna find when that hour and ahalf per pound time is upthat your brisket is falling aparttender because you overcooked it alwaysuse some type of thermometer to probeyour meat if you don’t have a meat probelike this thermo works smoke or or oneof the other ones that are out there toconstantly monitor the meat at least getyou a fast read thermometer I use thethermal pin to double-check everythingmyself and I get a reading in like threeminutes three seconds but use some kindof an instant-read type thermometer toperiodically check the internal tip ofyour meat if you’re not using a regularmeat probe like the thermo works smokeokay cause you don’t want to overcook itwell maybe you do if you want choppedbeef sandwiches but if you want tosliced my slices you don’t want toovercook itshould you inject with the grain oragainst the grain I’ve tried it bothwaysI honestly don’t notice that much of adifference if you’re injecting with thegrain supposedly the injection will flowup that grain as it’s running throughthe meat and if you’re going across thegrain you’re basically just injectingand it’s running through the fibers ofthe meat not the fat fiber of the grainokay so it’ll work either way you’restill getting injection into the meatregardless but I would think if youinject with the grain as that brisketcooks it tightens up the muscles thefibers of the meat and I would thinkthat that would push out a lot of thatinjection if you just injected in thegrain I haven’t tested that so I’m not100% sure that’s what happens butlogically thinking the scientific teamor that I am that makes sense to metrimming the brisket I talked aboutusing that boning knife or a filletknife something that’s got a little bitof flex to it to help but why do youtrim brisket especially the decklethat’s because the deckle area is areally hard fat it’s not gonna renderout you’re gonna wind up cutting it offthe meat anyway at the end so why not goahead and trim it off at the beginningput your some rub on there in that areaand you’ll get a lot better bark in thatarea all of that hard fat this on abrisket and especially that deckle areait’s it’s not gonna render out the fatthat’s gonna render out as some of thatfat that’s like on the very top surfacewhere the silver skin is and mainlythough the fat that’s within the fibersof the meat the the grains we were justtalking about injecting okay that hasfat those grains have fat and they willrender out and help keep your meat juicyespecially if you’re using prime BlackAngus Wagyu some higher quality meatoh why do you smoke at a low temp like225-250 most of the time because thatthat low slow tint allows the fat torender okay if you’re cooking it reallyhigh temps like I’ve done a hot and fastbrisket if you’re interested put it uphere for youhot and fast will work but how fast willwe squeeze out all of that juice not allof it but it’ll squeeze out a good bitof the juice that’s in your brisket mostof the time because that your cooking isso hot and fast that it doesn’t givetime for that fat to render if you’recooking low and slow to 25 to 50 even275 pushing it a little bit but mainlyaround the 250 rangeFahrenheit if you’re cooking low andslow you are allowing that fat to renderout naturally on a low heat it’ll takeits time to render that’s going to giveyou the juiciest brisket in my opinionso in the same thing with pork pork butit’s been a while since I’ve did these qand A’s I need to get back into puttingmy training wheels on and get back doingsome Q&A for you guys huh there is thechance all right what about if you’veput meat on the middle rack in thewherever Smoky Mountain that’s when Iget quite oftenfirst off think sanitary all right don’tput chicken over beef don’t put chickenover pork if you’re cooking withdifferent meats put your chicken on themiddle rack because it will just drainthe grease drippings down into yourwater pan drip in and put your meat orpork on the top rack now I will say thatthe rack that’s just above the water panthat middle rack on the weber smokeymountain in my wherever Smoky Mountainthat middle rack range is about 25-30degrees lower intent then the top rackand a lot of that has to do with becauseI’ve got meat on that upper rack and asI mentioned why I’m putting the fat sideup the heat comes up from the sides ofyour weber smokey mountain hits the lidbounces back down onto that top rackwhere you meat is now if you’ve got abig chunk of meat up there like a roastlike a chuck roast or a brisket or porkbut that’s going to absorb a lot of thatheat and then some will follow aroundthe surface of that meat and go down tothe lower rack and you are getting someheat from beneath the water pan that’sheating up that water and it’s it’sgiving you a little bit of heat from thebottom side as well usually that bottomwere acted the middle rack and you eversmoked a mountain is gonna be about 25degrees less than the upper rack thoughso bear that in mind and that shouldallow you to help plan your cook a lotof times if I’m doing something and it’sgonna take a while to cook and I want iton that middle rack I’ll put that onbefore I put anything on the upper rackso I hope that helps you if I didn’tanswer all of the questions that you hadand I’m sure I didn’t please ask them inthe comment section down below I’ll getto those hopefully and be able to answerthose questions individually but again Ijust want to throw these questions outthere because there’s questions that Iget quite often from you guysand since this is like a tutorial typevideo I thought I would include that andagain if if you need to just skipthrough the video man that’s why I’m I’mleaving this one long for you guys y’allwatch what you want I’d rather includetoo much information than not enoughinformation there’s a bunch of newbiesout there and whoever Smoky Mountains afantastic smoker folks it’s almost timeto go spritz this brisket so let me getthis camera shut down let’s go ahead andspritz the brisket cheers to you andwe’ll catch you off on the flipside hifolks see my thermometer here is stillreading about 240 actually some worksmoke says 250 and that’s fineyou know I’m not worried about that muchof a difference internal on the flat 157151 in the pointlet’s check onsee where we’re at and if you’re cookingfor yourself and not doing video try tonot leave the lid off very much I’mgonna go ahead and just stretch this alittle bit with just plain water folks Ican just got plain water here I’m justputting a little bit of spritz on herenot a whole lot cuz it is still prettyjuicy here we go well let it keepcooking we’re about three and a halfhours in right now we’re gonna spritzabout every 30 to 45 minutes so I’llbring out back when we’re ready to wrapthis thing which won’t be too longbecause we already at 157 151 so we’llbe wrapping soon oh one thing on thisthermal works smoke 4×4 yeahsmoke x4 I like that it’s got a flatbottom the regular of the original smokethe receiver had a curved bottom so itwas hard to sit on a tabletop orsomething like thatthis has a flat bottom and it’s gotmagnets on it and the magnets on theback of the main transmitter as well soI like it it seems to work pretty goodwe’ll be back wrapping the brisketshortly hey guys about four and a halfhours in my Weber Smokey Mountainsdropping in temp the brisket has beenhold about 157 here and about 153 herefor the past I’d say about 20 minutes orso so or maybe even more for the flatbut I’m thinking it’s in a stall so Ineed to go ahead and wrap it but I needto worry about this temp real quick herethe temps will fluctuate up and down alittle bit but it’s steadily going downwhich tells me that that vent on thebackside that I had closed down prettygood I need to open that vent up sothose charcoals will start getting litup so I’m gonna open that about halfwayand I may open up some of these frontones here just about halfway and if Ineed to add some more charcoal I willlater but for right now I’m just openingup that one vent and maybe open it upone of these other vents I have kind ofpartially closed down see if we get thetip back up around 250 and let me showyou the brisket briskets looking mightyfine y’all check that out don’t thatlook good oh yeah babysomething zoom in on that for you realquickcheck that out man that’s looking nicey’all gotten real nice bark on it and Ihaven’t spritzed it anymore since thelast time you saw me spritz it I don’tthink it needed it so I just didn’tspritz it but what I’m gonna do and Istill got plenty of water in the waterpan what I’m gonna do I’m gonna takethis brisket and get some foil and we’regonna wrap it for you be right backall right guys I got some heavy-dutyaluminum foil and basically what did Iget a double length of the brisket soI’ve got this extra hanging over herefold it in half and I made a littlecrease here so I’ll know where to placemy brisket let’s get the brisket oh I’mdoing shiny sad inside too because thethat’ll that’ll help not reflect theheat away that’ll help reflect the heatback in towards the brisket help it cookfasterit’s my reasoning behind thatI’ll tell you what that brisket islooking mighty fine y’all really reallylooks good juices running everywhere ohyeah baby now go sit down towards whereI got the crease that’s halfway it’s alittle trick I learned from Harry sue bythe way what you want to do is make itlike a little pocket yes sorry so windyout here for you but you got one in thisclosed the other side see this otherside so we just form a little pocketsomething like that get it pretty tight[Music]go fold bottom in back in there puttingthis back on the same way that I’ve hadit I had it fetch side up so that’s howwe’re going back in again you want itthe tighter that you can get this in thefoil the less it’s going to steam if youwant you can throw a little bit of ajuice or broth or water in here just togive it a little extra juice in therethen take a lot then finally close upthis back side and if you’re not usingheavy-duty foil get you two layers ofthis you don’t want this ripping andlosing all your juice we’ll put it backon at this pointI don’t think we need wood anymorewe’ll put the probe back in mo point putthe probe back in flatstill got my meat proberight there put the lid back on maintain250 ish and well let it keep cookingfolksalright guys quick little update I justwrapped put that brisket on as you sawbut check out these temps my webersmokey mountain temp is climbing prettygood that’s because I had that lid offfor quite a while and what I’m gonna doI’m will close that back lid back downwhere it was about halfway quarter awaysomething like that see if I canregulate it and get it back down toabout 250 for the weber smokey mountainalso the flat and the point temps whenyou’re when you’re wrapping yourbriskets and you take those probes outyou wrap it put the pros back in a lotof times you don’t put those probesexactly in the same spots you had themso if you’re putting your brisket backon put the probes back in and you’reseeing a lot lower temps maybe you putthe probe back into a different part ofthe brisketit happens don’t worry about it justleave your probes where you put them letthem keep going the briskets gonna cookin the end and at the end you can alwayscheck whether the instant readthermometer like I mentioned in the QAif y’all miss that check it with instantread thermometer see what differentparts of the brisket are probing beforeyou actually pull it off the smoker solet me take care of this vent down heresee if I can get this web smokingMountain down to 50 ish and we’ll keepon cooking and also to the stall ifyou’re not familiar with that the stallhappens and they call it a stall becausethe temps do not rise if they rise theyrise very very little very very slowlyfor sometimes an hour sometimes two orthree hours each brisket is differentjust don’t be concerned about it let itstay in the heat let it keep cookingit’ll be fine eventually it will comeout of the stall and you will see thetemperatures internally on the brisketkeep you know start rising again andthen you need to check it when it’sabout 198 200 205 internal check itaround those temps and see where it’s atI like to check it about 198 or 200 infact I got this set for 200 just so Ican see how tender the brisket is when iprobe it it may need to go longer it maybe ready but around 200 usually whenit’s getting closeso in stably thermometer 200 hope thathelps everybody out there we’ll catchyou back when we’re getting closer to200all right folks my alarm just went offoh we’re still holding 250 not 240 hereyes that’s fine but my flat just wentoff 200 degrees hopefully y’all see thatand the the point is behindexcuse me point is a little bit behindand let me get you up here I can see youtalk to you just a minute that usuallydoes happen where the point in the flatare not the same temp that’s why I puttwo probes in there there are twodifferent muscles guys so don’t don’tthink they’re gonna cook at the samerate plus the flat is it’s kind of thinit’s like a steak think of it as a steakcompared to the point which is like achuck roast it’s thick so it’s gonnacook slower usually there’s only brisketbut for the most part flats gonna cookfaster than you point in my experiencebut let’s uh let’s actually use athermal pin from thermal works to checkthe internal temp of the flat and thepoint and see how close it is to whatthese things are reading it could justbe that I have my probe for the flat ina pocket of fat or something and thesame thing could be true with the withthe point if you get your probe stuckinto fat it’s gonna read higher thanwhat the meats actually reading becausethe fats gonna be hotter than the meatwhich again is why if you got a Wagyuprime Black Angus that fat within themeat is gonna help it cook faster oh andanother thing too let’s see where we addon the clock here3:22 p.m. so we’re almost six hourswe’re like what 8 minutes from being sixhours in this thing’s cooking fasterthan I thought let’s let’s put this toread thermometer let’s check it outall right I did rotate this around justa little bit this this side over herethe coals is is where I opened up thatvent and I wanted it to be a littlehotter on the point so I just flippedthis around just a little bit let’s uhlet’s check out see where we’re at herethat’s reading 179 read 180 179 okay sothat’s pretty consistent right there177 on the thermal work smoke and stillreading 215 hit 201 on the flat see whatthe insta reads reading on the flat nowsee there 194 so it’s still got a littlebit to go and I could feel just puttingthe probe in it it’s not quite feelinglike melted or room-temperature butterso I still got a little bit to go andsee it’s reading 202 right there butit’s still still kind of tight how’sthis feeling I do not forgot to that’sstill pretty tight to what you want todo you can tell this is done regardlessof the temp I mean this may not betotally done until this heck – 12 to 15to 20 I’ve had one go to 25 one timebefore I pulled it but you can alwaystell if you get you a nice to readthermometer when you’re probing it seehow tender the meat is as you’re probingit if it if it’s the probe like goingthrough the probe acts like it’s goingthrough room temperature butter thenthat’s done all right so we’re gonna putthe lid back on this baby I’m gonna letit keep cooking so now I have kind of anidea of exactly what my has to readthermometer was saying I can I can kindof watch this and tell where I need togo so 194 195 on the flat I know I needto go you know about another 8 degreesor so maybe 10 degrees we’ll check itagain and of course the the point stillneeds to go a little bit longer butwe’ll keep probing until it gets tenderin fact I’ll bring you guys back when itis probing tender before I pull it okayI’m not lengthening in this video anymore than it is alreadyso hope you understand and we’re stillmaintaining 250 on the weber smokeymountain gotta love that weber smokeymountain alright folks i think it’sabout time to pool this brisket nowcheck it outwe are five twenty nine pm my local timethere you gothat’s right at eight hours if my mathis correct so we’re putting on about9:30 this morning it’s 5:30 now let meshow you the temps of course the webersmokey mountain i think she’s runningout of charcoal and when it’s runningout of charcoal like thatjust open your vents folks you knowstraight forward right give it more airget you more heatyo also let me tell you real quick aboutan hour ago something like that maybe anhour and a half ago i took moma fireplace poker right here and iopened up the front door on the webersmokey mountain I just kind of stirredthe charcoal a little bit knocked someof that ash off of it and I threw inlike another twelve or fifteenbriquettes cuz it was down to about oneforty five or so and on the weber smokeymountain and that gave it more heat ofcourse when you do thatyou want to put those vents back whereyou had them when it was reading about250 earlier you know otherwise justadjust your vents as you need tohow about that again this is gonna be along videohope y’all stick through this there’s alot of information man a lot a lot ofyou guys out there you’ve never donethis before so I’m trying to do what Ican to help you out so hope you’reenjoying this hope you watch it all geta lot of information out of it butanyway I told you about 210 on the flatwe’re gonna probably get ready to pullthis thing I want you to notice the flat209 and then the the point202 so that’s a that’s a seven degreedifference now when I showed you earlierthat was gonna that was like what 25degree difference so the points catchingup to the flat and I think this thingsabout ready to pull though I’ve actuallyprobed it maybe half hour ago 45 minutesago and it was probing pretty tender butI think it could use a little bit more swhile we’re pullingright now let’s open this baby up seewhat she probes like right now all righthere we goI know y’all probably can’t see mydermapen here but uh let’s just checksee what’s going on all right it’sprobing grubbing pretty doggone tenderfolks still gonna live in a tug but notmuch and I’m reading internal of 2:04 atthat point anyway and 202 points sevenon the thermal works so again it dependson where you have your probe for the themeat probe and let’s check out the flatthe flat that’s probe a real nicehopefully I didn’t overcook it that’sproven real nice and we’re a pokingaround now it’s 204 so the flat and thepoint we’re pretty close alright soagain at the end of your brisket cookdon’t go by the temperature don’t go bythe time go by the feel when you probethe meat it needs to be probed like theprobe is it needs to be tender like theprobe is going through room-temperaturebutter that’s your that’s your sign okaynow what I’m gonna do put my gloves onreal quick then what I’m gonna do I’mgonna take this I’m gonna take thisbrisket I’m gonna put it on a cookiesheet pan over here pull my probes outget you some gloves that will go andprotect you this thing’s hot folks herewe go alarms going off alright let mebring you in closer hang on now when youfirst pull this thing off what I like todo I like to open this foil pack it upand that’ll release some of the heat andI’ll leave it open for oh maybe what Ithink smells good y’all I like to leaveit open for maybe I don’t know 15 20minutes or so let some of that heatescape that way you’re not overcookingit any more than what you already haveif you have already y’all check that outfolks beautiful bark beautiful color ohthat thing’s tender holy cowalright we’re gonna let the the heatvent for maybe like I said maybe about15 minutes or so and and at that pointI’m gonna close it back up we’re gonnalet it rest in the foil for another hourat least I like to go anywhere from anhour to two hours before I start slicingit and that what that does that allowsthe brisket to absorb the juices thatare in the foil or in the paper orwhatever just look at that thing rest ofluck that will catch y’all back here inprobably a couple hours all right guysit’s time to cut this brisket up he’sbeen resting for a couple of hours giveyou a little close-up of it there you gothat’s what we’re looking at folks y’allcheck out the color of that bark I loveme a nice dark bark goodness gracioushope y’all see that holy moley let’s cutthis baby upso it looks like on the insidealright guys fix to cut this brisket upor to show you real quick this is thegladiator series of the Dow strong knifeand you can see how flexible I mean it’snot it’s not super thin so it has someflex but it’s not it’s more stiff thanit is flexible put it that waythis is what I used to carve my brisketswith ok this is what I use to trim themup love this knife I’ve had thisprobably about a year or so and folks Ijust got a new knife in again Dow strongnow check this out man this is theShogun series and y’all check this it’sa chef’s knife man check out that littlecurve on the end I like thatcan’t wait to check this baby I just gotit in yesterday we’re gonna check it outlet’s let’s go ahead and cut us up thisbrisket up I’m tell you what I’m gonnacut it in the middle cut this baby up inthe middle right here and then we’llseparate it we’ll take a look got alittle bit of smoke ring from a webersmokey mountain check that out guys alittle bit of smoke ring up herenot a whole lot like I said you whereverSmoky Mountain let me get you the closerwherever Smoky Mountain don’t give you awhole lot of smoke ring unless you gotsome msg in the in the rub or put it onthere yourselfwell let’s uh let’s it this point to theside you see the point muscle here youcan see the flat muscle here and you cansee it’s dripping too manit’s dripping really really good allright now when you’re when you’reslicing the flat sectionwell I’ll cut that one a little thickbut you want to try to go with you wantto try to go with like a pencilthickness you know see if I can do thisagainthere we go all right now I’m gonna cutthis section of the point off put thatback over here let’s check this outthere you go folks there you go bin testpool look at that I’m telling you youcan do this at home guys you can do thisat home okay so we got some slices thereto eat some pieces holy cow I meaneverybody squeezes right there cuz it’sthe the fat that’s rendered out andmakes a nice juicy thing down here butuh I’m telling you what this is somejuicy brisket and it’s because weinjected it you can get juicy choiceUSDA choice brisket or select brisket ifyou inject that’s what you need nowlet’s check out some of this point myhands hang on let me let me wipe myhands real quick I was gonna mentionearlier I forgot to mention you couldactually take and separate the point inthe flat you see they’re separated hereyou know you can take and as you’retrimming it separate the point in theflat cook them separately if you wantthat’s fineusually here in Texas we leave themwhole like this some restaurants dosplit it up but what I like to do spinit this way so y’all see the whole thingthere there here you go the grain on thepoint runs this away the grain on theflat the grain on the flat kind of runsat an angle so ideally you want to sliceacross the angle I just cooked crossbecause that’s how they do it butideally you want to cut across the grainnow on the point point again runningthis away for the grain you want toslice acrossI’ll just go across this way and thepoint itself you want to cut somethicker slices like back in the oldschool you want to do some jumbo sizethickness jumbo pencil thickness okaylike that guys all rightI don’t know if you can see thedifference in the thickness well not awhole lot of thickness old tiro needs totighten up his game all right let’s cutsome more let’s cut this a littlethicker there you go that’s what I’mtalking about right there baby nicejuicy hopefully I can see that juicinessin there see a sheen see the shinethat’s good stuff man wipe my hand againyou don’t want to be handling a knifewith greasy hands folks that’s not goodall right here we gohere we go and again see this is yourflat muscle this is your point I’m gonnacut this up a little bit we’re gonnagive each of these a taste and man I’lltell you what this is gonna be some fineeating right here oh yeah baby I’m gonnasmooth this edge right here cuz I liketo bark myself alright I’m gonna go withthis one right here it’s got a nice niceedge of the bark on it right here comeon now don’t let that fall down my dogsget italright so that’s when we eaten rightthere for the for the point let’s cutthis piece right here look it has alittle bit of this flat i’ma go with yaI’ll go with this end right here that’llwork let’s give this a taste man I tellyou what it smells fantastic out hereand don’t forget you can do thisyourself on your own wherever SmokyMountain just follow the instructions inthis video and you can do it yourselfyou can impress all your friends yourfamily neighbors you know you lot upyour weber smokey man you’ll be drivingyour neighbors nuts anyway alright firstoff let’s text let’s taste some of thisflat the flat usually is kind of dry butwe injected this you know you inject ifyou’re using choice or select if using ahigher grade beef you don’t necessarilyhave to you can but you don’t have tobut let’s give this a trysoon as lifevery tender picking up the hint of smokeokay and on a big roast like this a bigbrisket or something like or a pork butyou can use those stronger woods thehardwoods like your your oak yourHickory mesquite if you want you canalso use the fruit woods fruit woodshave a milder flavor I personally likepecan and I know a lot of you in thepast have said sounds like I’m sayingpine because I say pecan so fast and I’mfrom the south that’s how we say pecanbut if you up north I guess pecan thereyou goI’ll tell you what man that flats prettydoggone good for coming from a choicebrisket and the cook this cook took alot less time than I thought I mean ittook what eight hours and must have beenbecause oty picked out a really nicemarbled and very tender brisket so keepthat in mind as well the more marbledyou can get the brisket the better it’sgonna the faster it’s gonna cook and thebetter the flavor will be usually butman you know I love my bark I like thesedark barks I even wrapped this and itstill looks fantastic it didn’t lookthis good when I first wrapped it youknow but let’s give this a shot this ispart of the point right here my guythat’s so succulent so good Oh ma’am Iwish I could taste this and you can ifyou cook this yourself follow theinstructions in this video again I’msorry I so long but I just want toinclude everything that I could ahead oftime so that you can go back andre-watch it when you’re doing your owncook on your own weber smokey mountainfor a brisket thanks for everybody whoasked for me to do another choicebrisket on my web of smoky mountain Ihadn’t done it in a long timeagain I usually use the upper grades ofbeef but a lot of you can’t you know youdon’t you know money budget wise youcan’t afford the upper grades of beef sothis is choice be sure and follow theinstructions I did in this video thoughand you will not go wrong you’ll impressyour friends your family your neighborsneighbors will be looking over the fenceand man what’s that smell what are youcooking today this happened to me trustme but I hope you I enjoy this cheers toall you guys out there if you don’tenjoy this kind of stuff y’all give mesome thumbs up if you’re not subject toold tea Roy cook so I hope you go aheadand subscribe and hope you enjoying thisnew cameras actually Suns already setit’s getting pretty dark out here but uhhope you enjoyed this and hope you sharethe video when you do please tell allyour friends that T Roy cooksresponsibly and by all means enjoy yourcook have fun with it let the cooker dothe work you just sit back chill out andenjoy a nice day cheers to everybody outthere we’ll see y’all next time hope youenjoyed itcheers everybodytell me that was good real good

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