Wanna have Korean BBQ at home? Today I’m sharing with you the recipe for incredibly delicious BBQ beef short ribs. It is easy enough that you can make it at home. If you feel that your beef is not tender enough, no worries. Stay till the end of the video. There is an important step that makes the beef very tender ^^
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Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]hello everyone this is Jenny and welcomeback to my Cooking Channel and I’m stillsuffering from the code but I’m reallycraving for meat so today I’m gonna trya new recipe for making BBQ beef shopworks[Music][Music][Applause][Music][Music][Applause][Music]now let’s preheat the oven to 350degrees Fahrenheitand so we have marinated the meatovernight now and now we can transfer itto a baking plate I don’t have a verydeep patient plate so we’re just goingto wrap the meat with the foil and thenput it in this in this plate instead[Music]okay and it fit it very wellno that’s adding all the sauces[Music][Applause][Music]it’s pretty well-covered now and solet’s wrap it real very tightly so to meit would be tender inside oh we probablyneed another fold since it’s leaky timeyeah so in the last fold I had the longend this way and now we are rightrednecks and the other way so now we canreally make sure that no air I mean noliquid would come out of the foil andthere won’t be too much evaporation sothe meat wouldn’t be dried out in theoven now we will bake this in the ovenat 350 degrees Fahrenheit degree for anhour and then we were adding that leftover we were opening the wrap and thenadding the leftover barbecue sauce tobake it for another on 20 minutes at ahigher temperature probably 400Fahrenheit degreeit’s been an hour in Evin now when Icome back to the kitchen I can smell themeat aroma the barbecue sauce all rightAlbert although in the air and now let’stake a lookwell you can see the sauce over here itsmells really good mmm it smells justlike Sendong den I have taken video ofthis barbecue of this Korean traditionalfood place maybe one week or two weeksago if you guys are interested you cantake a look so this is how to meet looksright nowlet’s use some chopsticks to testwhether it’s ripen or notI don’t see blood when I poke into themeat so that’s adding the rest of thebarbecue sauce or maybe actually there’sin a sauce inside so we can just bake ata higher temperature to get rid of oursauces and make it a low cross theoutside I’m going to turn over and so itgets evenly covered in the sauce[Music][Applause][Music]okay now I’ve already turned them orupside down let’s put it back to theoven and cook for another 20 minutes at400 Fahrenheit victorylet’s make it 425 very high degreelooks beautifuloh this is just an incredible meal infront of me we’ve made the BBQ meat andI also got some tofu soup outside andalso some steamed rice with differentkinds of grains you can see yep nowlet’s try the meat I believe you canjust use your hand okay let’s try thisone dip it in a sauce for the gift wecover to the sauce just going to give ita biteit’s right flavored it’s a little maybea little overcooked not as tender but afavor is right all the barbecue sauceswent in it goes very well with the scenethe right I just feel mmmtonight combination I really liked likethe feeling of grabbing a huge chunk ofmeat by hand I’m eating it together withrice and soupall right I have cooked it for anotheran hour and a halflet’s see how it’s going now take it outwell there might be some leakage of thewrap it definitely looks different frombefore see if it got more tender oh itis see how easily I can poke a now yeahso I think yeah look how easy I can pokeinto the meat it’s like that yeah so Ithink making out the low temperature forto more than two hours two hours and ahalf definitely helped okay um I willhave a little bite although I’ve alreadyhad my full meal but just to test it outWowdoes make a huge difference hmm yeahsuper good super super good you like thevideo and if you like the fooddo not forget to subscribe I will seeyou next time[Music][Applause][Music]