BBQ Beef Recipes

Easy Beef Back Ribs Made In The Oven

When the weather turns frightful, you don’t have to give up on enjoying great ribs. Even great Beef Back Ribs. You can fire up the oven, give the ribs a great rub, glaze them with a delicious sauce, and you’ll have a meal to savor.

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I’ve got six pounds of beef back ribshere but we’re not going to be takingthem out to the smoker no today I’mgonna be showing you a way to make theseand get terrific results using your oven[Music]so the first thing we’re gonna do is weare gonna get a rub on these and we’renot actually going to be making thesetoday they’re gonna go in therefrigerator overnight I just find thatgives it a better chance to absorb someof the flavors we’re almost dry briningthese and you have seen me if you’vewatched any of my videos I don’t knowthat I’ve ever used binders the reason Idon’t is usually the meat has enoughmoisture on the surface to kind of grabon to whatever rub you’re gonna put ontoit this is a little dry so I’m actuallygonna add a binder today I’m gonna use alittle bit of avocado oil and I’m onlygonna put it on the surface on the meatside here just a little drizzle you canprobably see that we have some loosepieces over here almost like some littlerib tips and then one rib that kind ofgot out of the pack rub this oil overthe surface just get a light coating wedon’t need a lot here now on beef backribs you can remove the membrane on theback I don’t like to it’s just apersonal thing these can get very tenderand they tend to fall apart and I wantto keep them together as racks until wecut them there’s not a lot of meat onthat back side of the bone so if youwant to at the end if you want to kindof scrounge any off of there you canjust pull off that membrane once it’scooked but I find that most people justeat these and they just ignore thebackside there all right we’re gonna getour rub on and what I’m using today issmiling swine barbecue steak and choprub I find that this goes really reallynice with beef especially sort of bigcuts of beef I know it’s called a steakand chop rub but I haven’t really usedit on steaks that much I just reallylove this on like I said big cuts ofbeef chuck roast beef ribs I’ve used iton short ribs we’re gonna give it agenerous coating here I’m not even gonnabother with the back side there’s themembrane on there so I’m just gonna goahead get these into some ziplock bagsit’s gonna go in the refrigeratorovernight and tomorrow I’ll see you whenwe cook these up in the oven and we’regoing to be glazing them with a sauceyou might not expect that I would usebut Iit’s gonna be really good so I’ll seeyou tomorrow okay our beef back ribshave been soaking in the flavors fromthat rub overnight now it’s time to getthem into the oven what I’m gonna do isI’m gonna put them on racks like thisthese are baking cooling racks on arimmed baking sheet this is just gonnahelp keep a little more circulationgoing around them I’m also gonna add alittle bit of water once this is in theoven just to keep some moisture in theresee these are gonna take up some of thatspace there I got a few of those extralittle pieces so I’m gonna go ahead andget that other rack on a separate sheetand then we will get these into the oven[Music]all right our oven is up to temp we’regonna be cooking these at 275 todaynormally I’d cook beef ribs at about 250if I was doing it on the smoker but Iwant these to be done a little bitsooner than it would take doing it 250in the oven and this will be great yeahI’m just gonna add a little bit of waterto each of these pans so we have somemoisture in here we’re gonna close thisup let these ribs go and we’ll checkthem in two hours all right it’s beentwo hours time to check our ribsnow beef back ribs do not win any beautycontests you get so much pullback fromthe bone that sometimes there’s justbone left exposed but it is great flavorgreat tenderness and I just want to seeyeah we’re starting to get some goodtenderness there so you know what Ithink it is time to take these and putthem in a foil pan and glaze them withthat sauce that I mentioned but didn’ttell you what it was so let’s go aheadand get these out of here get him into afoil pan and get them back in to finishup so we have one of the racks of thesebeef back ribs in a foil pan here I’llget the other one in a second but firstI want to start glazing this and whatI’m gonna be using is a kimchi hot saucefound this at a local market and ittastes great it’s not really too spicybut it has a lot of great flavor in ityou get down in between – there’s oursecond rack if you wanted to you couldsplit these in half so they fit moreevenly in here I’m not gonna worry aboutthat one rests on top of the other oneit’s not gonna hurt anythinglike I said beef back ribs generallydon’t win beauty contests but man doesthe meat taste greatgot our lonely little guy here who felloff earlier they’re not gonna forgetabout him though and our little piecesthat are almost like rib tips give thosea quick brush I want to add a little bitof water to this foil pan just so wehave some moisture in there when wecover it up as maybe half a cup to 3/4of a cup of water you could add anyother sort of flavoring in here I’d stayaway from things that are too sugarythough because you don’t want them toburn in there if you do add say an applejuice or something like that I dilute ita little bit with some water let’s goahead and get this covered up with foilwe’re gonna be double sealing this todayall right let’s go get this back in theoven all right we’re gonna let these gofor about an hour and then we’ll have alook okay our beef back ribs have beengoing for just a little over an hour inthe foil pan here let’s unwrap them andhave a lookI love that smell coming off these Ijust want to check again for tendernesshere these are looking goodbut what I want to do now is I’m gonnatransfer these back to the originaltrays they were on to finish up in theoven for maybe 30 or 45 minutes helpsort of set the outside of these butthese are right back on hereput our little rib tip section on thisone here all right let’s get these backin the oven we’re gonna let these go for30 to 45 minutes see you back here whenit’s time to take them out of the ovenso I pulled one of the racks out of ourfoil pan after that 30 to 40 minutes Ithink was right around 40 minutes in theoven just want to do a quick check herewith the thermapen to show you that itis tender I can already tell it’s tenderjust from the way it came out of thefoil pan when I picked it up but hereyou go it is just sliding through justlike butter and again back ribs do notwin duty contests you can see there’s alot of bone exposed if you were doingthis on the smoker my experience is thatthis would be almost black and so itlooks burned even though it’s not it’sthat nice sort of crust on the outsidein the oven you can get a little bitmore of this mellow color here basedupon the sauce you’re using let’s goahead and cut into these[Music]all right now these are very hot so I’mgonna leave my gloves on here but I’mnot waiting anymore it is time to tasteso on back ribs as you can see you havesort of that thinner amount of meat it’snot gonna puff up like it would on ashort rib there’s less of that meat onthe top of the bone here especially soyou’re not going to get a lot of beefymass on top but the flavor I can tellyou from experience is gonna befantastic so let’s go that is reallygood I got to say you get an immediatekick from that kimchi hot sauce it’s notoverpoweringly hot we’ve got a lot offlavor in it but you do know it’sthey’re really nice addition to thisand back ribs just like short ribs orplate ribs they give you that beefyflavor there’s really no other way todescribe it when you’re eating a beefrib the flavor is intensified it’s thefat in there you give it that time torender down if you were doing it evenlower and slower stay out on the smokeryou’d even get more flavor from it we’redoing it a little faster here in theoven at 275 but you’re not losing anyflavor here that’s really good 3 hoursand 40 minutes total in the oven at 275degrees 2 hours just on the racksanother hour in the foil pan with someof that sauce a little bit of water anda final 40 minutes to finish it offthere and sort of tighten up the skin onthe outside you could definitely golonger if you want them even more tenderI would do that time in the foil pan notexposed I wouldn’t really go any longerthan like I said 45 minutes on thatfinal time open on the rack but for methese are just perfect so if you findback ribs don’t ignore them I’ve saidthat in several videos before when I’veused beef back ribs they tend to beignored in favor of their puffier cousinthe short rib that they can deliver alot of flavor a lot of tenderness andoftentimes you’re gonna pay half theprice that you would for short ribs halfthe price of the same great flavor

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