BBQ Beef Recipes

Episode 10: Smoked BBQ Cholula Angus Beef Ribs Video

Episode 10: Smoked BBQ Cholula Angus Beef Ribs Video

My 10th video and I’m trying out a new video editing style, so tell me what y’all think down below in the comments!

This was one of the funnest videos for me just because I love Cholula hot sauce, but it was also the most challenging with all the video and audio editing, camera shots, etc., I’m still learning all the bells and whistles on iMovie, so as I grow, my productions will get better. Thanks to everyone for your support!

Prime Angus Beef Ribs:
Cholula Original Hot Sauce

Powdered Jalapeno
Pink Himalayan Sea Salt
Coarse ground pepper
Granulated onion powder
Granulated garlic powder
Smoked Paprika

Hope you folks enjoy the video, and please leave any questions or comments down below!

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Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

[Music]hi guys welcome to another great videotoday we are gonna be doing thesebeautiful beautiful Angus beef ribs sucha wonderful wonderful cut of meatbasically this is where they take theribeye front so in between these bonesare just little ribeye steaks and todaywe’re gonna be using my favorite hotsauce in the worldhot sauce first thing I’m gonna do guysis remove this back membrane a lot ofpeople like to keep the membrane on tokeep the meat together so it doesn’tfall apartI want these just falling off[Music][Applause][Music]trim off some of the fat that’s on thetop to expose some of that that nicebeef underneath seasoning really doesn’tstick to fat so it’s good to expose someso it has something to adhere to itreally really makes for a better readthis is what it looks like after Iprayed and I chill Lula hot sauce to theback kind of rub it in there a littlebit you really just want to get itreally good and coated if there’s anyscore marks from the butcher on the backget that you leave the hot sauce at thesides real good[Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music]and we’re going to add some Nami[Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music]jalapeno powder[Applause][Music][Applause][Music]granulated garlic[Applause]granulated onion pink Himalayan sea salt[Music][Applause][Music]coarse ground black pepper and somesmoked paprika Pat that down real goodand let it sit for a second and thenwe’re going to do the same thing to thefront side[Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause]bicha Loula just gives that could bejust such a nice color already[Music][Applause]gonna be some Nami[Applause]dried jalapeno powder[Music][Applause][Music]granulated garlic powder[Applause][Music]related onion powder[Music]pink Himalayan sea salt coarse blackground pepper[Music]and some smoked paprika and we’re gonnaPat that down get it nice and stuck tothose ribs[Music][Applause][Music][Applause]the same exact thing to the second slabright here you can never put too muchchili the hot sauce this stuff is sogreat[Music][Music]Jennings done let’s get this pit firedup[Music][Music]and sitting in the refrigerator forabout one hour and this is what theylook likeall right these ribs have been on forabout one hour already I’m using Hickoryand post oak on these we’re gonna letthem go for about two more hours andthen they’ll be ready to wrapit’s a pretty simple rap we’re justgonna add a little bit of butter alittle bit of Corona beer and a littlebit of beef broth and we’re gonna wrapit up and throw it on the grill at 250for another two hourswe’ve been cooking nice and slow forabout two hours I just pulled them offthe grill and this is what they looklike[Music][Music]Wowoh my god[Music]just falls right off the bonelittle ribeye steaksWowthat’s so fantasticyou got your little riblets right therehmmbut don’t believe me try it yourselffollow my recipe this will definitely beone in the cab here hmmjust so tenderjust pulls right off[Music]look at that just look at thatjust little ribeye steaks just fallingapart just falling apart this is why wetake the membrane off guys so it justfalls right apart off the bone hmm inthe Cholula hot sauce on this beef Wowyou cannot beat it so much flavorand look at this watch this watch itthis comes right off the bone right offthe bonethat’s good stuff right there[Music]you[Music]

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