BBQ Beef Recipes

Herd & Drove BBQ – Beef Wellington

The home cook how to, Beef Wellington

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hey everybody so today I am going tocook a beef wellington so I went to theFresh Market in Evansville cruise as anice young man who we really worked ontaking out a woman that we liked thismuffin muffin likes tenderloin so anywayso you have a whole tenderloin it wouldhave been about this big what we did iswe took the fat into the tenderloin andgot a slice to the steaksthat’s what my awesome butcher Creeshooked up for me and then what happensis is it then trails off a whole loinwill trail off to a thinner point and webasically so we just cut that off andtook that part and ground it up intosome browned tenderloin so we’ve gotsome ground tenderloin you have thewhole roast for the beef wellington thenwe will do here later in the video andthen honestly because I’m not gonna getto these in a while that’s what I haveamong this parchment paper because I’mgonna take them to a deep freezer andI’m gonna clash freeze them and thenindividually packaged them to cook cleanup so anyway so I will see how this goes[Music]beef tenderloin makes they have two ofthem for today so I’m feeding a lot ofpeople and look at that look at thatalright need a salt pepper that one geezLafittegorgeous gorgeous salt and pepper wellthis is what I’m doing this is so thatyou know I have preheated I preheated acast-iron skillet because my my goal isto sear the heck out of this beefscreaming hot pan these oil that’s notout of love because I’m gonna need ahigher smoke point because it is aboutto get incredibly hot we’re looking forit to immediately start to do what it’sdoing right now next step we’re going totake this pleasewe’ll use the back of the hand just hereoff the back of it it’s gonna allow usto cook this more quickly we’re going tobrush this with some spicy mustard andwe’re gonna repeat this on my other cutsall right so we’ve seared them off andall we’re doing now as soon as you getthem off of the grill searing them upyou need to put some horseradish a spicymustard on them so that as they cooldown the meat will draw in the heat fromthe horseradish and the mustard andwe’ll be in good shape so on to the nextone all right so next up we’re gonnatake these nice low organic I don’tguess they have to be I wash them Iwould recommend doing that if you buy awhole organic my first a baby button orsomething button and I don’t know whatsets about a button and I’m gonna putthem in my food processor take some saltgarlic all right take it over here tothe food processor put this in a hot drypan so no oil as you can see this is animportant step because what we’re tryingto do here is get some moisture out ofthe mushrooms because if you leave themush fear in the mushrooms you’ll ruinyour puff pastry if you look at thatthat’s the water starting to come out ofthe mushroom that’s what we’re lookingfor guys and what we are looking for allright so the thin layers prosciutto hamit is most certainly plenty salty enoughso we don’t need to add any salt we’restill going to add some pepper we’regoing to take the mushrooms that we havecooked the moisture out of next up Itake our tenderloin or filet mignon I’mgonna set it in there take it and kindof point up and back you’re going totightly roll looks like I want to pinchthe ends again I’m working with justgreat valueKlingon episode alright so this is stepone now that we’ve done this we’re goingto take this and we’re going to set itand refrigerator to rest all right soI’ve just taken this out of therefrigerator it’s been setting now for awhile because I actually forgot aboutthe fact as a puff pastry would need toalso remember that everybody unlessyou’re making your puff pastry fresh youwill need to make sure you let it thaw[Music]you’re gonna alright it’s time to getthe final product out so here we golook at those there it is there’s thebeef wellington we’re gonna let it restand we’ll slice into it here in a second[Music]alright here we go the moment of truthalright it’s got a nice hard crunch toit so I’m excited to try – here we golook at that see we’re perfect[Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music]you

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