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When you have guests to impress, the sight of a big beef tenderloin coming off the grill is sure to do the trick. Dennis The Prescott gives his an extra jolt of flavor with an espresso and coriander rub that everyone will be buzzing about.
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hi I’m Dennis Prescott and today we aremaking espresso coriander rubbed beeftenderloin so we have got a fulltenderloin here as you can see it’s bigand it needs to be broken down it hasbeen wet Aging in this bag it helps tojust create a more tender cut of meatwe’re gonna lose the bag first andforemost and basically you want to takethis out this bag is gonna go right inthe bin and then we’re gonna clean upour area with paper towels just so wecan work with the cleanest surfacepossible this is an expensive cut ofmeat so you want to prepare it properlyit takes a little time to break down butbecause you put that money in you wantto cook it right you want to do itjustice there’s three pieces basicallythat we need to address on here there’sa chain on the back the flat near thetop and then the Tenderloin piece thebeautiful center piece itself the firstthing you want to do is get rid of anyexcess fat and get rid of the chain onthe side which is right here you can seethat I can almost just pull that off andwith an sharp knife you’re gonna be ableto trim that off to the side and that’swhat it looks like so we’re just goingto set this off to the side that isbeautiful to use in a stock if you makebeef stock if you want that for excessfat for a dish that you’re making don’tthrow that away there’s a ton of usesfor that the next thing we want to do isget get rid of any of this excess fat onhere and like I said it does take alittle extra time slow and steady winsthe racebut we want this to taste absolutelyoutstandingif you’ve had beef tenderloin at a fancyrestaurant maybe you’ve made it at homeyou know that the best tenderloin is soincredibly tender this fat on here isgoing to work against us it’s not goingto make a beautifully tender beeftenderloin so we want to get rid of asmuch of that as possible before it goeson the grillmost of our fat has been removed fromthis tenderloin really the last thingleft to do is remove the silver skinthat’s right here it’s a membrane it’sessentially inedible because it’s notgoing to break down at allvery tough if you’ve ever made ribs athome you know you need to take themembrane off of that – what we want todo with this tenderloin as you can seeis it’s different widths along thetenderloin itself and we want it to cookevenly and properly so we’re going towrap this we’re gonna tie it off to makesure that every piece of the tenderloinis cooked through to a beautifulmedium-rare so what we need to do isthis end is our wide end with the flapright here we’re just gonna tuck thisend just like it’s a tail underneathcreating an even roastso grab kitchen twine really we’re justgoing to cut off strips and there is somany different ways to do this whateveryou’re comfortable with this way we’rejust gonna go in about two inches andtie it like you’re tying issue once youget this all tied off any of the endsjust give them a nice little snip that’sgonna make your life a lot easier whenthe roast is all done we’ve got this allbeautifully tied off the biggest thingto remember about beef as well is youalways want it to be at room temperaturewhen you cook itwhen beef hits high heat it seizes upand if it’s not a room temperature thenthe inside is not gonna cook properly totemperature the outside might cook toomuch it might be too crispy too charredand the inside is a little raw honestlyyou need at least an hour at roomtemperature before you cook somethinglike this that is gonna help ensure thatthis piece of meat that you paid so muchof your hard-earned money for cooks theway that you want it to when it’s doneyour friends and family aren’t gonnalove you for it and it takes no extratime put it on a plate on the counterlet it warm up so we’re gonna let thisset because right now it’s a little coolwe’re gonna we’ll put this to the sidewe’re gonna let this come to roomtemperatureso while our stick is coming to roomtemperature we have time to make a spicerub today we’re gonna make a coffeecoriander spice rub coffee is abeautiful ingredient and espressoespecially if you have access to it isjust out of sight so in this bowl we’regonna go in with some freshly groundespresso and beautifully fragrant spiceslike paprika cayenne coriander cumin alittle chili powder and then we’re gonnatake a microplane zester and hit thiswith lemon zest just for some freshnessextra fragrance and the zest is reallypowerful and goes a long way and youdon’t have to add any juice or moistureto this going with a nice pinch of saltremember that you can’t season theinside of a steak so you need to seasonthe outside properly and cracked blackpepper and brown sugar brown sugarespresso chili you get a beautifulbalance of sweet a little heat somesavory in there all of it works togetherin a beautiful marriage that is gonnacomplement this tenderloin so well andjust give this a mix this is beautifulon any cut of steak but you can also usethis in ground beef you could use thison pork it’s just deliciousso our tenderloin our roast has beencoming up to temperature and we areready to go so the first thing I did isI preheated my Traeger grill to 425degrees Fahrenheit that is smoking andready to go so we’re gonna move on tothe last step before we actually cookthis piece of meat which is rubbing itin the spice rub we’re gonna hit it witha little bit of olive oil not too muchjust enough that it helps us coat thisbeautiful cut of meat entirely with ourspice rub and then we’re gonna add thespice rub to it and using our handswe’re just gonna work it into thetenderloin making sure that every singlenook and cranny is covered our steak isready to go I cannotwait so grill is preheated we arelooking for an internal temperature of130 degrees when it reaches that we’regonna pull it off the grill probablygoing to take about 45 to 50 minuteswhat we’re gonna keep an eye on it whenit reaches that temperature we know thecooking process is gonna continuebecause of the residual heat that’sinside this roast and we’re looking fora prime temperature of a hundred andthirty five that is going to create themost beautiful medium-rare tenderloinyou’ve ever had in your entire life sowith that being said let’s transfer thisto the grill as soon as that roast hitthe grill you start to smell thosebeautifully fragrant spices this isgonna taste incredible we have cherrypellets in here today that’s mypreference cherry works really well withbeef if you don’t have access to cherrysomething like a mesquite or Hickory aregreat options as well this is gonna beon here like I said probably about 45 to50 minutes we’re gonna check it then ifthe temperature is right then we’re goodto goour Tenderloin is all ready to go we’vealready tempted we’re at a 130 we knowwe’re exactly where we want to beobviously you can see it shrunk a littlebit that’s just what happens to meatwhen it cooks and hits high heat nextprocess we’re gonna pull this offwe’re gonna let it rest and then we’regonna slice it open our steak has beenresting for about 10 minutes like I saidI’m gonna transfer it back to thiscutting board only the other thing Iwant to do is take some kitchen shearsor scissors we’re gonna get rid of theseties on here you definitely don’t wantany wood biting into some kitchen twinetwine has been removed steak has beenrested I literally can’t wait to cutinto this so I am gonna cut this opennow we’re gonna go in nice portionsabout 3/4 of an inch or so and yourfriends and family are absolutely goingto love you forever for making thissteak recipe for them once your steaksall cut just grab your trusty servingboard and we are gonna transfer thissteak onto that this is a celebrationkind of meal this kind of steak is gonnago beautifully with potatoes withroasted vegetables really everything isgonna work any time of the year and justmix it up seasonally whatever vegetableis in season that’s gonna go great withthis recipe and then the only thing leftto do at the end is hit this steak witha little bit of finishing salt andyou’re ready to serve for this and 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