BBQ Beef Recipes

How To Make BBQ Beef Ribs – Chef Waqas

Happy Wednesday, my friends! Today we will be cooking some BBQ beef ribs! It’s an amazing recipe and is very delicious.

Feel free to follow along and let me know how yours comes out! Be sure to invite your friends and family over to enjoy it with you. 🙂

#ChefWaqas #Cooking #BBQBeefRibs


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This video was edited by Jawunleashed.
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Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

assalamu alaikum welcome back so today Ibrought a new recipe today I will bemaking a BBQ beef ribs I got about threepound for pound of beef ribs butchershop it’s got a nice fat and meat onthese ribs so here are my ingredientsthat I got I got half tablespoon ofpaprika 1/2 tablespoon of garlic powder1/2 tablespoon of chili powder 2tablespoon of brown sugar 1/2 teaspoonof sea salt as you can see right hereand 3 tablespoons of olive oil so what Iwill do before I cut this meat or beforei marinate there’s the membrane on thisside that need to be removed so if yougrab your knife there’s a small membraneon this side of the meat as you can seeI’m peeling that off you need to removethis membrane out of the way as you cansee coming up very nicely and as you cansee all the memories are what the meatside is just a little bit olive oil andrub itwell it really good on both side and Ihave extra virgin olive oil reallyhealthy choice I will recommendeverybody to use thatso those ingredient that I have I’mgoing to mix them up very quickly change[Music]the ingredient and rub it on top we wantto rub it on both sides don’t be stingyon the marinade and marinate it reallywell and you guys will love it now I’mgoing to put olive oil again since I sayit’s three tablespoons take advantage ofthat so as you can see guys all theseasonings are on front side and theback sides now here’s the magic part wguess I’m going to marinate thisovernight you can do a minimum of our wehave just put them in the refrigeratorbut my plan is to have all of theseasoning that I have put it out I wantto soak it into the meat so I detonateda beef barbecue ribs for overnight nowwhat I’m gonna do I’m gonna put them ina foil so what do you want to take istake a foil make a fool out of it justlike meanother slip aside close it up and wewill cook this for almost three and ahalf hours at 250 degrees all rightso that’s how it looks oh right yeah soafter four hours of cooking this is howthe ribs turn out to be now I’m going toput a little bit barbecue sauce on itnot a whole lot of it just little bitjust rub it on a little bit on it spreadit out and then I’m gonna put it insidethe oven again for about 20 minutes sohere you go beef barbecue ribs are veryvery tender almost falling off the bonelook at that peace hope you guys likedthis recipe subscribe to my channel givethumbs up let me know what should I makenext enjoy[Music]you

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