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How to make Double smoked brisket chili on the Weber kettle???

Great way to use up some leftover smoked brisket for an awesome chili!

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what up guys we are about to make doublesmoked brisket chili on the Weber Countycheck it out so we’re going to heat upthe previously smoked and frozen brisketin the sous-vide and get it all slicedup chop it into pieces get it ready forthe chili we’re also gonna add someonion and some serrano pepper so you’regonna add the onions and the pepperssweat them down get them cooked up alittle bit we’re gonna add in 1 can oftomato sauce 3 cans of diced tomatoes welike to use the chili ready Tomatoesmakes it easy they already got someseasoning in them once you get that doneyou got to go in with all that smokedbrisket don’t be afraid to use plentythat’s the star to showand then we’re gonna come in here withsome black beans wait a damn minute butit down here in Texas we don’t put beansin our chili hey take it easy now Roscoyou don’t have to put beans in it if youdon’t wantalright so we’re gonna add in a littledried oregano plenty of cumin a littlebit of chili powder and some chocolateyes we just put chocolate in the chilihey if you never tried it give it a goadds an awesome flavor to chili so we’regonna add in 4 cups of beef broth it’sgonna helpsimmer down it’s gonna keep that goodbeef flavor that’s going on in thatchili we’re gonna add a little bit ofApplewood this is what we’re gonna getour double smoke cause we alreadystarted with smoked brisket so now we’regonna add that second layer of smokeflavor to it so it’s been about twohours in the smoke I’m gonna give thestir we’re gonna get it covered up we’regonna let it continue to cook with thelid on for about another two hours manif y’all could smell that mmm that’sgood stuffall right guys Chili’s Dylan let itsmoke for about two hours covered it uplet it cook about another two so I’mready to get a bowl dive in and check itoutall right it’s time to get that lid offget us some boulders chilly and see howit turned outif you guys aren’t using your cast ironon the grill give it a go you can usecast iron in the oven on the stove onthe grill on a campfire pretty much useit anywhere hey and the more you use itthe better it getsI’m sure somebody’s gonna say who has aleftover brisket look we’re a family offour most of the time a family of threebecause the oldest has gone to collegeso if I make a whole pack of brisket Idon’t have any choice but to freeze someof it and you gotta have leftoverrecipes for that[Music]

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