BBQ Beef Recipes

How To Make Sweet chili Baked Beef Ribs.

This twist to bbq baked Beef Ribs will blow your mind. They are very delicious.

2Lbs beef ribs
Creole seasoning
Total seasoning
Sweet chili sauce
Bake for 1 1/2 to 2 hours

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[Music]welcome back don’t forget like subscribehit that Bell leave a comment let meknow what you think him tried it in myrecipes then they come out great anywaytoday I’m gonna be making beef ribs I’mgoing to be making sweet chili befriends my son loves dudes because it’sa little tangy but not too spicy by thesweet as well so I’m going to be showingyou guys how I whip this up follow me sothis is my beef ribs you’re going toclean them off I use vinegar you can usesalt you can use lemon lime whatever youchoose to do but one thing that youdefinitely will need to do is clean itoff because this has this meat has beeneverywhere I had a little bit of waterto my apple cider vinegar and you justwant to make sure that this isthoroughly clean it’s supposed to cleanall your meat you know you don’t justwant to take it off the package and useit it’s a lot of bacteria that goes intoprocessing me and stuff like that so Ijust want to make sure that is cleanedoff thoroughly then rinse this off andwe want to season itokay so once you’ve cleaned off yourmeat now you want to season it I’m usingmy homemade Creole seasoning this haseight to nine spices in it so I’m goingto use that and bait that I use this Idon’t really have to add salt because Iadd salt already in my homemade Creoleseason you can use any kind of seasoningyou guys you know like any kind peoplethat like to use certain things withinme by all means you know use what youlike this is what I use on mine you knowthen I’m going to add even though insidemy Creole seasoning his garlic I’m goingto add more I like garlic mmm justputting that on there smells oh I’mgonna push some more onion and I liketotal season I’m sorry I love it I loveit I love it so we’re gonna put sometotal seasoning on here now it seemslike I’m putting a lot of seasoning butyou gotta realize that this piece justsoaked into this meat you know and I’llgive it that little laser baby you don’twant your meat tasting like nothing justmeat you know give us some love this iscalled giving you a meat love okay somake sure that’s nicely thoroughly mixedI’m gonna let this sit for 20 minutes 1520 minutes just so you know it canmarinate in there for a little bit just15 minutes let it sit and then I’m goingto bake it so I’ve also added a littlefresh parsley and some onions as you’regonna see that I forgot I had cut up inthe refrigerator but this is what youwant to do you’re gonna add it what me Iadd a little bit of um a little tad bitof water- it just a little drift and you’regoing to put for you over this you’regoing to wrap this in foil so now as youhave it wrapped what I doI poke holes in the foil like this placeit in the oven and we’re gonna let thiscook[Music]so after you’ve poked your holes in yourfoil what you want to do is you’re gonnaplace it in the oven but you want tocheck it after 45 minutes poke it to seehow tender it is and to see how muchlonger it usually takes like a an hourand a half to two hours to cook this soin like 45 minutes I’m going to comeback and I’m going to poke it to see howdone it is you also want to make surethat you have your oven preheated at 350degrees what you want to do is you wantto take it out and you want to test itstill a little tough so you’re gonna sitit back in there for another half anhour and let it cook just cover it andthis is how if your fork does not go allthe way through with ease then you knowyou need to cook it longer so now it’sbeen an hour and we’re going to pokethem again see how easy they’re goingthrough now that’s how you want thefourth to go through them real easy sothis has been baking for an hour to hourand fifteen minutes and now we’re goingto do I’m going to drain the liquid offdrain something liquid off and neverwant to put my sweet chili sauce on onceyou apply two sweet chili sauce on hereyou’re going to let this cook foranother 45 minutes cause you want thisto baste into it really really welllook at that that looks delicious ohokay you guys think it’s a lot but oncethe cooks on there it’s really it reallydidn’t put a lot on there okay so whatyou’re going to do you’re gonna placethis back into the oven uncovered youhad it covered for an hour now that youput that on there you’re going to put itback into the oven uncovered and you’regonna cook that on 350 for 45 minutesnow look at this this is how beauty[Music]

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