On this video, I smoked up some beef tongue to make tacos de lengua. It’s been several years since I’ve eaten lengua and this is my first time smoking beef tongue.
Thanks for watching
Smokin Joe
Order your Victory Lane BBQ rubs here- https://www.victorylanebbq.com/?ambas…
Order your Yoder Smoker Here –
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
welcome back to my channel I’m JoeySmokey Joe’s for the barbecue on today’svideo I’m smoking up something that alot of you guys might be afraid to eatbeef tongue also known as that was alengua stay tuned[Music]all right so what I’m starting with isto beef tongues these are two and a halfpounds of piece and I’m just going tostart with one of these here real quickand see if we need to trim any of thisthis looks pretty good there’s a whenyou take these out of the packagethere’ll be a lot of blood inside thepackage just for in set off I did rinsethese off and this looks actually prettygood usually there’s a big hunk of fatin here and this is really lean a reallytender once it’s cooked this is wherethe majority of your of your meats gonnacome from so the process this actuallylooks really good out of the packageokay so the process to tenderize yourbeef tongue or to get it really nice andtender is to boil it first so I’m gonnaboil this really hot for probably 30maybe 40 minutes in a pot of just waterI’ve got right here I’m gonna show youwhat I’m gonna put in this pot of waterI’m gonna start with three cloves ofgarlic half an onion okay then we’ve gotsome bay leaves I’m gonna probably put Idon’t know these are kind of small letme see probably five bay leaves justlike that I’m gonna add some salt just alittle bit of salt okay I’ve got somehalf cracked pepper heregonna add just a little bit of pepperagain this is gonna this is gonna givethe beef tongues some really good flavorbefore I start to smoke it and then Ialso have some beef bullion cubes thatI’m gonna throw in there so I’ve gotthese small ones they do make they dosell these beef bullion cubes a littlebit bigger than that this is that whythere’s brand we like to use these forany soups or broths that we might bemaking but three beef bullion cubes inthere real simple okay and that’s itthat’s all I’m going to put in this andthis water I’m gonna bring this up to aboil and then at that point I’m gonnaput that beef tongues in there I’llbring you guys back at that point staytuned all right so my water is boilingnow and I’m gonna go ahead and put thebeef tongues in there and one of thethings about beef tongue is that it’sextremely it’s an extremely tough pieceof meat you guys may have seen me makemy beef cheek tacos it’s similar to thatso you’ve really got to cook it prettygood to get the meat nice and tenderhopefully I don’t overflow here noperfect okayso we’re gonna let this boil forprobably 30 to 40 minutes until thatthat skin is coming off of that tongueagain I’m just I’m not trying to cookthis 100% I’m just trying to get it towhere that skin comes off of the tonguethen I can season it and I’m gonna becooking this in my Yoder frontiersman sowhile this boils I’m gonna go outsideand get my pit going so stay tuned guysall right so you do want to cover thiswith a lidbut don’t just seal it completely openyour lid just a little bit like thatthat way if the water starts to boil itdoesn’t boil it over so we’ll see youguys in about 30 to 40 minutes staytuned all right so 30 minutes later Ipulled a beef tongue out of the waterand I it has been sitting for a fewminutes but it’s still really hot okayso one thing I noticed immediately isthat the skin still hasn’t separatedfrom the meatso I’m gonna have to use my knife I’mjust using a chef’s knife here and tryto cut under that skin right above thatmeat if you will almost like trimmingsilver skin off of a brisketokay just use a sharp knife just likethat and start to take this skin off ofthe tongue here so just try to stayright on the surface there and if youget a little bit of meat that’s okay nowthis isn’t fully cooked okay it’s onlybeen boiling for about thirty minutes soI just wanted to do thisboil it first I’m sorry to remove thethe skin now one thing I noticed is thatthe skin did turn white which is okay Iremember my grandmother making beeftongue tacos but she would do it in alike a tomato sauce she would boil theentire tongue in some type of tomatosauce and then let it shred or she wouldcube it up as well okay so I’m gonna goahead and take the skin off of theseboth of these tongues and I’ll bringguys back stay tuned all right so I’vegot the skin completely off of the beeftongue and it wasn’t that bad I use areally sharp knife I use my cut knifeand it’s extremely sharp so you can seeit was pretty easy to take the skin offof the beef tongue so the next stepbecause the surface I mean the surfaceis a little wet but I want the rubs tostick so I’m gonna use a little bit ofolive oil on both of these just to getthe rope to stick and this isn’t 100%cooked okay it only boiled for about 30minutes usually you want to boil a beeftongue for probably two hours two and ahalf hours you can have this a couple ofdifferent ways you can cook it and cubeit or you can cook it till it shredsokay so I’m gonnaI want a kind of an in-between I want acubed extremely tender cube so the firstrub that I’m going to use is just an SPGand can make sure you get the entiresurface of this uh beef tongue and itsmells like a like a roast like a roastbeef that’s exactly what this smellslike okay this is just SPG salt pepperand garlic put enough of it over theentire surface just like that and mynext rub is this beef rub and seasoningfrom Victory Lane barbecue I’m gonna addenough of this as well this has somereally good flavor and this is gonna beyour bark builder okay so make sure thatyou add enough of this rub get underthat tongue I know that might soundgross to a lot of you guys but trust memy daughter even said that she might tryit so and again I remember mygrandmother making this and you know shewould call it lengua and I was like okaywell I didn’t know what that was youknow I was learning Spanish at that timeand you know she taught me pretty muchall the Spanish that I know and I’mextremely thankful for that but I didn’treally know what it was until later inlife I was like man I was eating beeftongue but you know what back in the dayif you didn’t eat what grandma cookedthere was no such thing as hot pocketsand that kind of stuff that you caneasily go to the fridge and pop in themicrowave it was you eat what’s what’smade right so there we go so I’ve got myfrontiersman already warmed up that’swhat I was doing well these while thesebeef tongues were smoking I’m sorryboiling so I’ve got the temperature setat 275 I’ll see you guys outside staytuned all right worth side at the Yoderfrontiersman and my temperature on thetop left side is set at 250 degrees I’mgonna go ahead and put my beef tongue inthereand I am using these sheets here thatI’d like to use that way if I need torotate the beef tongue as I can so thereason I’m using the top left side isbecause I get the most smoke in mysmoker right here and I’m gonna downloadin it probably to 50 to 75 in that areaand all the smoke inside the smokerneeds to come this way in order to exitthrough the exhaust okay and I amputting the thicker part of the tonguetowards the firebox the damper I have itabout eight inches out which means thatI can feel a heat right here it’s comingthis way okay so the heat is coming fromthe top down so I want to protect thesmaller part of the tongue which ispretty it’s a pretty tough piece of meatright here so I’m okay if this getsovercooked so we’re gonna check in andabout hour and a half and see if we needto spritz stay tuned alright a littleadded bonus for those of you guys thatdidn’t fast forward to the end of thevideo I’m gonna show you how I make myred salsa this is a cheetah the audibledsalsa and again those thatfast-forwarded don’t get to see this butyou guys it stuck around for the wholevideo to get to see how I make thissalsa so what I’m starting with is somecheated out of them okay you can buythis big bag this is a I don’t knowpoints or seven point five ounce bagit’s a big bag of this cheetah that oneand I’ve got about thirty of these okayand I did take the stem off so just putthose in the pot of water okay I alsohave seven I’m sorry five doumitt dealsokay you can buy these up to yourgrocery store if you have a hard timefinding that cheetah the cheetah thathold and the tomatillos go to a Hispanicsupermarket in your area and they’llhave them okay I also have two cloves ofgarlic that I’m going to throw in thereokay and a small piece of an onion okaynow I’m gonna throw that in there aswellso get the rest of these Chile’s inthere again this is chili the add one donot take the seeds outjust take the stem off I’m gonna bringthis to a boil and I’ll bring you guysback stay tuned alright so my Chili’s mytomatillos and onions and garlic havebeen boiling for about thirty minutesnowand the chili pods are nice and soft andthat’s what you want so just go aheadand scoop them out and put them insidethe blender onions everything okayeverything you put in there the piecesof garlic the two cloves if you will nowthis these this chili is extremely hotit’s probably one of the the hottestchilies and salsa that you can make butthere’s certain tacos that that needthis you almost have to have this thisSansa and because of the flavor of itnow one of the things that mygrandmother used to do when she madethis salsa she would actually burn thethe chili pods just over the flame onthe stove just probably about half of itjust to kind of get a bit toasty if youwill and that gives it a nice smokyflavor so you can do that just turn thewhen you grab one of these just turn thepepper on the flame and get a little bitcharred okay and that gives you a nicesmoky flavor so we’re gonna add a littlebit of the water just a little bit tostart we’re gonna always add a littlebit more they’re gonna blend it so coveryour ears and look at this there’s thatred sauce so that you guys have beenasking me about okay ready for my tacosso that’s a lot of peppers for thislittle container of salsa but trust meyou need this for these tacosstay tuned alright one hour into thecook now let’s take a look at these beeftongues oh yeah getting a nice color solook at thatbeautiful so I’m gonna go ahead and spinthese now and put the thinner part ofthe beef tongue towards that firebox toget these cooked a little bit morebecause you can see they’re kind oflacking a little bit of that color soI’m gonna let them smoke like this forprobably 40 minutes and then at thatpoint I want to go ahead and wrap thesein butcher paperlet’s get a internal temperature herelet’s show you guys this we’re at ahundred and fifty-five degrees okay sojust like most beef products you I’mprobably gonna cook this too well atleast 200 degrees but I want it nice andtender so we’re at 155 now we’ll see youguys in one hour stay tuned all right sotwo and a half hours into the cook nowagain that was 30 minutes boiling andthen two hours in my smoker I’m gonna goahead and wrap cuz I’ve got the colorthat I want so let me show you thesemake show you that beef tongue look atthat it’s got that brisket look on therub and I’m going to go ahead and get aninternal temperature here all right I’mat 165 okay so 165 but again I got thecolor that I want so I’m gonna go aheadand stop it there now I never wrapped abeef tongue before but it can’t be thatdifficult right actually it’s stillreally juicy I’m not gonna spritz oranything and this this way herejust like that real simple rapid stuffyour paper in there I’m gonna pop itback in the smoker just like this andI’m gonna monitor the temperature I wantto again I’m gonna shoot for 200 degreesor until it’s tender so I’m gonna goback in the smoker we’ll see you guys inabout an hourstay tuned alright guys so the beeftongue is ready and the smaller beeftongue took four and a half hours andthe larger one took about five hourstotal and the internal temperature was195 when they were extremely tender so Ihaven’t opened these and also you guysget to see this with me and surprisinglythe that beef cheek has a lot of fat initbecause look at how how saturated thispaper is oh yeah smells like a brisketinteresting enough it smells like abrisketlet’s check that’s a smaller one this isa larger one that took a 30 minuteslonger and I could have sworn that we’reboth two and a half pounds but maybethis one was just a little bit bigger soagain I didn’t add anything to thebutcher paper or to the wrap I shouldsay and it’s extremely juicy so tells methere was a lot of fat probably insidethe beef tongue itself so here’s one ofthem and this is the larger one so thisis what we look like I want to squeezeit see what it feels like it’s tendertender still really juicy in there so Idon’t know of a way to slice this itlooks like them the grains are runningin this direction let me just take aslice off of this here oh yeah we got asmoke ring believe it or notand again it smells like um smells likelike roast beef got a nice smoke ring aswell this little smaller piece is alittle too well-done for me so I mightnot even well I might eat those but lookat that smoke ring that I got reallyinteresting so these are some of thebigger pieces okay I’m just gonna chopthis up it looks like my the battery ofmy camera died so I think I was righthere and I was just about to chop thesewhen the camera just went click so youcan see how tender this beef tongue isand I’m tempted to try it just like thisbut I’m gonna wait I’m gonna hang on forthe tacos so just chop it up really niceand fine I’m gonna leave a link up topto chefs Saito’s channel he’s a chefthat I absolutely love his channel he’sa brand new channel I left links on mychannel before so you guys can watch hischannel but the reason I’m leaving thatlink up top is because he recently did abeef tongue and he peeled the skin offor he actually used his knife to trimthe skin off of the the beef tongue andthen cut it and then cooked it and itwas an interesting way to do it I thinkthat by boiling it with the with theingredients that I boiled this tongue Ithink that you’ll introduce some flavorto it but check out his channel and tellhim I sent you over there he runs areally good channel I mean he’s a chefhe’s a trained chef so he does a greatjob look at the smoke ring on thesepieces it’s from what I can tell it’sit’s extremely tender okay soI’m just gonna chop this up and I’mgonna dice it a little bit more and letthrow this piece in there to thesepieces this is the the tip of the tongueI think it’s got a little overdone soI’m not gonna use those pieces because Idon’t want any any crunchy pieces so I’mjust gonna dice this up and I’ll bringthis backstay tuned all right so I’ve got my beeftongue completely diced up here andthere’s some small pieces or some littlebit bigger pieces as well so that’s whatwe look like there I got some corntortillas in here that I lightly friedand just put a little bit of oil in thepan it’s not a complete fry if you willa fright tortilla just a little bit ofoil in the pan and warm up the ethyltheá– that way so I’ve got three corntortillas here I’m gonna add some of thesmoked beef tongue into each taco justlike this man it’s the most good case itsmells really good it’s like a it smellslike like smoked steak so at this pointgot some onions right here put someonions in each taco here and I alsochopped up some cilantro I love cilantroit’s good stuffbrings out the flavor and tacos for surelittle bit more cilantro here okay andthen the last thing is some of the redsalsa that I madefresh homemade salsa this is cheetahthat one which is extremely hot so justput a little bit on there to your likingyou guys know I like it spicy so I tendto put a little bit more than than mostalright get them back the camera up andgive it a tastestay tuned alright so let’s give thesetacos a taste one last thing is to add alittle bit of lime to each taco justlike that oh man these are gonna be sogoodthe smell is absolutely amazingso grab this bad boy out of here andagain this was lightly fried so here wego Cheersmmm-hmm that meat is tender reallytender hmm flavor-wise it’s beefy butit’s kind of like it’s an it’s in aflavor profile on its own okay it’skinda like beef cheeks it’s hard todescribe that flavor but I got to tellyou these are deliciouslet me try it another bite here mmmthat’s also spicy really tender reallydelicious mmmguys this is uh this is a home run youknow that one beef tongue mating uptacos the large one which one looked atthe packages and it was two point sixeight pounds the other one was like twopoint three eight pounds so that onebeef tongue will probably feed tenpeople easily because you dice it upreally nice you know I don’t have anyrice or beans as a as a sight to thesetacos but just just know that a two anda half pound beef tongue will probablymaking up tacos for ten peopleespecially if you make them like the wayI did super super good I will make theseagain will I change anythingmaybe next time I smoked a beef tongueinstead of wrapping it in the in thebutcher paper maybe I do it like I didin my in my beef cheek video my buck ora video where I take the beef tongue andplace it on a bed of onions put somebeef broth in there and cover it and letthat kind of steam up a little bit andand maybe end up with a shredded beeftongue instead of a a chop but this isabsolutely delicious I’m glad I madethis thanks for watching until next timeJoe smoking to his pit barbecue see ya