Is Doc’s Beef Jerky Recipe really the best beef jerky recipe in the world. Let’s make it – Step By Step!
I searched the internet over and over looking for the best beef jerky recipe in the world. and Doc’s Best Beef Jerky Recipe from kept coming up on top of the search results. So I had to see for myself. Is Doc’s Beef Jerky Recipe really the best beef jerky recipe in the world?
2 pounds beef round steak, cut into thin strips
1/4 cup soy sauce
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
2 tablespoons liquid smoke
2 tablespoons brown sugar
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 teaspoon meat tenderizer
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon paprika
Place beef strips in the bottom of a large bowl. Pour soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce, liquid smoke, brown sugar, salt, pepper, meat tenderizer, garlic powder, onion powder, and paprika over beef. Mix to assure all the meat is evenly coated. Cover and marinate in the refrigerator for 8 hours or overnight.
Remove meat from bowl and place between two pieces of plastic wrap; pound to 1/8-inch thickness.
Arrange the meat strips on the tray of a dehydrator and dry at your dehydrator’s highest setting until done to your liking, at least 4 hours. Store in an airtight container or resealable bags. (Recipe from
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Video Transcription
hey welcome back ban here throughout mytime of making beef jerky I’ve alwaysliked trying other people’s pee jerky sowhat I did was I got on the internet andI looked up the world’s best beef jerkyand every time I did Doc’s beef jerkycame up so I’m gonna make some todayokay so this is all recipes is Doc’sbest beef jerky and he says I’ve beenmaking jerky for years this is myfavorite recipe concocted by trial anderror everyone who tries it says it’sthe best beef jerky they’ve ever had nowwhat I found on my own end about makingbeef jerky is people will try yourrecipe but they don’t do it right theysay oh I want to add a whole lot more ofeverything so so this is exactly whathis recipe is he calls for two pounds ofround steak round steak is eitherI’ve round top round bottom around thisright here is bottom round cut up a stirfry it works really great is thin it’sgoing to dehydrate fast next thing hecalls for is 1/4 of a cup of soy sauceeverything it’s using this video will bein the video description down below ifyou want to pick anything up 2tablespoons of Worcestershire what’sthis here sauce 2 tablespoons of liquidsmoke 2 tablespoons of brown sugar andthis right here has 2 teaspoons of salta teaspoon of ground black pepper ateaspoon of meat tenderizer a teaspoonof garlic powder a teaspoon of onionpowder and a teaspoon of paprika andwhen you go to buy your ingredientsdon’t be mistaken and get garlic saltand onion salt you want powder and thereason why I say that is if you get toomuch salt you’ve got too much salts ifit makes any sense you don’t want toomuch sauce now this doesn’t look like awhole lot of marinade to me but it’sgoing to marinate two pounds of meat ifyou don’t have one of these for mixingup stuff is awesomeI’m only myself if you sing other videosI used a ninja but when I got to lookingat this recipe I was like that’s notenough stuffing and putting the ninja soI’m not even one try next you set it totake and put all this in a large bowland covered in marinade put in thefrigerator overnight myself I like toput them on marinate in the fridge raterand let it sit for eight hours before Iever even use it let’s go ahead and pourthis in here so we can put each piece inand give it in the marinade if you’veever tried this recipe right here live ,in the comment section down below ifthere’s a recipe that you’d like me totry out on my youtube channel send it tomemy email address is in the videodescription down below send it to me andI’ll be more than glad to do your recipeon my youtube channel and let’s see howit turns out all right we’re gonna liketo sit in the refrigerator for eighthours look how good that covered rightthere that was perfect amount ofmarinade sitting the fridge right foreight hours and we’ll put in thedehydrator let’s turn this thing on andset the temperature gonna set the time Ialways just sit for the highest and thelongesttake a look in there all right this isthe beginning of it now we’re gonna comeback and three to four hoursalready getting us out of here don’tthing left to do now is just throw it inthe oven 275 10 15 minutesit’ll be done all right let’s give it atry look at that would you just look atthatDoc’s beef jerkyrecipe turned out to be so great sowhat’d I get right here off the bat isthis mild it doesn’t have a no veryoverbearing salt taste to itgot a little hint of brown sugar to itit’s good y’all use the comment sectiondown below tell me your recipe or youcan use my email address and send it tome but I’m liking thisI’ll make your recipe and give you ashout out in the video but this is goodthis is good I’m diggin it world’sfamous number one best beef jerky recipein the world y’all thanks for stoppingby thanks for watching you have a goodone now and you come back