BBQ Beef Recipes

How to Smoke Beef Jerky

Please join Headpiggy and the crew as we smoke beef jerky. This video demonstrates this process from store to plate.

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Video Transcription

let’s make jerky today we are makingbeef jerky not that we started off theday to make beef jerky we actuallystarted the day off to make hamburger ifyou’ve all watched vlog number 10 Ibelieve that was the hamburger Rev logwhere we ground up five different typesof meat well that’s what we did todaygot it all prepped up ready to do a biggrind tomorrow so I’ve got hamburger butit happens to be that I had a coupleleft overwe’ve got a couple of I of rounds heremakes perfect beef jerky so we figuredwhat the heck let’s slice these up wegot the meat slicer out here we got thisfigured we’ll get some jerky ready andwe will make some up and see how it goesI’m not a professional jerky maker butlet’s give it a whirlcan’t be that hard right so first offwe’re going to mix our ingredientstogether we’ll grab a bowl okay it’s notrocket scienceyou’ve got equal portions of soy sauceand Worchester Shire sauce I’m not sureif that’s the proper way to say it butthat’s the way we’ll call it then we’lladd some peppersome red chili flakes calls for onionpowder I don’t have any onion powderdon’t really like onion powder so we aregoing to take an onion we’ll cut somepieces off of it throw that in the mixand hopefully we’ll get enough onionflavor off the top okay that’s simple ifyou’re going to do this in a dehydratoror do it in the oven you might want toput a little bit of liquid smoke inthere if you have some I will beactually taking this out to the smokertomorrow once it’s marinated overnightand smoke it so I’m not gonna put anyliquid smoke in it so first off let’sstart with our eye of round reason weuse I’ve round is it’s a very lean pieceof meat for doing jerkyyou don’t want lots of fat in it it’sthe exact opposite of what you’d wantfor a steak so what we’ll do is we’llstart by trimming off all of this excessfat I think some of that silver skin offit as well soon[Music][Music]now that we got all the fat trimmed offthere’s several different ways you cansmoke it our slice that I mean slice itagainst the grain if you are going toeat itI prefer making jerky I prefer to sliceit with the grain it makes it a littlebit tougher gives it that extra chewsometimes I’ll even actually go a littlebit of an angle so but we’ll try itgoing with the grain and we’ll see howthat comes up so to the meat slicer wego so we’ll take our marinade now wewill pour it into the bag hopefully wegot it out try and get it all mixed up abit I meat starting to warm up a littlebit so it’s getting awfully hard to cutthis you want when you’re slicing itthin like this you want to try and getit where it’s like semi frozen statemakes it a lot easier to cut thin slices[Music]but less chance that you’re going to cuta finger off as well[Music]okay well I don’t think I’m gettingquite the coverage that I wanted to sothat’s why I’m taking it out restock itin there okay so where’s our mixture wewill set it in a bowl we’ll give this alittle burp there we go put this in thefridge let it sit overnight and tomorrowwe’ll start smoking okay welcome backday two of our jerky make a big daytoday in the kitchen we are going to dothe jerky then I’ve got a hundred poundsof meat that I’m gonna grind up to makeinto our hamburgers which you guys seenon blog number ten but I’m gonna makethis up and I’m gonna use this strictlyas our regular hamburger that we use allthe time it was so goodhardly any seasoning needed at all whenyou’re making the burgers because it hadso much flavor just from the meat so Igot to do that as well but today we’rejust going to video the jerky as youremember yesterday last night we slicedthe jerky up put it in a marinade let itsit in the fridge overnight so todaywe’ve got the smoker fired up we willget the smoker loaded with as much as wecan it’s probably gonna need a few loadsbecause we do have quite a bit of jerkyI did bring the grates inside so thatthat way I can load them all up on thegrates and I’ll take all the grates outat once put them on the racks and be itthat way okay let’s get started yeahlots of paper towel down a couple thingsthat we need to do we need to dry offthe rub that we’ve got on the jerky ofcourse the whole purpose is that we’retrying to dry the meatif you look at other recipes somerecipes guys add seasoning salt to itreason we didn’t add any seasoning saltor any salt at all to this mixture isbecause of the soy sauce soy sauce has alot of salt in it so putting any extrasalt may have been a little toooverpowering but we’ll see how it comesout okay so we’ve got a first layer okayso that removed quite a bit of moisture[Music]some people lay it over let it drip ordroop down I don’t like that then allsudden you got u-shaped jerky I wouldrather just have it in a nice piece soas I said we’ll do three rocks forstarters okay welcome back to day twopart 8 because day two was alreadyfilmed and we forgot to film some abouta new camera and I didn’t know how tooperate it so we got part of it part ofit we did it so today we are going to wemade the jerky last night we sliced itput it in the marinade put it in thefridge overnight today we are going topull it out put it on paper towels willPat off all the extra moisture becausewhat we’re trying to do is we’re goingto smoke it we’re going to make it sothat we pull out all that excessmoisture now since I’ve already done onebatch we found out that it was a littlebit on the hot side so I’ve added alittle bit of corn syrup to this tosweeten it up a little bit take some ofthe heat away also what we’re going todo is we’re not going to smoke for fourhours we’re only going to smoke forthree hours so let’s get startedpack up all the extra moisture off thismeat first and we’ll get round to a go[Music]okay so I did all my cutting with a meatslicermost people don’t happen to have a meatslicer sitting around what you could dois either cut it as thin as possiblewith a good knife or you could ask yourbutcher or grocery store if they couldcut it for you probably the best settingwould be the number-6 setting on a meatslicer so if you take it to the butcherask them to cut it on number six numberfive it just tends to be a little bittoo thin so that’s what I’ve found thisis – I have round roasts that we didyeah probably for the average person youprobably only want to do one that’s morethan enough jerky that’s gonna make youthis is gonna get us probably nine racksof jerky to buy up would cost Tripp agood penny I’m not sure we’ve got a sixwe’ve probably got about 12 pounds so 12pounds we’ll cook that get about halfthat weight so you get about six poundsso gonna cost you about sixty dollarsjust to buy it this probably cost usabove twenty dollars to makewell I couldn’t do this a different wayas well maybe I’ll do it that way soI’ve already stated earlier that this isthe way I’d like to lay it out on therack but will prop this up okay so justto give us a little extra we are goingto put this on of some others do it okayso as you can tell by doing it this wayyou really do save a lot of room howeveryou’re gonna have you shaped so here’ssome of the turkey that looks like thisone here you can see I’ve got addedpepper on it that one really makes youdrink lots of beer[Music]okay at least I’d like to make sure deepI hope you enjoyed the recipe it’s avery good tasty recipe we’ve had lots ofcomments on people who have tried it andloved itwe’re actually gonna be doing anotherjerky cook for the neighbor because hewants a bunch mate so again click downbelow give us a subscribe we alwaysloved subscriptions also if you can giveus a like if you liked the video againdown below and in your comment sectionif you guys could give us some ideaswhat you’d like to see me cook whatyou’d like to see made anything likethat to help us out and maybe we’ll doone of those things or the suggestionsthat you guys give us thanks we’ll seeyou next video

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