BBQ Beef Recipes

Justin Wilson’s Easy Cookin’ Episode 25: Diabetic BBQ Sauce Beef Brisket!

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hi Olaf I’m glad for you to see me aguarantee from the paces jungle I justgo ahead and cook getting father’schicken in our life Turtles to comeaboard this is going to be through ourteethtalk to it like you know what I’mtalking about I like it was goodI believe in easy cooking believe me Ido[Music][Applause][Music][Applause]hi y’all are I’m glad for you to see meI guarantee and today we’re going tocook bake up beef brisket and I’m gonnamake a diabetic barbecue sauce a littlelady you know we got a rice festival inin the California and I’d made a cookedof jambalaya with eggplant of vegetarianjambalaya and she says to why doesn’tsomebody put up a diabetic barbecuesauce on the market I was at the ladyI’m gonna make you one and send it toyou and I did and it’s delicious nobodyknows it’s diabetic unless you tell themI’m gonna first start with thiswonderful piece of beef brisket then onto it I’m gonna I’m gonna put it in thisin this pot that’s the easiest way forme to do this instead of doing thin andput it in here then I’ve got to wash myhand after I mess with it because Ipacked into this brisket garlic powdersalt and cayenne pepper when you messwith that cayenne pepper you got to washyour hands after you do and you’ve beenpatting and playing with it so when youuse my hands to put that in therebecause a little bit too big to use thefork and I’m gonna put it in there tostart patting and patent it then aroundit I’m gonna pour this is a glass withhalf good Chablis drinking wine and Icook with it tooand water so let me dry my hand a littlebit first I put garlic powder we willput it on the know hand go get greedyyou know it but I can take it over therecome over there and got you they putthis back hanging that little deal asthey put on these dungarees just for mewhen I’m cooking this is garlic powderthat we sprinkle on here and then Pat itin he got the patty a little bit garlicpowderJustin Duffield yeah I’m gonna put saltsalt and we’ll Pat both of them at thesame time believe it enough come ontroll don’t be acting like that youshould get with it because you’ve got toget all over there that’s a that’s aabout a nine pound brisket we have inhere in the way I cook that I’ll put itin the oven then started about 350degrees for about 30 minutes then I turnthe fire down to 200 degrees and let itcook all night don’t even have to lookat it now you going cayenne pepper I’mhere babythere’s nothing but pure cayenne pepperand cayenne peppers good for you if youdon’t use too much you use too much it’stoo damn hot to eatwho’s messing with at all now I got toPat that in there getting there goodbaby then I’m gonna turn it over and dothe same thing to the other side he’s onthere like a knife I ain’t going I gotto rinse my hand that’s how come we gotthis right here just for me to rinse myhands and dry them on that dish towelget that I don’t want that I am tougherto get into the pole to my skin you knowsorrydry your hand like a nice little manalright and then I’m going to go backthen put do the same thing and then comewash my hands again huh garlic powderjust sprinkle it real nice like you’dput about the garlic powder you won’t toit but this is as much as I want to putso that’s what we’re gonna put right nowand salt and you got the salt thesedon’t thing because if you don’t tastelike yeah years ago mmm point so get onthere niceit’s not gonna be too salty they don’tknow come on cayenne pepper let’s getwith the program all righttry to quit over there then but I thinkthat real quickly just bounce it onthat’s still real good that dinnernow with this other hand I’m gonna pourthis around not on it I’m not gonna putthat on it you need to go all the wayaround that nice deep brisket and I’lltell you when you cook it all night ohno you didn’t barbecue it all night theydon’t own the Cajun microwave I do thatwith it frequently and it comes outtasting about the same then you wash myhand before I do another thing get thatoh you know that’s hotif not about to do that we’ll never talkfor 40 minutes get over the other waypartner now you need my hand drive I’mgonna put that in the ovenhold leave it a little later put the lidon keep the lid on it[Music]get on there rice bowl you got you I’mgonna old loving home up there baby comehere boy let’s go into the oven like inmy head little fella got you moving thenjust cook up a stall now I’ll keep thatin there about 30 minutes put yours onthe overhead just to get out of my wingand then I’ll put it on 3 2002 hundredput it on two hundred and let it cookall night now I’m going to make abarbecue sauce for diabetic people theydon’t told you a story about why we’regonna do it that’s in this pot and I gotthe recipe with all of the ingredientsin it right here and I’m gonna put it inthere just like it said olive oil 2tablespoons fullthat’s not quite 1 tablespoon at 1tablespoon Tue 2 tablespoons food andI’m going to turn the fire on under thatright nowhope I’ll get the right one she did andI put this on a medium-low fire it’sworking I’m sure glad to give it out nowinto that I’m going to put a cup ofliquefied on y’all regular onion andparsley and liquefied bell pepper atablespoon full of garlic liquefied in acup of fresh debate I’m gonna get allthat in there no word nothing but I’mwhat I’m gonna do right now to put theonion the green onion and the bellcouple and the part of it I don’t needyou resident fun you either come in weput this in here and started cookingthis has to cook what quite a whilenobody asked me is that spinach I mean Isaid spinachI love baby but not both I use olive oilbecause it’s tough healthy nah nokidding paranoid rest of all that nocorrect getting there my hand to cleanyou saw me washingall right now that has all of the liquidside things I’m gonna put right now it’sgot garlic we’ll go over this again withyour cup of liquefied onions 1 cup ofliquefied fresh parsley 1 cup ofliquefied bell topple 2 tablespoon fullof chopped garlic liquefied and put inthere too that you know already that’sright 1 cup of sugar free tomato sauceand feudin finally I found one andimmediately I stamp not been able tofind another so what I do i liquefiedtomatoes there it is right there now I’mgonna put that in there to get it tosomething come here boy don’t be messingthe other like that now this is this isbetter I think than the canned ones youjust have to use a food processor to dothis only way to do it is with a foodprocessor that’s a little more than acup I can tell but we had them so wejust went ahead and put it in thereright you get right in there so we don’ttake up too much space and we startwhenever we add anything we stop that’sthe easy cooking believe it is oh manboom babylet’s change the color a little bit fromgreen green I’m no color expert but Idon’t know what these colors gonna benot gonna be greenerthat’s cooking already you smell itI smell stir it up put it before itmakes good night right I’d like to dothat now in do this right now I’m gonnaput a cup o equalyou can’t put sugar in it so I dissolved2 teaspoons of equal that what this isright she looks like Claire water but itain’t it’s equal tough and sugar gettinghim then go back over there and stirthat boy got to stuff never anything sothat to me didn’t think he’ll beliquefied but it is yeah now I’m gonnaput a teaspoon full of dry mustard bytwo teaspoons full of dry mustard inwater warm water so it would dissolve orresolve itself you know real quick likeput that in there get out of thereall of you now this can be awfully hotif you don’t look out of course I don’talways look I would like our Chinesemustard or English motives Englishmustard just drying this much you canget it move to any good grocery storeput that in there like that I’m gonnaput a cup of fresh freshly squeezedlemon juice and that is fresh lemonjuice gonna be cured one wine it lemonjuicethat’s a cup it worked – that helpshelps the flavor stir it in and you saidthey got to cook just a long time that’sthe only big trouble with he got to cookit a long time but if you barbecue andyou’re out having fun you can have abeer while he’s cooking I’ll maybeforward three of them you know how it isand he knows start running like mindedthere when that had hot peppers thatblack that the red pepper know and thenI’m gonna put in but teaspoon full ofdried mint he’s already in that in wedid a couple a cup of pitted blackolives and put that in there it’salready in the drained and liquefied thefood pasta into table spoon full ofsugar free sugar free soy sauce that’sgonna go in and I had a hard timefinding that but I always read thelabels in the Alma thought I don’t eatanything we’d want a sodium glutamateidentify help it’s not helping no[Applause]there’s not a deity would eat a lot ofgreen is one will cook out and the colorthem being a different just so it tastesgood I got that in there and got to puta little bit of cayenne pepper says 1/4to 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper wellI’m gonna put a quarter or that mustardin there that’s got hot to it here’s aquarter that’s 1/4 teaspoon I’d betmoney on it I really would knowmmm-hmmlooking good yachts meal smells good toooh I’d like to put the dr. pepper thehead and all measured out there for mebut I’m not gonna end I got nothingthere huh guarantee your hatI’m gonna be sure got everything inthere did all salt I’ve got to put saltin it he’ll go red now it says twoteaspoons that two tails and full ofsugar free soy sauce and it is twoteaspoons full of salt I think it needsa little bit more than that because Igot a lot of stuff and I’m gonna putthree teaspoons full of salt right nowan old got you and it is three teaspoonthis is one teaspoon I know a lot ofpeople don’t think I measured that keything right but I can guarantee I do Iwill show you you didn’t see thatteaspoon full ofso won’t be sure got all the at one dothree it’s a little bit over tree inthat’ll make it taste real good I’llguarantee you that without salt it wouldnot be goodI just don’t believe it would and I dielike this I don’t have diabetes but Imake this every noun in because I likethe flavor I like the flavor in theflavor to me is what counted now whatI’m gonna do want to be sure goteverything in it I’ve got the olive oilto put in there first I got theliquefied on your liquefied porcelainthe liquefied Barrett Popoff liquefiedchopped garlic and it’s aside tomatoes 2teaspoons fully equal dissolved in water2 tsp for the dry mustard dissolved in acup of water 1 cup of fresh lemon juicegot that in there 1 teaspoon of driedminutes in there – let me see here nowone cup of the Black Isle has beenliquefied along with your faithful forthe sugar fish sauce or got that got thecayenne pepper got the salt now all Iwant to do is just put the lid on therejust to fire down real low and let itcook for two hours I take it in close tome maybe sure on Wartortle I know itsays right here stop kidding me forabout 30 minutes and the rest of theingredients and cook for at least twohoursI put them all in there coming out allright cook it for at least two hours andactually you got it medium I said onemore once and I’m on just kind of yousmell thatit smells good yeah put this on herethen this has to have those little lipson there so everything is in there thenwhat I’m gonna do but sit down here andlook at this deal and adjust that firethe way it’s loadouts on medium-lowright now that’s too hot I don’t want tocook fast I’m gonna put it on low andthen I put it on simmer simmer simmersimmer but right now I’m going overthere wipe this off the tabledon’t be a messy cook it cook easycooking that’s all go over here andtaste it and I’m gonna tell you all acouple of stories maybe tree you know itall depends on how I feel about itnow that is the roast beef right thereand it is good stuff here’s the publicuse sauce and it’s still warm I’m gonnaput a little of that on that I got totell you a true story that happenedusing years ago happened in 1952 and thereason I remember of course money wasn’tso easy to get back that in you drink Igot a friend who they discovered allalong his place and you talk about aquick rescission he was a tall we’repumped all right made more money tospend the next day and that’s rich so hewent down to New Orleans and went to abig hotel down in the French Quarter gothim a whole damn suitor room not withone room 302 room he’s a big shot knowyou know don’t discover it all and hecalled a bellman bought then they pullalong with Les Paul in LaGrange to mostpeople but all Paul comes in yes sirwhat can I did for you huh he said baldI want you to get me a female women heyou’ve got the red man what you want heblonde a brunette they short time youknow that’s a brunette all red highseach day Paul I want a female women whatgot Red Hat I can shut him out misterthe rest of these bestwe’ve got red has six feet points higherin weigh 75 pounds Paul say what yousaid he said I want you to give me afemale woman what got red has six feetpoints high and weighs 75 pounds itI don’t tow it out and get one when Imet him kind of special my friend reasonhis pocket and got a $50 bill in 1952that was a lot of money he tore it inhalfhe gave half to the glory so you findone would met my specified and you getthe other half of this $50 bill phonesave me I’m going show him he’s no mitertwo minutes he called my friend on thephone we told mrs. Paul LaGroneI find a female woman he don’t quitemake you specify but she’s close closecloseyou know quite me 64 he didn’t mean 63and three-quarter she don’t quite mean75 pounds he just meets if to eightpound but red has oh she is broke outwith that our general team when shebrought her up y’all cares one I ownpulled rolled her up there my friendlooked at all and cares one island he’she Paul that’s close enoughhere’s another happy $50 bill lost hesaid he lost himself he said maybe stoodout in the middle of the floor and tookall you clothes from you and read nowhe’s dead attention right now you wentover the door to another room in thatsuit and and called a little daughterCelestine few little girl about 7 6 youchatter steed yeah Papa brought yourselfhere ok papa he’s you’re 17 you see thatfemale women out in the middle of thatfloor like that hi yeah papa that’s theway you’re gonna look if you don’t drinkyour milk ahh Garyspeaking of milk got home a little redwine red wine good good with anything Idon’t feel what people say is hesupposed to have white wine with fishfish came he caught a blonde it’ll ruineverythingin right here I won’t get just a littlebit boy in front of me and I got totaste it to see if he’s any good theydon’t tell you another little quickstory I think it quick come in and Ijust tender it about of you him now tipof mine he’ll want that down come inboth usual and that look good doing itall good mm-hmm need to wash it down alittle bit more[Music]and that is good[Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause][Music][Applause]

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