A lot of people have asked me how I make Beef Jerky on the smoker. I made this video to answer some of those questions. It’s too easy not to do yourself. You can use a homemade marinade, or the JERKY GOLD O.G. This marinade is awesome. I hope you enjoy the video and let me know if you have any questions!
@valleysmokin @campchef @greenmountaingrills @cencalsmokepellets
#valleysmokin #jerkygold #valleysmokinandgrill #jerkygoldmarinade #beef #beefjerky #homemadebeefjerky #smokedjerky #jerkygoldog #campchef #campchefwoodwind #greenmountaingrills #gmgjimbowie #cencalsmoke
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
how’s it going guys today we’re going totalk about how to make some beef jerkythere’s a bunch of different cuts youcan use London broil is a popular onebut I personally enjoy using the eye ofround you can pick this up at Costco orfrom probably any butcher that’s localto you what I like to do is cut the fatcap off the side and then throw it inthe freezer for a few hours to harden itup that way it’s a little easier to cutand get some even slices you can kind ofjust thick as you want but I recommendnot cutting it anymore than aquarter-inch thick that way you can makesure you get all the flavor in there andyou don’t have to chewy up a piece ofmeat so what I like to do is marinate itand either a food storage container likethis or even a ziplock baggie you wantto do it for eight to twelve hours at aminimum or depending on what you use youmight want to do it more or less Iprefer doing it overnight so themarinade that I use I have made a bunchand it’s good but nothing compares tothe jerky gold this is recognized in thegrilling communities probably in thebest marinate out there they make the ogwhich is this yellow one they have theItalian as well as the burn I’m tellingyou you got to try at least once there’snothing out there that compareseverybody I know who tries it wants toknow what it is so you can order fromjerky gold calm or if you’re local Icarry here smoking so what you want todo after you marinate it is every fewhours or so either want to move that bagaround or if it’s in a container like soyou want to take a glove get in theremix it around make sure all that meatgets covered you’re gonna put it on yoursmoker whichever one you have for abouttwo to four hoursI recommend smoking it at 160 degreesit’s not all going to get done at thesame time so what you want to do ischeck the pieces for your desiredwellness you’ll see it starts to turn alittle red a little brown as it getscloser and if it gets too cooked it’sgoing to be crunchy it’s not going to beas good so as far as what else you cando you can throw some your own spices onthereyou can throw a bunch of differentseasonings to add some sweetness or someheat to it this bottle will make 2 4pounds of finished product and I can’tsay enough good things about it ifyou’ve ever tried a piece you know howwell it is so you can use a smoker youcan use a dehydrator you can use and youeven use your home oven if you like todo that you don’t have the other twookay so what I’ve done is I’ve takensome of the jerky gold and transferredit to a plastic bag added a little bitmore marinade to it and what we’re gonnado is take them out and just set themdown like so you can see they still havequite a bit of moisture on them you justwant to open them up you can lay them onthe grill or I’ll show you on anothergrill because we’re going to be doingquite a bit of jerky today that thereare some screens you can lay them on andwhat that does is it just allows it tosit a little flatter if you have somesmaller pieces so that they don’t fallbetween the grills so we’re just gonnalay these out you can see these littlepieces we’ll save for the grill mat okayso we have two racks over here on theCamp Chef and then over here on the JimBowie green mountain we have three tiersall of jerky gold you can see thesegrill mats are really good if you getsome of those small pieces so it doesn’tfall through your grill a nonsticksurface as well let’s get these guyssmoking all right we got the smokerollingget it all nice note Beth okay we’reabout the two-hour mark to get throughall the smoke you can see how it startsto turn that dark red that’s when we getin close piece like this still needs togo a little bit longer with your thinnerpieces like thatabout ready to come off so you can seeyou got to keep an eye on all these onesides probably gonna take a little bitlonger than the other we’ll come backand you guys can see the finishedproductall right I’ve taken a few pieces offthat are done and this is what yourfinished product should look likeit’s just that dark red and as it sitsit’ll stiffen up throw it in theFoodSaver bag enjoy it all right here’sour finished product of jerky gold andwhen you crack it you want to see thatright there not too dry not too wetyou