On this video I decided to highlight on tips of how to make your own marinade with a basic guide on how to make your own at home.
Use this recipe for most meat for grilling or cooking the oven.
I also have a bonus dry rub recipe you can use for fish or chicken.
400ml Sunflower oil
100ml lemon juice
50 ml Soy sauce(Mushroom Dark Soy)
1-2 tbsp Pepper,
5-6 Garlic Cloves
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
hi I’m chef Rafi and welcome to cookingwith chef Rafi a show that’s all aboutmaking your better home cook today I’mgoing to show you how to make amarination this is a simple marinationrecipe that I have for a de beef chickenpork basically any meat that you havegenerally and also show you a bonus onefor how to make a dry rub basically aspice mix that you can use when you’remaking chicken or even beef or lamb sothat you can just use it plain withoutthe oils let’s get started so I’ll startwith the dry one the dry one is the onethat we actually use spices the driedspices for the ingredients I have gingerpowder black pepper some salt paprikayou can throw in fresh herbs or even dryherbs for this one right now have driedthyme I also have some chili flakes likenow I’m adding the ginger powder andthen a little bit of paprika and you canbe equal amounts so let’s say with oneteaspoon of of each powder that you havea teaspoon of black pepper you canreduce the amount of black pepper if youdon’t like it should be too much for thesalt I can say you can put half of theamount if you’re using dried thyme whichI think it’s better than the fresh onefor this one just remove the way of justand just remove the sprigs like thatso I’ve previously even done a video onhow to do spice chicken and basically Idid the same procedure whereby it’s ait’s a spice mix like that so that’s thedry mix which when it comes tomarination that’s the other thing iwanted to mention is that when it comesto marination there’s two things thatyou want to achieve you want to improvethe flavor and you want to tenderize themeat now when you’re doing the dry rubyou literally just want it for theflavor and this is good for fish forchicken even some cuts of beef that areusually tender so that’s that now let’sget to the one that we are doing the wetmarination powdered garlic makes withsalt you can add it for our dry one oryou can use it and then you skip thesalt or you just use it in black beanthis one for enhance the flavor becauseI also have fresh garlic but the otherthing that you need now for tenderizingthe meat is from let’s say the acid inthis case I’m using a lemon so the lemonalso here acts as a flavoring because ofthe lemon flavor plus the acidity willnow chain the rice turn it now to this Iwill add the black pepperthat’s the seasoning about half ateaspoonnow soy sauce will give you two thingssoy sauce will give you the dark colorespecially we are grilling the meat itwill enhance the dark color of the orthe meat or the marination and it alsogives you the salt but the thing is whenyou’re using soy sauce you do not usesalt because soy sauce has plenty ofsalt so we’ll put the salt aside 20 to30 ml of the soy sauce and then what anad that I have here is the hub’s you canuse rosemary you can use like an amusingtime toss the flavor but of course alsotry using a judgment to see how much isenough course too much of something isalso not not so not good he’s aboutthree sprigs of dried thyme I have threetypes of oil here with me I have avegetable oilI have sunflower oil and have olive oillet’s start with the ones that I thinkit’s not so necessary tools now theolive oil for this particular purposewill not give you the best results it’sfirst of all let’s start with the factthat olive oil is expensive if you throwinto this marinade it’s gonna make anexpensive marination and this is thecold-pressed olive oil which is best forusing in a salad what I want is aflavorless oil and also the olive oilflavor is not the flavor that I want tobe in my marination so I’m using aflavorless oil so you have a in asunflower oil or vegetable oil now ifyou’re going to make a marinade that youuse later because this is something canmake a lot off and then put it in thefridge if you’re going to put it in thefridge when you’re using vegetable oilthe vegetable oil tends to solidify whenit’s in the fridge so what you’ll haveis marination that has lumps ofsolidified oil which is not what we wantand that’s why I would recommend we useespecially going to put it in the fridgesunflower oil now we are going to addabout 300 ml and this is one now I willblend[Applause]it it looks nice it actually looks fullyblended there’s no garlic and now Ican’t smell be the soy sauce flavor eventhe lemon now that is a marinade thatyou can use over and over again so thisis something that you actually place inyour fridge when you don’t use it whenyou’re cooking you can use it to basteyour meat just put it in a small bowlhave a small brush and then apply it onyour meat so that’ll be my guide on howto make a marinade this is a Merman likeI said you can use for most meats andalso the dry rub and I hope you’velearned something I’ve been your hostchef Raffaelesee you next time on cooking with ChefRafa