BBQ Beef Recipes

Old Family Recipe – How to Cook Brisket in Pellet Grill – Smoked Brisket on a Pellet Grill

Tipton Family Farms


How to cook brisket in pellet grill – Ever since the Big Apple Barbecue came to town, we’ve been dreaming of smoked brisket This post explains how to smoke brisket in 4 steps

There is no one answer to the question of how to smoke a brisket, but these four fundamentals may help you master it How To Smoke Pulled Pork On A Pellet Grill · Smoked Brisket On A Pit Boss Pellet Grill · Cook Whole Turkey Pellet Grill · Yoder Smoker Ys640 Pellet Grill
How to smoke brisket in pellet smoker · How long to cook brisket in pellet smoker · How to cook beef brisket in pellet smoker · How to cook brisket in pellet grill To be inclusive to all grillers, we’ve included guides on how to smoke brisket in a smoker, how to smoke brisket in an electric smoker (two different things
How To Smoke Brisket On Pellet Grill · Reverse Sear Filet Mignon Pellet Grill · Making Burgers On Pellet Grill · Pellet Grill Wings · Wood Pellet Grills Indianapolis
Luckily a Pit Boss Pellet Grill has a convection fan which can speed up evaporation and thus, shorten the stall

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whoo yeah we won’t have some fun now Iwant to show you how to cook the bestbrisket that you’ve ever inhale the badthing about is I’ll show you but I can’tnecessarily let you try[Music]is how we’re going to start and aspeople start coming on I’m going towelcome them yeah I’m gonna start sayingthank you thank you thank you for comingin and yeah we’re just moving cook thisbrisket we’re gonna get it ready we’regonna wash itwe’re gonna have fun with it and I gotto find out why my filters aren’tworking why I can’t stay right theredon’t go nowheredon’t go nowhere don’t go nowhereyeah don’t go nowhere mm-hmm no no no nono I’m still right here see I’m righthere mm-hmm okayit said comment tool up here I just wantto see who’s it coming on mm-hmm yepyeah we’re gonna get going here in justa minutemm-hmm and I’m trying to find out y’allwonder what I’m doing I’m trying tofigure out this new Facebook becausethey changed on me yeah I know but theydon’t show oh here we goGilbert Montelongo waved at me heyGilbert Gilbert oh yo what’s going onbrotheryeah okay so this is what we will do Iam going to show you how to prepare thebest brisket that you have ever ate inthe entire day now this is an old familyrecipe Oh family I’m coming out Ohfamily okay so first of all you gottahave a brisketokay so I went to Walmart when I boughtme a seventeen and a half pound brisketbecause my family loves brisket okay andso what you got to do is you got to takethe paper isn’t that something yeah nowmy wife Rhonda she is a neat freak soshe will not even think about eatingthis if I don’t wash it off so I’m gonnago right over here to this samecrowd cheer and I’m going to wash it offand I’m going to then come back so y’allgo away I’m going to show you how toprepare this I’m going to show you howthat knifelet me show you how to prepare thiswhat kind of rub to use I’m telling youthis is oh this is it this is an oldfamily recipe if you’ll stick with mejust for about five minutes I’m going toshow you how to fix the best brisket Imean I’m talking about you can slice itwith a fork kind of brisket that’s whatI’m throwing back so let me get thisright here know what I’m gonna try to dois get this over here this little sinkleave it a little bit yeah yeah oh yeahI got it I got it now see I got it I’mstill here don’t go nowhere okay I’mgonna go over here the Sun sink I’ll beright backI’m washing it off I’m washing it offnow watch this is an old family recipeyeah okay oh stopyeah and now I got this brisket washedit off when I’m bringing it over hereand I’m going to turn it[Music]okay so alright let me get this offpicked up in now the key this is what alot of people don’t understand that thekey to brisket is a sharp knife yeah seedon’t mess with me now and what you wantto do is every brisket has fan on rightand you want to cut this fat and youwant to cut it to about a quarter of apound a quarter of a pound about quarterof an inch now this is real importantbecause a lot of people don’t understandthis they think but just cut all the fatoff the brisket because that you knowthat don’t need to be no that’s not truebecause what do you think makes yourbrisket so tender it’s the fact yeah Ilearned that can cook the pig yeah I’m agreat cook ooh a P so I’m just going totrimmed out I’m just going to trim outhere about a quarter of a pan a quarterof an inchyeah you want to get as close to aquarter of an inch as you canOh family recipe and as I trim this andI try not to cut myself cuz somebody’sbeen messing with my knife apparentlyRhonda you been messin with my knifeokay we’re just gonna put all this overhere I think we’re all just been messingwith my knivesI bought these knives for Christmas twoyears ago yeah two years ago huh ohthat’s right my in-laws bark lies withthem though that don’t countif I’m with them I’m gonna try somethingnot because I don’t think this ain’tcutting rightyep so we want to get a quarter of aninch all the way through this babyquarter of an inch does we want to leavesome fat on there okay what do you wantto leave fat on there because there is atheory that I have tested and thistheory says that if you’ll eat fat on itthat it will be tender when you get doneso I’m just you know see they’re allkind of fat here not that lot that’s meI just want I’m just trimming it up alittle bit good yeah I need aboutsomebody would eat this with me cuz thisis a bunch of meat almost 20 pounds 20pounds of meat that I will eat onsandwiches for the next week for thenext weekI don’t eat leftovers but I tell youwhat on this I’ll eat leftovers did Ilie you want to be careful not cutyourselflike I’m just about ready to did you seeyeah hey how’s that bike doing anywayyeah let’s see who’s on here yeah heywhat’s going onKaren Moonstar Ellis Aragon Alice Aragonladies and gentlemen alastair going isin the room let’s see who else we gothere yeah yeah uh-huh yeah we having funare we having so much fun more fun thanwhat a man should be allowed to have asI cut this brisket now I don’t tellpeople a lot that I am a brisket cookerI don’t tell people that I smoke a lotlet me tell you why there’s a selfishmotive behind itI can assure you because if I telleverybody that I could cook brisketguess who they’ll be coming to see whoi’ll afford for me to cook their brisketyou next oneit ain’t I’m telling you ain’t boy thankyou won’t happen okay so I’m justtrimming this up I usually have electricknife but I thought that this might do alittle bit better job I think somebodythey mess with my knives because thisthis was sharp one time this was reallysharp again I’m trying to get a quarterof an inch a quarter of an inch quarterof an inch all across here about gotthat then here quarter of an inchbecause I’m going to show you the mostimportant part the most important partof cutting a brisket now that it’scoming so just bear with me just bearwith me it’s coming okayand I didn’t trim off some fat you knowdown to the meat around this area whypeople ask me all the timewhat’d you do that for TJ I knowsomebody on there gonna say what’d youdo that for TJ let me tell you whybecause I can okay okay so here we gosome over here on this side basicallycome in help I keep on coming healthylook they think I’m happening but she’llsure eat it I guarantee you will eatthis stuff I’m guaranteed you’ll eat itcuz that’s what she good that’s whatteenagers do they eat you out of houseand home that’s what they that’s whatthey were born to do is to eat you outof house and homeyeah so I’m cutting this and people yougot to just bear with me cuz we’re aboutready to do something that’s veryimportant here just to something to getmy I’m getting down come and say hieverybody think okay you ain’t got nomakeup on that way you won’t say hi kidsright don’t like you don’t have nofiltersyes there ain’t no filter so she won’tget on hereit’s always something character Tipton’sI guarantee ithey has anybody seen my new tractor haveyou seen my new tractor yeah yeah I gotme a tractor oh I am I am got the wayfrom your wife well I would do thatexcept for I think you you have beencutting ten cans with my knife I’malmost there because I’m going to showyou all something that a lot of peopledon’t teach you but this is an oldfamily recipe and I’m going to teach yousomething just as soon as I can get thiscut I’m gonna teach you something nowthere might be a better way to cut thisI’m sure there is but they ain’t gonnateach you ain’t gonna teach you what Imight write showing you now I got abouta quarter I got about a quarter of aninch here all the way all the waythrough here I wish my buddy Carl Clarkwas here because he knows how to cut heknows how to cut this stuff no I just Ijust cut however I wanna cut you won’tknow why because it can’t okay so hahait’s cut all right not gonna worry aboutthe other side too much because this isa side right hereI’m gonna cut this little part righthere alright so almost done in here allright now this is very important onceyou get to this point right here onceyou get this side of be cut down to aquarter of an inch this is the veryimportant part that you have to do okaybesides throw all this away okay noother way hit it amazingyou paid this much money for a piece ofmeat and you got that much fatthat you’re paying for that’s crazyI’d like four dollars worth of fan I hadto pay for it okay all right let me ventlet me get over it okay this is whatwe’re going to now okay gonna take itoff let me wash my hands off let me geta paper towel all right just one big nowthe take a little knife like this rightherejust a little bitty knife okay and itdoesn’t matter how part you cut into ityou cut the meat just cut the meat downinto the meat about Oh half an inch orso you’re just cutting you’re justcutting across the meat now this is veryimportant this is the point where peoplemess up do I need to cut that off yeahbear with me bear with me sorry guysthat’s more than Anthony huh you knowwhat this knife cuts better than theother night did miss this one you cutyour finger with him then I’m cuttingmeat with it now okayI’m gonna do some more carbon herebecause I didn’t see all this fat overhere okay yeah yeah I gotta cut that outI feel like a surgeon there like asurgeon hire me hire me okay so I’mcutting this meat now let’s Red Crossare you seeing what I’m doing I’mcutting the meat across just like babythis is gonna taste so good I’ll tellyou why I’ll tell you what I’ll do I’lltake I’ll tell you what I’ll dookay didn’t let me tell you what justlet me take what I’m gonna do I’mcutting checking this out Alice Aliceif you come from Pueblo I’ll share someof this meat with you how’s that I knowit act note we used tell attend thatbecause Twe’ll never come and see me but if youjump in your car this will probably bedone by the time you get here and youcan have dinner with the Tipton’swouldn’t that be greatyeah and it wouldn’t me it wouldn’t maketamales but oh I love every time I go topueblos they get me tamales and we eatthe dog out of them I’m telling you I’mgoing there in June and I can’t waitbecause one of my favorite food is realtamales and my wife hasn’t figured outhuh okay so I’m just cutting this nowsee what I’m done what am i doing I’mcutting this and I’m just kind of thefact that does it go that’s a little bittoo too much there because I got intosome meat therewell yeah Alice if you if you come hereto meet up by the time that this is cookthen it’s going to take about another 24hours I’ll have this right and I’llshare some with you see I don’t always Imean everybody thinks I am okay okay soI’m just trimming a little bit moreright here Gilbert oh you’re still onI’m inviting you to come eat with me butyou come and eat I’m just trimming thisup a little bit yeah okay so I’m justvery important important to cut thisokay cut this I there’s a surprise it’scoming so there’s a reason that we’recutting this there’s a reason that I’mleaving a quarter of an inch okay a faton here and it’s not just because thatit’s a waste of my money this my friendis a waste of my money this is not awaste of my money so I’m cutting it seewhat I’m doing I’m cutting it cutting itall the way across I’m cutting this babythis when we do it we kind of cut it nowI’m cutting it totally yeah yeah no seeI’m almost done now I’m cutting thesestrips across now they shook they may bea little bit closer together now whenwhen my forefathers did this oneforefathers did this they didn’t have aclue like I have a clue okay so we’rejust cutting it straight across straightacross straight across over there’s someback okay time outno that ain’t fat okay you want youdon’t wanna cut I know a lot of peoplego in here and they’ll cut all this fatoff all of it okay oh okay so we’re justgonna I’m just cutting now if this was adeerI ain’t messing with no beer my wife’stoo pickyeverybody’s too picky on deer just cutit up fry no not therethere’s they gotta take the watch thoughthis watch stuff they gotta take it allthe way off not mecome on that’s too much trouble too muchtrouble so I’m just cutting this nowrong there’s some more fat I gotta cutoff cutting this yeah oh yeah getting itdown to a quarter of an inch cuttingdown to a quarter of an inch okay I’malmost done so this is this is reallyimportant so if you’ve been with me thisfar you don’t want to miss it becausethis is the most important part once youget your your cuts across okay becausewhat you’re doing is that you’re givingthe opportunity for your seasoning toget down into the meat and as this cookslike playing piano as it cooks you willalso see that the fat will absorb intothe meat giving you the texture that youhave been wanting that nobody hardlyever gets in a because too many timeshave a eight shoe a shoe leather yeahcuz that’s what it was what shoe leatherokay so I’m cutting this mm-hmmI mean it’s one thing I guarantee itthat’s what people don’t understand wehave a pretty good barbecue joint herein Neenah pretty good barbecue joint andI like I did like eating there a lotuntil I started cooking my own book myown pork but I will never go nowhereelse well I mean I’m not going to gonowhere elsenobody can cook it like I can cookit is so good I mean I had a friend comeover the other night and he ate with usand he was telling me that it was one ofhis he told me uh that it’s one of hisone-hit best-tasting that that he’s hadso it’s very importantOh family recipe ok so you got thisright see you got this you got this cutall the way across very important is itcut okay so when you do this when you dothis you want to and I’ll tell you whatI’ll dobecause even though this is an oldfamily recipeit ain’t a secret recipe and if you wantif you want this recipe I’ll tell youwhat I’m gonna do just because you’rewatching this and just because you’re myfriend on Facebook I will message me andI’ll send it to you may wanna deal butanyway okay so now we’re going to go inhere and you got this cut right you gotthis cut all the way across and it andit needs to be kind of neat but it don’tneed to be cutting through the meat butit needs it and then you’re going to goacross this way you’re gonna I thinkthey call it score it yep see we’re justwe’re scoring it okay we’re just goingto score this baby yeah uh-huh yeah I’mnot doing but I mean we’re getting therewe’re getting it we’re just going toscore this across okay yeah score itacross now both people say a lot ofpeople won’t ask me well TJ you know howlong how long do you you can preparethis well you know yeah you could cutthis about 3/8 of an inch about prettyclose about 3/8 of an inch but whatwe’re going to do is warmthis with a commercial ain’t going totell you what kind of is bum one repthis down okayI’m gonna rub this down and then I’mgonna add some pepper okay I’m just madat jalapeno but my family will need it Ilike how opinions be news okay so we’rejust scoring this or whatever you wantto call it okay and then we’re going toset this in the we’re going to set thisin the refrigerator after I get this allprepped up okay set it in the freezernow what we’re going to do what we’regoing to do don’t cut that off rightthat’s one okay so we score it oh yeahthis won’t be goodMaynard okay so I got this score rightokay so I’m gonna let this set six toeight I’m going to get it early in themorningI mean early early and I’m gonna putthis on the grill outside and I got me apellet stove and I tell you what Ireally like it I don’t have it this onemore has a pellet that is really goodit’s Apple and Hickory and another typeof wood it’s really good so what youwant to do is you want to get some drysmoking right now I go with justoriginal okay and you just ear you canget this at Walmartit’s called Weaver rub okay and so whatI’m going to do is now they call for twotablespoons per pound that’s what theycall for but what I do because that I amthe pro don’t try this at home unlessyou’re a professional cooker like myselfKim uh what we want to do here I want totake see my hand gets so poorlythere we go I’m almost done here barelymake folk bear with me cuz this is gonnabe life-changing for you I mean if youare a connoisseur of great meat and ifyou are a cooker a great thing now I’mgonna put this on the stove here in themorning so oh I can’t wait I can’t waitso what I usually do okayit because don’t want to get out of thepicture till they’ve got my note righthere and so what we’re going to do iswe’re going to let the heat and thesmoke penetrate the meat I’m gonna Robthis dry I’m gonna rub this on my hereokay I didn’t don’t really matter whattime you get I just got that timebecause it was the most expensive don’ttell Rhonda my there is that the moreexpensive it is better it is so we’regonna get that and then we’re going toadd some pepper I got some pepper rightthere I’m gonna add to it okay marry mypepper and then what I’m gonna do is I’mgoing to cook it now I’m going to set mygrill at 185 set McGrew at 185 and I’mgonna cook it with the fat side up forfive hours okaycook it again if you want if you wantthis recipe message me and I oh okay Iwas come on I was so she wants to comehoney all rightRonnie said come on let’s do it then doit so we’re gonna we’re going to takethis bag and I’m gonna put it in thesink right hereall right now I got this all ready to gonow all right nowagain it’s family recipe is veryimportant now what I what I try to dofirst is not trying to flip me okay whenyou got some fat there it’s not asimportant to take this fat off as it isthe other side of itI’m gonna take this fat off again itsown its own edible but it does help themeat flavor and it does do some thingsthat get the back what in there okay soI’m going cut it to a quarter of an inchas well now what’s gonna happen iswhenever we start cutting this how aboutcutting finger right there I almost hada hospital bill honey okayI guess so she cut away from me yeah yepyep remove my hand that that’d be kindof gross my blood and cow blood togetheryeah okay so my kids are on me becausethey’re saying that they want to go tothe PBR rodeo PBR bull riding robeyou’ll never know where y’all think whatdo y’all think I don’t know I think it’dkind of be funwe’ll see I’ve never been to a bullriding rody I’m almost done hereyou’d bear with me bear with me okayhere we go okay so I’m going to takethis now and okay here we goall right now we’re going to take thisside no we’re going to take this sideand we’re just going to sprinkle thisI hope it don’t hit the floor in themeantime in the process we’re just goingto do this side right here first okaybecause we know we’re gonna flip it overbecause we’re gonna cook we’re gonnacook the fat side up first for fivehourswe’re going to set our stove 185 okaythen you’ll need some tin foil for thisto need some tin foil for this too okayand I like I like I’m the type of personI know a lot of people don’t like a lotof stuff but I’m the type of person themore you know the more you get on now Igotta wash my hands okaymore stuff better now I’m gonna takethis pepper right hereand because pepper really peppers goodstuff you know I’m sure that this hasall kinds of sodium this stuff has allkind of sodium in it and I’m not againstsodium because I like sodium but okay soI’m gonna pepper this baby down to put alot of pepper on again this is a Tiptonfamily recipe yeah okay and so I havenow I have this side ready to go I’mgonna set it in the refrigerator justsoon as I do this other side okay againif you message me then you message meI’ll send you the the recipe for thisokayit’ll be the best I guarantee you getdone if you do it rightokay I’m gonna Kim pull over here just alittle bit so I’m gonna cook it let metell you let me tell you how to cookthis okay I cook it and I let it go 185this side up for five hours and then Ispritz it with an apple juice and worstshizer my bottle brokewe’re sizer sauce right there an applejuice and we’re sizer sauce and aboutevery hour okay I come out not spray ittell you every I’ll spray this down withworse sizer and applesauce every hour itwill come out and I’ll spray it okaythis will sit for about five hours okayand after five hours I’m going to turnit over and I’m going to cook it twomore hours okayso after the five hours here I’m gonnaturn it over okay I’m keeping my stoveat 185 and I’m going to cook it I cantaste it now baby mmmyeah just kind of rub this in hi babyget the coast already get the cole slawready my wife makes the best coach lawI’ve ever tasted in my I’m telling it inthe entirety of my life okay so we gotwe’ve got that on there now I don’t asky’all but I gotta ask y’all questionswhat in the world is this about okay Idon’t know why but they started makingthese little dinky towns that split inhalf what is that aboutcan somebody please tell me this is apaper towel this is the nose white papertowel no one’s why why in the worldwould they split well anywayand I can’t buy this regular paper downoh no you have to buy this one first youhave to anyway you got some get a pepperlike thiscome here tell everybody how I are youhave makeup on – yeah no filters folkshuh yeah you can’t get no kid to take apicture anymore without a filter I’mglad booboo ain’t herehere if you remember you know my lordhelp us I mean if they have them in twofilters I’ll tell you one thing about itthough if they would have been if theywouldn’t have been made it filters andbeat us selfies that’s what I think okayso that’s ready to goso I’m gonna write this up I’m gonnastick it in the refrigerator about 7o’clock 8 o’clock in the morning if Iget up that early I’m gonna go overthere and I’m going to take this andhave my grills going at 185 degrees cookit 5 hours this way flip it over cook itfor 2 hours that way ok and then I’mgonna remove the brisket from the grilland I’m gonna mix about half a cup ofapple juice and three tablespoons ofwashout sauce and I’m going to wrap thebrisket completely in aluminum foilcompletely take it off and wet wrap itin aluminum foil and drizzle the applejuice mix over it and then seal it upyeah okay and then I’m going to turn thegirl to 225okay so 185 to 225 we’re gonna get thisand put the the little ball on which wedon’t have my like this informant thatwe don’t have the aluminum foil so I’mlike a Walmartyeah that smells that and then we’regonna put the drizzle on the top okayand then and then we’re gonna let it gountil it reaches up 200 degrees soyou’re going to have a pro when itreaches 200 degrees okay 200 degreesneed you hey Javier whoa how we doingbro okay then we’re going to take it offand you have to have you can’t even dobrisket unless you have a nice chestyou just can’t no man so you’re gonnatake the brisket you don’t keep it atkin-por you’re gonna wrap it with thetowel blanket I’ll program on with thetownlike it and I will set it inside of theice chest yepfor about iron hand y’all got that allright okay one more time take one oneday cook it this side five hoursflip it over cook it two hours I’m goingto go take it out I’m gonna put tinfoilall the way around it make a littlebathtubI’m gonna put that apple juice or Shiresauce and every item and spray it withapple juice and more cider sauce thenI’m going to put the tin foil seal it upup to here I’m gonna pour it over itseal it up I’m going to stick it back onthe grill at 225 y’all never did know ithow did you come I don’t have no filterseal you want to be on here at leastcome say hi to everybody she said hieverybodyokay and then we’re going to wrap itwith him for we’re gonna let it cook toabout 200 degrees make sure your littleprobe in the right place and thethickness of the meat in the center inthe center of the thickness of the meatokay and then you’re going to let itcook until 200 degrees and then you’regonna take it out you’re gonna put it ina bow and in a blanket you’re gonna sendit down inside of an ice chest andyou’re gonna let it sit for an hour anda half oh family recipe baby and I’lllet you know how it turns out and Iprobably about this time come all thatway I love y’all bless you turn that offsister fuck these[Music]

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