Rainy Day Beef Ribs on the Pellet Pro Pellet Grill from Smoke Daddy! www.smokedaddyinc.com, rubs and more.com
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Video Transcription
like folks how’s it all going andwelcome to the land of grills and youknow what it’s a it’s a gloomy day allrainy and kind of chilly but you knowwhata little better day to cook out any dayis a good day to cook out and todaywe’re gonna kind of fire up the Pellapearl one of my favorite peligro I’lltell you I’ll tell you why right thereand you’re looking at saying he went tothat controller so a lot of people areasking hey what’s going on with thecontroller you’re supposed to have thisWi-Fi and all that and they’re workingon it folks but they don’t want torelease it to you do you until it’s ahundred percent ready so right nowthey’re working on it they’re doing somebeta testing on them and like I saidthey you’re not gonna let them go to youuntil they’re 100% ready now they theywant to make sure that when they shipout they’re gonna work so I’ll tell youwhat I got some beef ribs I’m gonna getthis fired you go take a look at thoseribs all right there’s our ribs ifyou’re wondering what I’m using heretoday I really like this stuff thisvoodoo rib rub from Cine lose it’s froma company from California and WWV andmore calm but if you’re wondering what’sin it it’s got brown sugar salt chilipeppers onion garlic mustard seed blackpepper spices added sugar is 40% no MSGno gluten no common allergens so goodstuff check them out like I said wWOZmore calm scared on the pillow girl allright folks let’s take a look at herribs you’re saying what the heck you gotgoing on there well adapt and overcomeit is raining I do want to protect mygirls so I had that little piece I waslike a pellet grill cover that a companywas manufacturing a couple years agothey had maintenance on it that wassupposed to be like some sort of shelfthey would stick on there and obviouslythey never caught on but I’m using ittoday as a ruffed just double protectionbelts and suspenders on the pillow pearlloss smoke is 160 on this you can seethe pids doing a great joboh this is a great time to talk aboutwhy you need a stack and why when youhave pellet girls or girls that haveholes in the back today’s a greatexample of the wind is blowing the rainhas fallen and it would be driving itinto your grill and Ithink that’s a good thing and that’s whyI’ll always have a kid he either puttinga stack on or covering up those holes insome way in order to keep the wind andthe rain from Lord of snow I’m gettingin there let’s take a quick look at theribs you just put them on I’ve got a panof water underneath some warm water inthere and there’s our ribs in there andwe will keep on going give you a couplelooks ease as we proceed stay tunedalright let’s take a quick look-see andif you’re looking to say hang on whatthis is may May 10th actually and uh isthat snow yeah just a little bit of snowgot the hello Pro set it to 25 but Ijust opened up the lid spray some wateron there so she’s catching up right nowlet’s take a quick look at our ribs herewhat a nasty day good day to cook I gotsome nice car going on there give you acouple more looks he’s stay tunedalright folks three hours into it andit’s still raining and kind of snowingon and off here 225 is what it’s at and225 is where it’s at you can see thatlet’s take a quick look at the ribswe’re gonna bump up the temp a littlebit I think and I’m gonna loosely wrapall the way if you see me I’m not intothis wrapping ribs totally tight I liketo tent Amana I’m sorry post tent themon the top and then go from there soI’ll show you that once they do thatalright folks just turn the temperatureup to 300 let’s take a look I actuallyI’m using a tin pan that I found a onethat I had in the garage here and itfits perfect over thereand battles with the water underneathand the 300 Aries you know that steamwill come up and it’ll steam and getsome smoke all at the same time we’ll gowe’ll do this for maybe an hour hour anda half beef ribs on pork ribs I wouldonly do it for an hour of our beef ribswe’ll go a little bit longer with thatwhole process so keep on watching andthen we’re getting close to being donehere all right folks let’s take a lookat those ribs but about an hour and ahalf it’s still snowing and raining outhere what a crummy day oh yeah nice pullback I’m gonna give this a little watercover it back up and we’re gonna do withtoothpick tests in about 20 bucks or atfive hours and 15 minutes it’s take alook heresee if it’s a toothpick tenderI knew that was going to happen handwindy todayoh yeahdefinitely thereso we’ll go maybe ten more minutes thisside still got a little resistance andit seemed majority of our water isboiled off there but I’ll cover thisback up another 15 we’ll take it to fiveand a half hours and then we’re gonnapull out a lot of rest give you alook-see when it’s donecool man folks there’s our beef ribsfive and a half hours 15 minutes to coolwrapped and I’ll tell you I look at youand I saw smoke ring going on there takea little bite shall we hmmlisten juicy Cindy Lou is on there manthat’s some voodoo rib rub outstandingfolks tom horner youtube hope you enjoythis please subscribe take care of folksdon’t forget to wash your hands