BBQ Beef Recipes

Pit boss | Smoked Beef Ribs

In this video I am on the Pit Boss smoking up some Beef Short Ribs or some call them Plate Ribs. These are on my top 5 favorite things to smoke but in my area they are not always easy to find! Using SuckleBusters SPG & their 1836 beef rub is the perfect balance of flavor for any beef cut!! So give this try and I promise you will thank me!! I appreciate you watching and we will see you in the next video!! Ps. check the links below for anything I have used in my videos or just use the link if you feel like browsing! ha ha

BBQ Pit Dog’s channel: Head on over and say hi to Rob!!

Greenhorn BBQ and Beer’s channel: Head on over and say hello to Todd!!


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Some of the items I used in this video are linked below. If the link goes to Amazon and you purchase the item, I receive a small affiliate commission that costs you nothing extra, and it is greatly appreciated. Thank you!!

ThermoWorks Thermapen MK4:
Adrenaline Barbecue Company/SnS Grills:
Weber Kettle Premium Grill:
Pit Barrel Cooker:
Weber 7429 Rapid Fire Chimney Starter:
BBQ Dragon Grill Table Fits 22″ Weber Grills:
Weber Hinged Charcoal Cooking Grate:
Weber 7204 iGrill 3 Grill Thermometer:
Weber 7403 Char-Basket:
Anova Culinary Sous Vide Precision Cooker (WiFi):
Meat Injector Marinade Gun BBQ Injector Grill Smoker Meat Injectors:
GrillGrates for the 22.5″ Weber Kettle Grill:
Orange Spritzer:


Camera Equipment I Use

If the link goes to Amazon and you purchase the item, I receive a small affiliate commission that costs you nothing extra, and is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Sony Alpha a6400 Mirrorless Camera:
Sony Alpha 16mm F2.8 Wide-Angle E-Mount Fixed Lens:
DJI OSMO Action Cam Digital Camera with 2 Displays 36FT/11M Waterproof 4K HDR-Video 12MP:
TELESIN 35.5″ Selfie Stick Monopod for GoPro, Selfie Pole with Strong Tripod Mount Adapter:
Zhiyun Smooth 4 3-Axis Handheld Gimbal:
Neewer 20-inch LED Ring Light Kit:
Rode Wireless Go:
Rode Lavalier Go Professional Wearable Microphone for Wireless GO:
Regetek Camera Tripod Travel Monopod (70″ Aluminum Professional Video Camera Mount Leg):
Fovitec – 2-Light 1000W Fluorescent Lighting Kit for Photo & Video with 20″x20″ Softboxes, Stands:
Neewer 480 RGB Led Light with APP Control, 480 SMD LEDs CRI92/3200K-5600K/Brightness 0-100%:
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Video Transcription

in today’s video we’re on the pit-bosssmoking some beef short ribs[Music]hey this is ricer from dead broke BBQwisconsin and welcome back to thechannel but if you’re new here we try tohelp you enhance and amplify yourbackyard barbecue fun so if you haven’tsubscribed already do it now and alsoeverything that I use in my videos arein the links below so check them out younever know you might find a good dealand today we’re on the pit-bosssmokin up some beef short ribs they comefrom the plate section and I didn’t havethem cut down I just told the butcherbelieve them as they are I left them inthe whole plate itself and if you’reasking a plate of ribs no it’s not aplate of ribs it’s just the location onthe cow itself where they call it theplate now these ribs are gonna have aflat and wider bone they’re not the backribs where the ribeye steaks are locatedbecause when they’re cutting off ribeyes they’re gonna get really right downinto that bone and they’re gonna cleanthem off clear this has a good chunk ofmeat on top of it and it’s almost tastesa lot like brisket now plate ribs orshort ribs are pretty easy to doyou just gotta put in the time and justlike a brisket you’re gonna want to putit in a cooler and give it a little bitof rest let it absorb some of thatmoisture back in it before you go aheadand start cutting off a bone but on thiscook I only let these rest for about anhour because I had a bunch of screamingkids that were telling me they werehungry so grab your flip-flops and yourlawn chair charlie we’re gonna smoke upsome beef short ribs in today’s videowe’re on the pit-boss doing some beefribs and this rack comes from thelocation where they cut out your shortribs and when I went to the butcher Isaid just give me the rack I don’t wantyou to cut them into short ribs I wantto just put this whole thing right inthe smoker and if you ever smoked upsome short ribs the little chunksthey’re very tasty but areas have a lotof fat so I want to be able to trim someof that fat off and get right to themeat if I trim any more in this areait’s gonna go all the way to the bonebut when they’re smoked up in a wholerack they’re really tasty they’reawesome and if the butcher will sell youthe complete rack you are gonna havesome fat cap on it that you’re gonnahaveTramell and once you get to the bottomof that fat there’s gonna be a littlebit of silver skin just take your knifeand peel it right offand you’ll end up with something likethis but a whole rack of short ribs isawesome in my opinion it tastes betterthan brisket flat it’s gonna be prettysimilar to a point and we’re gonna lowand slow these until they get a nicebark and then we’re gonna go ahead andthrow them in a foil pan and braise themup a little bit so they’re nice andtender and for the rubs we’re usingtoday we’re gonna keep it kind of simplewe’re just gonna use some suckleBuster’s SPG and add their 1836 beef rubwe’ll start by season in the back sideand we’re not gonna take this membraneoff if you take this membrane offthey’re gonna fall apart and we kind ofwant them still for a littlepresentation go ahead and put a littlebit of the 1836you don’t need much tap it down andrepeat on the other side and be readythis SPG is gonna make us want to sneezeget the edges a little bitI’ll come back over with our 1836 allright our rack of beef short ribs areall seasoned up well they set and sweata little bit I’ll go out and get thepit-boss ready and then we can get theseon some smoke okay so let’s go ahead andget our pit boss up and run it turn thepower on and turn the pit boss straightto smoke open up the lid and once thewhite smoke is all dissipated we’ll goahead and close it up and let that pitcome up to temperature so we clean offthe craziesokay she’s burning nice and clean let’sgo ahead and close up the lid bring thisup to tempI usually give it about 10 minutes andthen it’s a lot easier to clean off mygrades and I keep these little chunksaluminum foil after I get done usingthem just to cover up some of the foilpans they can call it recycling becausethere’s two things that I wish the11-hundred purl series had regular wiregrates and a setting at 275 degrees that250 to 300 it’s too big of a range for alot of the stuff that I like to cook butI’m not gonna bore you with cleaning offmy grades but that’s what we’re gonna doright now but I never use a wire brushbecause I am one of those people thathave witnessed one of these come offonto the grades I only use a wire brushto clean the inside of the pit notanything where I’m gonna put me food onit you don’t want to swallow one ofthese metal fibers trust meall right the grates are all cleaned uplet’s get these beef short ribs in somesmoke okay let’s get these in we’regonna keep the thicker part on theright-hand side but set up these shortribs over on the left side of the grillbecause I always tell you that this sideruns a little cooler than this side andthis is a little bit thicker so we’re alittle closer to that fire pot we willend up rotating these eventually but forright now let’s start just like thisokay well close up the lid and set atimer for one hour we’re gonna leavethis pit-boss set to smoke and get theseshort ribs as much smoke as we can forone out and the pellets that we’re usingtoday are a hundred percent hardwoodcompetition blend from pit-bossokay so our one hour timer went offwe’re gonna go ahead and turn up thepit-boss to 250 degrees[Music]and on this cook I’m gonna go ahead andadd a water pan I feel that these pelletgirls sometimes on beef either brisketor chuck roast or ribs kind of driesthem out a little bit so putting in awater pan helps keep that pit filledwith some moisture but our ribs arestarting to look good you can tell thatthey’re starting to get a little bit ofsmoke we’ll just put this water pan overon this side for right now and that’llhelp give some moisture throughout thecooking chamber but oh yeah they’restarting to get some smoke on it you cantell it’s starting to change a littlecolor close up the lid and set a timerfor one hour then we’re just gonna comeout and just check and see how theseribs are doing if they’re starting tolook a little bit more done on one sidewe’ll rotate them either 90 or 180 justdepends and for right now we’re notgonna add any moisture to the outside ofthese we just want to start developingthat really nice bark later in the cookwe might go ahead and spritz them with a50/50 mixture of some apple vinegarcider and some water but before we evenput any spray on them are mostdefinitely gonna get these up around 170175 degrees first and for all of youthat are thinking why is ricer in thegarage well because it’s kind of rainingout today I’m out here in a sweatshirtbut I’m a Viking I can handle it but youcan see a little bit of snow wet roadsyeah it was raining earlier I want to becaught outsidey’all wet and get pneumonia just for aYouTube video so that’s the biggestreason why I end up cooking in my garageguys and when you’re cooking short ribsgives you a good time get out theweather isn’t terrible you can get alittle bit of fresh air okay I’m tirednow in my small town people aren’t usedto professional blogging where bloggersso I get a lot of people staring at mewhen I’m carrying the camerasome people think god he’s cool he’s gota camera that’s honestso our one hour timer just went offlet’s go ahead and check out these ribsand see what type of color and see ifwe’re starting to build some type ofbark yeah it’s starting to look likesomething’s happening they’re getting anice mahogany color but we’re gonna wantto get these a little darker rubsstarting to stick that’s good lookingall right for only two hours into thiscook and see just a mine or a little bitof pull back on their bones it’sstarting not gonna rotate them yet Ilike how they’re looking still gotplenty of water close up the lid and seta timer for another hour we’re justgonna come back out and just check andsee how these are doing we want to makesure that we have enough pellets on ourgrill and just check that water pan tooyou want to make sure that we have somemoisture in it but the next time you seeme is we’re to get these ribs up toabout a hundred and seventy degrees thenwe’re gonna decide are we gonna put themin a foil pan or are we gonna leave themon just a little bit longer we want toget that nice dark bark I know you’regonna miss me but don’t worry I’ll beback I promiseall right we’re five hours into thiscook and we’re gonna check out thetemperatures on that rack of beef shortribs they’re looking good got some nicecolor going on let’s check out sometemps here okayright at that 190 180 try to get inbetween the bones a little bit[Music]176 it’s not bad but I’m gonna go aheadand rotate them a little bit put them onthis side and give them about anotherhalf an hour and then I think it’s timeto wrap them up set a timer for 30minutes and then we’re going to comeback out check the temperatures but mostlikely then we’ll put them in a foil panwe’re gonna braise them up and thenwe’re gonna go for the probe tendernessthat we’re always looking for all rightour 30-minute timer went off let’s goahead and check out those temperaturesand we’re most likely going to go aheadand put it in a foil pan pick it up wellI’m liking the mark that’s for surecheck it right here in between the boneas she’s at 90 to 93I think this sides gonna be a littlewarmerI think we’re gonna go ahead and throwit in a foil pan start brazing aboveyou’re not gonna eat our water anymorebut we’ll just slide that over take ourribs off carefully get them in aluminumpan and we’re gonna add just a littlebit of beer for our braising they don’talways have to add a lot of liquid tothese because they will produce theirown but because we took them so far alot of the moisture has already come offso this will just help it out grab apiece aluminum foil just cover them upand we’re going to turn them just likethis so we get more of an eventemperature throughout that rack of ribsmight as well take out our water pan yougonna do any good when these are underfoil close up the lid and I’m gonna seta timer for thirty minutes because fromhere on out I’m gonna start checking forprobe tenderness I’ll bring you outagain when I feel that we’re starting togo through it just like peanut butterall right we’re seven hours into thiscook and we’re gonna check out thetenderness on this rack of beefspareribsremember we want this to go through justlike it’s going into a jar of peanutbutter zero resistance okay let’s checkit out[Music]yeah there is nothing it drops right tothe bonelooking good check out our temps 205 206between that bone[Music]12 for 205 perfect okay well shut offthe pit-boss we’re gonna leave open thefoil and let them steam off a little bitbefore we go ahead and put them in thecooler we don’t want them to continuecooking they’re just gonna rest andabsorb some of that juice and then we’regonna go ahead and cut into a give thema tryI’m excited okay so our rack of beefspareribs is rested for one hour I’d cutinto it just so I could make mythumbnail but this is what we’ve got Idon’t know if that’s focusing in butit’s beautiful it’s got a nice bark gota decent smoke ring let’s just lop off achunk take a bite it’s tender the suckleBuster’s SPG and the 1836 is making thispiece of meat shine this is a perfectcombination for beef trust me somecountries would go to war over thischunk of meat I know we’re gonna befighting on this household who’s gonnaget the most of it slice off anotherchunk now if you’ve never done a beefrack of spareribs do it it’s like abrisket with bones and it gives you thatbeefy flavor that we all appreciate outof a beef blowing slow and using theseto suckle Buster’s rubs gives us aperfect balanced flavor you can tastethe pepper in it obviously this is madein Texas this is why I’m cutting itbecause I’m just gonna pull off the boneanyways the great thing about leavingthat membrane it still hangs on theredon’t peel the membrane off from anybeef ribs it’s just gonna fall apart andafter a low and slow cook that membranegets nice and tender you can bitethrough it and if you followed mychannel long enough you know that Idon’t squeeze any of my beef and try toshow you how juicy it is and you can seefrom the shine here geez juicy so if youcan ask your butcher instead of cuttingthem into the short ribs can you justgive me the whole rack that’s the bestway to cook them in a smoker in myopinion no I’m sorry guys you don’t wantany of these I drop them on the floordang it now let’s read some commentsfrom our last video BBQ pit dog says dryribs plus pit boss equals damn deliciousbarbecue another excellent video bud ohand one beer per 45-minute timer I needto try that out well I don’t keep onrunnin on a beer take care bud wellthanks RobI really appreciate you stopping by andwatching my videos it means a lot to mecoming from a guy that’s been posting alot of videos on YouTube for a long timeI really appreciate it now Rob has apretty decent sized video library so goover and check them out and tell himricer Sencha I think his last video hadsomething to do a spam and anothercomment comes from greenhorn BBQ beerTodd says nice video great editing andcamerawork Cheerswell thanks Todd I really appreciate youleaving a message about my videoproduction I take a lot of pride into itand I spend a lot of time doing it somaybe I’m just a chubby super nerdI don’t know now Todd you’re not tooshabby yourself at making videos andright around the corner next thing youknow you’re gonna hit that magicalthousand subscribers so keep it up budand keep on pushing and making bluesmoke now both of these channels aregonna be listed in the description belowso go over and check them out and tellthem ricer sent you they’ll appreciateyou stopping by and becoming asubscriber now don’t just get lazy andwatch a video become a subscriber alsoif you like this video give it a thumbsup and become a subscriber turn on thatnotification bell because you don’t wantto miss my next videodo ya come on I don’t even want to missmy next video now it’s the dead ofwinter right now and I’m gonna keep ontrying to post a video a week but we allknow when it’s – blah blah blah crazycold out it’s not too easy take out acamera and film yourself Coco now I amgonna be starting a livestream prettysoon but it’s not gonna be on a specialday or time so make sure you turn onthat all notifications so you can comein and join in on the fun I will post amessage to the community so I can giveyou a heads up when we’re gonna be goinglive so keep your eyes posted in yourears pinned back and be on the lookoutbecause it’s right around the corner nowI appreciate you watching and we’ll seeyou in the next video oh why didn’t itshut off god fix your carthat thing isand you’ll hold your hands and you allsing come on hurry up okay ready okayshush quiet perfect all rightyou have to hit the stop[Music]now let’s read some comments from ourlast video BBQ pit dog says all my godstop it notification Bella from Amazonsomebody might be buying something sothey can do something extra for theirChannel[Music]

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