BBQ Beef Recipes

Smoked Beef Brisket | How to smoke beef brisket on the grill | AntStill BBQ

The image speaks for itself! Time to start making brisket! All you need is a whole day, a nice cut of meat, basic spices, and wood.

1 tbsp of black pepper
.5 tbsp of salt
.25 tbsp of cayenne pepper
.5 garlic powder
olive oil


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we got another one oh my gosh it’s Tommy[Music][Music]you can do it I know it’s intimidatingit’s a large cut of meat but it’s moreart than science just plan on gettingthese three things right so yourtemperature we’re gonna keep that tipbetween 225 all the way up to you know265 we go up we’re gonna keep our smokeconsistent so we want to have a lot ofsmoke to create that amazing bark andthen just time so you need at leastanywhere between seven hours all the wayup until maybe 11 depending on your cutof meat we’ll go over how long mine isgonna take but you can do it isintimidating but just plan on kickingback today babysitting this meatbasically and at the end it’s all gonnabe worth it it’s gonna come out amazingwell let’s go ahead and get started onhow you get everything set up so withour grill we’re gonna go with the snakemethod and the way the snake method goonce we actually light our chimney we’regonna place the lit coals at thebeginning so like here and then as thefire goes it’s gonna go all the wayaround until it gets to the end that’sgonna lead to a low and slow cook soit’s not gonna get too hot because we’regonna start it here until the coalsnaturally burn around till it gets tothe end all right so let’s go ahead andget our beef brisket out of the packetand we’re gonna chop some of the fat offjust because a lot of it won’t renderwell so let’s go ahead and get some ofthat fat chopped down I’ll show you howmuch I chopped off but it’s totally upto youand then we’ll go from there all rightso this is the cut I’m working withright now I have a 8 and 1/2 poundbrisket in front of meand what I’m gonna do I’m gonna start umI have it on the fat side and so I’mgonna start cutting right up in herethis piece right here is really thickknow if you can see it on camera butit’s really thick so I’m gonna chop alittle bit of this off not much thispart I’m probably gonna leave now thisis a decent amount of fat looking toobad right here but right up in here I’mgonna trim this down so let’s go aheadand get that started[Music]all right so as you saw we chopped a lotof the excess fat off like I said weleft a good bit of it but we just wantto chop a lot of the excess fat that’sprobably not going to break down we willso now that we have that cut down nowwe’re actually gonna rub our brisketdown with olive oil so that when we putour seasoning on there it sticks andthen once we do all of that we’re readyto throw it on the grill let’s go aheadand get that rub down and go from there[Music]all right so we have the brisket rubyeah now we’re gonna take our seasoningthat we made and we’re gonna liberallyapply this so you want to get them outon here it’s a big cut of meat sodefinitely don’t be stingy with it sowe’re going to apply this all overapplying it to the fat side right now ina second we’re gonna flip this over andapply it to the meteor side and I saidonce we get all this applied then we’llbe ready to throw this right on thegrill all right grill temp at 275 soit’s ready to go so what we’re gonna dowe’re gonna go ahead and grab thebrisket pull it on the grillwe’re probably gonna keep that closedfor about an hour and a half or so justto let that smoke really get in therebefore we check it so let’s go ahead anddo that[Music]okay so now we’re at the hour-and-a-halfmark so what we’re gonna do is gonna popthe girl open and see what it’s lookinglike so far ooh so you see it’s turningout pretty good so fardisaster just an hour and a half we’realready starting to get some good cruston there good Bart nice juices that arepooling it’s gonna be a very juicybrisket when it comes out lookingforward to itso at this point we’re three and a halfhours into the smoke let’s see what ourbrisket is looking like let’s see ah manso that’s turning out really well yousee it’s got a good crust on iteverything’s looking really good on itso we just don’t let that continue tocook let’s turn about just how we wantit all right so at this point we’re atthe six and a half hour mark of havingthe brisket smoking on the grill so openit up and take a look at it oh yeah itshead up so the bark is formed reallywell on this brisket I’m is still reallymoist so it’s looking pretty good so nowwhat we’re gonna do we’re gonna take ourbrisket we’re gonna wrap it in thealuminum foil right here fold it on thetop and then we’re gonna poke holes init so that it can still breathe and getin a good bit of smoke all right so wejust hit the seven hour and 40 minutemark so our meat is looking good we justhit it with the temp gauge and it wasshowing that it was a hundred andseventy so that’s well done for us nowwe’re gonna go ahead and take this offwe’re gonna transfer this to a coolerinside for it to rest for about an hourand a half or so probably an hour giveor take but we’ll go ahead and take thisout cause it’s actually done we justneeded to rest and absorb those juicesso let’s go ahead and do that[Music]all right so now is that moment we allbeen waiting for our brisket has beenresting for an hour and 10 minutes nowso it should be ready to actually cut upits reabsorbed all those juices and sowe’re ready to eat at this point solet’s go ahead and get our brisket outof the cooler and you’re ready to cut it[Music]all right so our brisket is rested forthe last hour so now we’re ready to doour taste test so let’s see if thoseeight and a half eight hours 45 minutesactually that we put into cooking let’ssee if it’s actually done so let me goahead and keep my piece so I got mypiece let’s see mmm so immediately thesmoke got into the fat really will soyou instantly taste how well that thatsmoke penetrated their fat and then withthe meat it has a nice texture so it hasa nice chew to it so it’s not tough butyou get a little bite to it which Ireally likeso man this is easily some of my bestwork hopefully some of your best work aswell I know it’s one of those things isreally challengingyou think eight nine hours for a cookand it can be a little intimidating butthis just shows it is well worth thelabor so hopefully your turned outreally well tell me how it went for youI want to know but man I just want youto enjoy this meat because oh my goddelicious hey thanks for watching antsto a BBQ I greatly appreciate youdefinitely like subscribe turn it offvacations on it helps me out how’s myvideos get seen so if you found thisvideo extremely helpful definitely likesubscribe and commentI appreciate it to the next home instill BBQ[Music]

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