Welcome back! In this tutorial we show you how to bbq beef short ribs! There are many methods and many ways to smoke beef short ribs but we went as simple and easy as we could to give the best beef short ribs possible. Start out by rubbing the beef short ribs in mustard, then create a beef short rib rub of 1 part salt, 1 part pepper, 1/2 part onion powered, and 1/2 part garlic powder. Season the beef short ribs liberally and then put them on your Traeger, Kamado Joe, or whatever smoker you’re using!
Black Nitrile Gloves https://amzn.to/31pb11J
My Gear:
Grill on Amazon: https://amzn.to/35mqnY1
Camera https://amzn.to/2MJ8skN
Mic https://amzn.to/2lpNECx
Tripod https://amzn.to/2lpi3Rx
Editing software https://amzn.to/2yv3rtf
Original of the video here
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Video Transcription
[Music][Applause][Music]welcome back to break it yourself todaywe’re gonna be smoking some beef shortribshe’s first let’s get some pellets inhere I think I’m gonna change these outthese are Hickory we’re gonna changethem to something else I’m gonna bedoing this on my Trager but you canreplicate this method on any grill thatyou have set to on and then we’re gonnaput it on smoke we’re also gonna adjustthe pee setting today so I got in touchwith triggers customer service and I wastelling them hey I’m having pretty bigtemperature fluctuations and they saidokay put your p-value to one so that’swhat we’re gonna doalright why the grill comes up to tempwe’re gonna rub our short ribs down anda little bit of mustard we’re gonna dosalt pepper onion powder garlic powderonce we rub them down we’re gonna throwthem on the grill we’re gonna go on thegrill at 225 it’s probably taking abouttwo hours but until the internaltemperature gets to 160 once we get to160 we’re then gonna put these in a 10with some beef broth and to put somefoil on top and that’s how we’re gonnafinish it out I’m not gonna do anythingI’m not trimming I’m not taking any fatoff I’m not taking any of the skin offnothing this is how they are going tostay[Music]now the grill has been on smoke for justa couple minutes and we’re gonna put itat 225 and then we’ll start rubbingthese guys down beautiful solar close itup put it on 225[Music]so I’m going to go like one part saltone part pepper and half parts onionpowder and garlic powder apply liberallyBooyaall done[Music]alright so we just put the short ribs onwe’re going to 160 degrees then we’regoing to pull them off we’re going toput them in a tin with some beef brothcovered over with foil and then finishit out that way- how is late tail it’s gonna take a lotof beef broth that’s for suresorry falling off the bonenothing I’m gonna pour a little bit morebroth in there and then foil the top[Music][Music]dunzo okay she’ll be able to go foranother hour so give me that 204 look atthat I was perfectsmells goodit’s gonna smell amazing are you shrunkup yet- OH – yeah these are perfect andthey’re coming offI like nooh well because the lights right rightbehind Jim right behind me no worriesI’ll leave that for now you have a niceRoman shaped shadow no I don’t careoh I mean I’ll get good video of theminside me look wearing on them or notmm-hmm it’s plenty juicy though superjuicy let’s see overall I think thesecame out incredible they’re very easy todo so just to recap we got the shortribs we rubbed them down in mustard weput our rub on which is just salt pepperonion powder garlic powder threw them onthe grill for about 2 hours at 225 whichkind of fluctuated a bit got as high as250 260 as low as like 200 did that forabout 2 hours until the internal temp -160 degrees Fahrenheit then we put it inthe tin with our beef broth if you’reonly doing like one or a couple you canjust kind of like make some foil and putthe beef broth in there we use a tinbecause we had five of these let it gountil your internal temperature getsright about 200 203 204 I think isabsolutely perfect you’re really goingfor probe tender so some people are notgonna like you know actually giving youan exact temperature to go for you’relooking for that probe tender thatmelted butter but for me it happenedabout 203 204 degrees we’ve got a reallygood smoke ring for the two hours thatit was in the smoke they’re nice andtenderthey they’re really just taste amazingthe only thing that’s gonna be differentversus like a traditional smoker or ifyou’re doing it on a Quemado style grillis that because we put it in the tin andessentially steamed it in that beefbroth you’re not gonna get a crisp barkso if you’re doing it just on thetrigger or on another grill for the fulltime you might get that crisp bark butyou alsomight risk drying out the short ribitself I think it’s really easy to do ittastes great so I would definitely giveit a try thank you so much for watchingbreak It Yourself as always don’t forgetto thumbs me up and we’ll see you nexttime