BBQ Beef Recipes

Stubb’s: How to Cook the Perfect Brisket

As grandad C. B. Stubblefield used to always say, “When you cook a brisket, it’s gotta be low and slow.” Follow along as Stubb’s grandson, Rocky Stubblefield, cooks up tender on the inside, perfectly crusted on the outside, Texas-style brisket. From selecting the right cut to trimming, seasoning, cookin’ and slicing – he’s got the tips and tricks to help you to bring all that Stubb’s Love and Happiness to your own table.

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my granddaddy used to always say whenyou cook a brisket has got to be low andslow so the first thing you look forwhen you’re going to butcher shop orwhatever your favorite store is you knowmake sure the meats dark red it’s redlike that and you know it had beensitting out too longone thing about brisket is trimming offthe fat this little section right hereis just fat that you don’t need you canremove that section this fat here youcan remove think about briskets theycome in two sections there’s the flatend which is the leaner side and thenbelow that is what they call the pointwhich is a lot more fat in that side ofthe brisket and I don’t know if younoticed by me there’s a picture of mygranddad you know I kind of love thatpicture especially if I’m right heredoing something you can see he’s justalways watching over me I guess I may bemaking sure I’m doing it right this is atip for helping you know which way tocut your brisket once it comes off thepit you always cut against the grain soif you put a little mark right there youdon’t know but once you put that rub onthere you’re not really gonna rememberwhich way the grain is running but thatlittle cut right there kind of let youknow to cut that way against the grainalright when you’re doing brisket theysay it all starts with a good rubI like to use our Stubbs beef rub that’ssea salt and molasses in there I evenhas a little bit of coffee grounds andit puts a good flavour into your brisketget this side done then we’ll switch tothe other side you always want to cookthe fat side up to that fat it’s gonnarender and just go through your meatjust adding flavors bringing that rubalong with it you always want to do aheavy roof that’s gonna give you thatgood bark on the brisket everybody lovesthat brisket with a good thick barkthis is gonna be a good brisket and onceyou get it all roughed up you’re gonnalet it sit for 15 to 20 minutesthat gives the rub time to penetrate themeat and that’s gonna give you that goodflavor that you want here at therestaurant we use a rotisserie pitthat’s always rotate in and we like todo it low and slow so we’re cooking atabout 200 for 12 hours and you may beable to do that at home or it may varydepending on what kind of pitch you gotyou know you may do a little bit higherat home like 220 or 240 but at home youwant to wrap it that way your brisketsnot drying out so when you’re wrappingyour risk you can either use butcherpaper because it still let your meatbreathe or a lot of people like to usefoil paper that way because it’s notletting any moisture get out at all soit just depends on your personalpreference whatever you think is bestfor you and your grill let’s go pop thisin the pit all right we’re here at thepit now where we do all the cookingbringing all that stuff love andhappiness to life we’re going to throwthis brisket on we already got a fewthings cooking like I said this is therotisserie so it’s just constantlyrotating so we’ll just put that on for12 hours at 200 and then we’ll be backto pick it upnow that’s Texas brisket so it’simportant that you let your meat restafter you take it off the pit you don’twant to take it straight off the pit inall of a sudden cut right into it youneed to let those juices absorb backinto it and you want to let it cool offjust a little bit cuz you don’t get agood clean cut if it’s too hot if youremember earlier I did a little sliceright here to let me know which way thegrain was running if you don’t cutacross the grainthe meat is a lot tougher most the timewhen you cook a brisket for 12 hoursoutside edges are going to be a lot morecooked in the inside edge so that’swhere you get like your burnt ends justto crisp your side of the meat so thatfirst little piece right there is goingto be a lot more crispy than the rest ofthe me so you’re gonna keep cutting riotagainst the grain you see a littleredness right there that’s the smokering on the brisket that’s cause formoisture from the wood so the moremoisture the wood has the more smokering you’ll have all right now that’show you do brisket is Stubbs low andslow now let’s go eat some eat brisketis true Texas barbecue you know that’sthat’s the main thing if you can cook abrisket in Texas that’s the complicatedright there you know everybody wants tosay they can cook the best brisket inTexas

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