BBQ Beef Recipes

SUB) 두가지 방법으로 즐길수 있는 떡갈비 만들기 How to make perfect tteokgalbi 2 ways, Grilled short rib patties.

*자세한 설명은 자막을 켜고 시청해주세요*
Turn on the subtitles for more information.

오늘 소개해드릴 요리는, 옛날 궁중에서 임금님이 즐겨드시던 고급음식 떡갈비를 만들어볼께요! 고기를 다져서 만든 모습이 떡을 닮았다하여 붙은이름인데요. 다소 손이 많이 가지만, 정성만큼이나 맛이 뛰어나서 그만큼 고급스런 한식 메뉴중 하나가 아닐까 생각합니다.
또한, 요즘은 뼈대신 가래떡이나 새송이버섯을 고기에 붙여 모양을 만들어내기도 하는데요. 저는 아이, 어른 모두 편하게 맛있게 먹을수 있도록 떡을 넣은 떡갈비와 일반적으로 먹을수 있는 둥근 떡갈비 두가지를 만들어보려합니다. 최대한 간단하게 만드는법을 알려드릴테니 영상 끝까지 놓치지마세요!

Ingredients / 재료
* 고기 300g 기준의 양념소스입니다
* 재료의 양은 만들 양에 따라 조절해주세요

Minced Green onion / 다진 파 20g (흰부분)
Minced Onion / 다진 양파 30g
Ground Beef / 갈은 소고기 300g
Oil / 오일

Tteokgalbi Sauce / 떡갈비 소스
Minced Ginger / 다진 생강 3g (*생강즙 사용가능)
Minced Garlic / 다진 마늘 1/2 tbsp
Pepper / 후추 1/2 tsp
Sesame oil / 참기름 1/2 tbsp
Sugar / 설탕 1 tbsp
Soy sauce / 간장 2 tbsp
Mirin / 미림 2 tbsp
Sake / 정종 2 tbsp

-자세한 레시피는 영상을 참고바랍니다 –

끝까지 시청해주심에 늘 감사드리며, 구독과 좋아요, 알람설정을 하시면 최신영상을 바로볼수 있습니다.
또한, 구독과 좋아요 버튼을 항상 눌러주심, 다음영상에 더 좋은 레시피와 요리정보로 채워지며 제게 큰 힘이됩니다.

Tteokgalbi is a delicious korean dish made from beef ribs where the meat is minced and pounded on the bone, then marinated in a sweet, salty, and savory sauce and grilled or barbecued over charcoal.
“Tteok” means rice cake, although there is no rice cake in them, we still call them tteokgalbi because they look like rice cake. But today’s recipe is for special weekend party food and minced, seasoned and grilled beef ribs with rice cake !

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*이 영상의 다운로드 및 2차 편집을 금지합니다.
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Video Transcription

Today I’m going to make tteokgalbi that you can enjoy in two ways.Chop the onions as finely as possible.Stir well until the sugar dissolves.Leave 3 tbsp of seasoning sauce for grilling.Pour the tteokgalbi seasoning sauce.Add the seasoning, minced green onion, onion to the meat.When you knead the meat, you should work it well so the tteokgalbi is not crumbly soft,The more you knead, the more chewy and taste the better.If it is difficult to work, you can add glutinous rice flour or starch.Divide it into eight equal parts.After making it, let it mature for 30 minutes for refrigerator.First, I’m going to make tteokgalbi with rice cake.knead the meat well and shape it.You can just use soft rice cake, and put hard rice cake in warm water for about 5 minutes.You can roll it up, and it’s better to use a bamboo mat to catch a pretty shape.Second, make the marinated meat wide.The size doesn’t matter, but if it’s too thick, it won’t cook well, so be careful.It’s very good to take it out all the time after eating and refrigerate and freezer for paper foil.You can use the paper foil on a pan without oil and grill it for very convenient use.When you grill, you can easily burn it on a high heat, so slowly cook the surface on medium low heat.When you’re grilling, the meat may shrink and swell, so press it once and grill it.After the first pre-grilling, discard the paper foil and grill again on low heat in pan.You can cook it like this and just eat it.If you want to add a little more seasoning, apply the remaining seasoning and grill them back and forth.You have to keep it on low heat, If you do n’t cook well on the outside,Cover the pan with a lid and cook well over low heat.It’s not over yet, so please keep watching!Now, I’m going to make the tteokgalbi with the first rice cake!After oiling, cook evenly on medium low heat.When the surface is grilled to some extent, lower to low heat,Grill it while applying the leftover sauce, so you can eat it more glossy and tastier.I made it in two ways to suit the tastes of children and adults!Now, make delicious tteokgalbi that are light and melt in your mouth!

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