In this weeks video we will be cooking up a beautiful plate of prime beef ribs. We used our gateway drum smoker for this cook, but you can use any type of smoker. Just try and follow the same cook temperatures, and look for the final internal temp of 200-204. Remember you want it to feel like that probe is sliding through warm butter.
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
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Video Transcription
all right welcome back to the Swan andDana kitchen today we’re going to begoing over how to cook beef ribs[Music][Music]so today we have some beef short ribsthat are USDA prime we’ve got these beefribs from the butcher shop in PensacolaFlorida so this season these beef ribsup we’re going to go down with a baselayer of this H of espresso rub fromlains BBQ and then to add a littletexture to the top we’re going to add onsome Lane’s barbecue brisket rub andbefore we put that on we’re going to putdown a binder with a crystal hot saucefor the smoker today we’re going to besmoking it on our gateway smoker drumwe’re gonna be using Joe’s devil lumpcharcoal topped off with some chunks ofpecan wood and hickory wood to give usthat nice smoky texture and flavor onour beef and we’re gonna be running thesmoker at about 275 and we’re going tokeep them uncovered on the smoker untilwe get a nice dark mahogany color andonce we have that nice dark color onthere we’re going to pull them off wrapthem up and butcher paper to preservethat bark on the outside of the ribs andthen we’re going to cook them to aninternal temperature of about 204 andwhen we put that probe you want it tofeel like warm butter when it goes inthere let’s get to cooking[Music][Music]all right we’re out here at the pitwe’re about to pop the lid and see whatthese beef ribs are looking like it’sbeen an hour and a half on oh yeahspritz it with our beef broth put thelid back on check on it about anotherhour okay we’re back here at the pit theribs have been on for about three and ahalf hours I’m gonna check the color andsee what they look like oh yeah got anice dark mahogany bark on that so we goahead and pull them and get ready towrap them all right we got our ribs backin the kitchen we’re gonna go ahead andget them ready to wrap I’m just going tocheck and see what our internal temp isright now so we have an idea where we’reat while we’re cooking looks like we’rereading about 191 192 so we’re gonna goahead and get these things wrapped up insome peach butcher paper and wrap themmeat side down so help us preserve thisbark go ahead and put a double layer ofwrap tuck it in nicelyand once we got these ribs nice andsecure in our wrap we’ll go ahead andflip them over to bone side down that’sthe way they’re gonna go back on thegrill and we should be ready to go backto the pit all right our thermal worksdot is going off with this node we hitthe internal temp of 204 we’re going topop it up and confirm with tri-tip we’recooking up over here – just put yourpapers preserve the bark and kept a lotof the moisture in thereoh yeah still has that nice darkmahogany color to the bark go ahead andget our slicer ready and cut into thesesee what they look likeyou can see the knife just slides rightthrough a very moist and tenderthat’s that USDA Brown beefand look here see how much juice we havein these just runs right out all rightyou know that means when you let this goburr come on over in here and grab mybite of this mmm pulls right off meltsin your mouth the juices dripping rightoff his lips mm-hmmremember to like it subscribe let usknow in the comments what you want us tocook next week[Music][Applause]