Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
so here’s the blueprint the very firststep when dealing with me especially redmeat you have to clean it obviously I’mnot showing you guys that process here Iwill show you in another video but fornow we are going to season withseasoning salt garlic powder and blackpepper and of course we have to seasonall sides of the ribs even the bone donot leave anything left uncie’s it allof our ribs look nicely coated with thatgood old seasoning the next step iscreating the marinade a splash and brothso what I did was I use a one orange tosqueeze the fresh juice inside of thebowl with the ribs and then my secondorange I’m going to just cut up and putit inside the bag to marinate right onwith it so you want to squeeze all that[Music]juice out of the orange as much as youcan I actually have a juicer up I’m notreally sure why I’m not using it butwhatever so here’s the second orangenext step is to peel so we’re gonna cutthis orange in three and then we’regonna break the cacique apart place itin the bowl your ribs should be lookingjust like thisyummy yummy goodnessnow you’re just gonna dump your onionsscallions garlic and peppers into thebowl as well that’s pretty easy verysimple nothing too complicatednow let’s fork out those ribs and intoour ziploc bag where the goodness isgoing to happen so since we have sixribs we’re gonna put three in each sothat there’s enough room for each rib toget that nice good juicy marinade onthem whatever is left inside the bowlwe’re going to pour evenly into eachabove bag[Music]for the purpose of getting every makingcreamy I poured some of our juice in thebowl to get all of that sees me out nowyou want to take your red wine andWorcester sauce and pour it into eachbag easily it should be about one cupfor each give it a little shake releaseas much air as you can zip lock it 36hours later you should have some lovelyribs that look like thislook at those marinated to perfectiononce everything is marinated we aregoing to separate it set your insta potto saute on high and then you’re goingto add oil to the pot dump in all ofyour veggies and obviously we’re goingto so I’ll say them once you cook yourveggies for about 2 to 3 minutes you’regoing to add a few of your ribs so abouttwo of them – that will fit you want toget a nice crisp on one side of each ribhere’s an example of the nice littleChris down talking about doesn’t have tobe too much just a little bit you’regonna let the ribs cook for about 10 to15 minutes and just saute mode make surenothing is sticking to the bottom ofyour pan or overheating you do not wantto burn your veggies or your ribs oncethe salt tank is done we’re gonna saythe insta pots are slow cook and we’regoing to put it on medium heat for threehours we’re gonna cook it for longerthan that but three hours is gonna bethe mark to check the ribs then you wantto add the rest of your juice well abouta cup of your juice to your ribs andthen no we’re simply just gonna put thelid on it and let it go mmm mmm I wishyou guys to smother aroma now you wantto add your barbecue sauce and cook forabout 15 more minutes and while ah thereyou have it so so so tender and so yummy