BBQ Beef Recipes


On this video I show you how to make some awesome Teriyaki Beef Jerky in my Ninja Foodi Grill! This is too easy to do, it just takes a bit of time to dehydrate the beef until it becomes beef jerky! This is a must try for beef jerky lovers and fan’s of the Foodi!

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-Beef Chuck Steak – sliced thin strips.
-1/2 cup soy sauce.
-1/2 cup teriyaki marinade sauce.
-1 tablespoon crushed red pepper flakes.

-24 hours before dehydrating. Add the steak, soy sauce, teriyaki sauce and red pepper to a plastic bag. Massage all of the ingredients and refrigerate.
-Pull steaks out onto a paper towel and dry off extra marinade.
-Place steaks in Foodi Grill on rack or air fryer basket.
-Close lid, turn Foodi on, hit the dehydrate button and hit start.
-It will auto select 150f and 6 hours.
-I pulled mine after 5 hours.

Disclaimer: This description contains Amazon Affiliate links, if you click on one of the product links, I potentially can receive a small commission. This is done to help the channel grow and provide more content and at no extra cost to you.

Original of the video here

BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes

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Video Transcription

guys we’re gonna do teriyaki beef jerkeyif my ninja foodie grill coming up thisis cooking with CJ a show about cookiedrinking barbeque and all the otherstuff that goes along with you I am NOTa chef I’m not a bartender I am NOT apitmaster but I play all three on TV I’mgonna show you how to make quick easytasty recipes and have a little bit offun along the way so let’s get thisparty startedwhat’s up everybody welcome to cookingwith CJ CJ your returning subscriberpart of CJ’s crew hey you know I loveyou if you knew the channel make sureyou hit that red subscribe button gotbail next to it of course the alert billmake sure you hit it you need to getalerts on all what we’re doing here allright and what we’re doing here today iswe’re making beef jerky all right theninja food girl I tell you can do it allall right I’ve done ribs I’ve done awhole chicken on it we’ve baked in itwe’ve done a bunch of stuff in itnow seriously here’s the playlist thepunch stuff all right so today we’regonna do beef jerky now a couple daysago I set up the marinade for this justusing some teriyaki sauce a little soysauce and a little red pepper flake cuzyou know I like a little spice with itand that’s it all right so we got justsome chuck steak so the chuck roast thatyou know you normally would cook is beensliced up real thin I bought it that wayfrom the butcher so it’s as thin as Iwant it for the jerky so it was reallyeasy for me I didn’t have to sit thereand grab a big old steak and cut it upstuff you know I mean to making thingseasier for you guys and this is the wayI was able to make it easier this timeit was already cut up so anyway we gotthat in the marinade and you know I wasgonna let it go overnight but sometimeslife gets in the way you know a lot ofus youtubers have full-time gigs well Ihave a full-time gig I have five kidswhy cops to run you know a whole bit soI didn’t I wasn’t able to get to it thenext day soI think we think we’re going them aboutthree days with our marinade right nowso it’s gonna be extra teriyaki II soit’s just this so I’m gonna bring youover to our ninja foodie station hereotherwise known as our kitchen islandand we’ll get started on doing thisteriyaki beef jerky guys I’m excitedabout this I’m enough you tell but Ilove me some beef jerky the stuffsreally expensive if you tried to buythat from the supermarket so if we canfind a way to do it our ninja foodiegrill hey I’m in like Flynn all rightguys this is going to take a minute allrightit’s a real low temperature I meanluckily you know the ninja food he takesthe guesswork out of it by just havingthe dehydrated button so I’m gonna hitthat button it’ll probably be a 150 160in there I’ll take you over there to seeand then the cook time is gonna be setat 6 hours but I’m gonna check it at 5you know I’d like a little pliability inmy beef jerky a little tenderness soyeah we’ll see how it goescome on over to our ninja foodie stationover here and we’ll get started allright come on back yeah we’re gonna getsome of these pieces of beef lay down ona paper towel get them kind of dried offget a little excess moisture off in thisthingthese are max teriyaki flavor luckilyit’s just a good beef marinade the setupwe have over here is we have the airfryer basket the round rack inside ofthe air fryer basket is actually from myninja foodie pressure cooker air Krismachine I have the 8 quart so that camewith the dehydrating racks but as youcan see I can’t you know there’s not asenough room in there I can’t stack themall up so that’s why we’re gonna do thiskind of like 4 or 5 pieces at a time soand that’s gonna lay them out if theyhang off the side a little bit I’m okaywith that so that one’s gonna be kind ofhanging off the side all right trying toleave some room in between last one kindof turn it that way all right but so thenext thing we ready to do is turn it onso hit the on button we’re gonna hit youhydrate 150 degrees it’s tart and it’s asix hour automatically going we’re gonnacheck it after five but six hours iswhat they usually recommend for thesepieces of beef jerky all right guys comeon back in six hours okay guys I’m notgonna let it go for six I think it’sdone get a little bit of Bend but nottoo bad a little piece off it’s a littlewarmlooks like be jerky to metastes like beef jerky to me my bad guysgood stuff mmm got it teriyaki justtalked salty mmm-hmm all right good jobboys and girls all right come back andwe’ll talk about it all right guys Idon’t know why I clapped again let’s usethe intro thing but this was great thejerky turned out awesome I’m so excitedwe were able to do this guy’s if youneed to get yourself a ninja foodiegrill which I believe you need a ninjafoodie grill hit that link below or I’llhave it pinned in my comments okay getone of these bad boys you’re gonna loveit I swear it okay look I am not paidfor this all right I will disclose thatthey did send me the foodie grill fivesix months back but I dig all righttrust me just get yourself onethe other thing cooking we’ll see you atmerch show below wait hit more see it’sin the description below guys it’s beena long week all right let’s see I don’tknow if I forget anything else but youguys know the drill like subscribe callme share all that good stuff thank youso much for being here I hope you have agreat weekthanks for stopping by thanks forcooking we’ll see Jay takeyou

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