BBQ Beef Recipes

Texas Style Brisket on a Pellet Grill – How to Make Smoked BBQ Beef Brisket on a Wood Pellet Grill

How to make Texas style beef brisket on a wood pellet grill (pellet smoker). In this video we cover all of the basics for cooking a Texas style beef brisket on a wood pellet grill including options for trimming, creating rubs, cooking techniques, adding smoke and wrapping.

Other brisket videos:
How to Make BBQ Beef Brisket in Smoker (Masterbuilt Electric Smoker)

Texas Style Brisket on Pellet Grill – Smoked BBQ Beef Brisket

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today you were gonna make texas-stylebrisket on a pellet grill let’s getstarted[Music]hello everybodyship up here and today we’re gonna makea texas-style brisket on the pelletgrill so we’re gonna start with you justhave a store-bought brisket herebeef brisket this one is just a littleover 10 pounds so I’m gonna show you howto trim it up get around the grill nowif you’re looking for a non Texas styleand I’ll explain you what that means ina minute but more of a traditional Robininjected based brisket a recipe on themasterbuilt electric smoker I’ll put alink below I made a video on that acouple of years ago but today we’regoing to be talking texas style on thewood pellet grill and texas style istypically a salt and pepper based rubonly so we’ll go into that I’ll justshow you how to do some real simpletrimming um you know nothing toodifficult too hard to do so we’ll startjust get a nice sharp knife and you knowgood cutting surface and some papertowels we’ll just cut this wrap open nowthere’s also a debate on whether or notyou know to wash your meats in the sinkor or not so we’ll follow the latestguidelines where they say don’t wash itand we’ll just wipe it off with somepaper towels with you just carefullyremove your wrappers and throw it in thegarbage now we have some paper towelshere so I will just Pat off the you knowthe bud and the juices here and thenwe’ll start trimming it offand the reasoning is not washing off asthey’ll say all the the germs andbacteria and stuff in the blood and thepacking materials were good all overyour sink and it’ll contaminate the restyour kitchen so we’ll follow thoseguidelines now if we look at this we’regonna get rid of the big chunks of fatprimarily for home cooking we’re notdoing a competition or style trim orcompetition so you’re probably gonna cuta lot of the small parts off and reallytrim it up square into shape what I wantto do is we just want to get rid of youknow any of the big chunks of fat andstuff so that just turns out pretty goodso as you can see what if you look atthis view you’re gonna see a lot of fatand most people say trim it down toabout a quarter-inch the thing we’re notthat what I like to go by is if you’regonna cook it on a hot or grill you’regonna want to keep a little more fat toprotect it if you’re gonna go lower andslower you can get by with less fat soquarter-inch is typically a goodall-around rule of thumb so we’ll try toabide by that but this isn’t gonna behot and fast how fast would be say 350or 400 degree pit temperature and thenbe for less hours I need to want alittle more fat on here to protect itwe’re gonna do more of a low and slow225 you could technically go 200 to 250is like your low and slow temp so 225 to250 being you know your most common sothere’s really nothing to it you juststart trimming away at the fat and ifyou cut too much and nip into the meatthat’s okay in fact when you get yourseasonings and your bark and all thatflavor it won’t penetrate the fat so ifyou want to get that flavor into themeat I’ve already seen a lot of cooksyou know pitmasters trim it all the waydown to the meat not for a competitionbut primarily for say you know you’re atyour home home use so we’re just gonnago through this and keep trimming itdownnow I’m gonna continue on this side onthe on the meat side here on the topside there’s not so much you’ll justwant to try to trim off any of thisstuff if you want to get some of thesilver skin off you’ll get this bigpiece off it here on one tip is you wantto have try to have you meet cool itmakes it on easier to cut off the fatwhen it’s cooler because it gets warmerthis fats gonna get real soft and greasyand a lot harder to trim so as you cansee I’m trimming away pretty good atthis I don’t believe I’m leaving a lotof extra fat on it because again yourrub and your seasonings are in this caseour salt and pepper isn’t gonna getthrough the fat so if when you go to eatit you cut the fat off you’re throwingaway all that flavor which you know itdoesn’t make any sense to me you’veworked hard to get this flavor so whyare you gonna cut it off before youserve itI’m not gonna go again not tooheavy-handed here I don’t know if itshows up on the camera if they have likethey call the the silver skin that’sthat little bit of membrane and if youcan you can cut that off but againthere’s a lot of people say you could goon or on just trim this for for quite along period of time so it depends howmuch time you have and how perfect youwant to trim it up I’m pretty much justtrying to get off and you have the easystuff to take off not spend too muchtime now when we talk about Texas stylebarbecuethey’re probably one name that thatcomes to mind the most and I’d be AaronFranklin from Austin Texas of Franklin’sbarbecue world-famous barbecue arguablythe world’s best texas-style brisketthat’s what he’s known for so what I’mgonna do is I’m gonna trim up the restof this I’ll do it I won’t spend up allthe time on the camera trim this offcamera and I’ll bring you back when Ifinish trimming it and you’ll see whatit’s like primarily again we want to cutall the thick stuff off loose stuff anymembranes or stuff like that so I’llbring it back here in a couple minuteswhen I finish trimming itokay I finished trimming it up and thisis what it looks like as you can see Icut a lot of that off of here the hardfat what you don’t want I’m on the top Ishaved it down pretty good on this sideI just want to point this out as you seeI nicked through here which you don’twant to you really don’t want to do thatbut I went you know that’s not a problemdon’t worry about that if youaccidentally go through with the knifeyou’re just gonna get more seasoning andflavor through there we’re gonna cook itlow in salt so again I’ve seen somepitmasters actually shave this rightdown you know depending if they’re notreally going for a competition cook youknow you gonna shave it right down soyou can see the meat all over and thatwill get the flavor the bark the seasonsgonna rain to the meat because it’s notgonna go into the fat you’re gonnarender the fat down and make it tenderbut it’s primarily inside so don’t worryabout it if you Nick the meat like thatthis is what we have we start with alittle over 10 pound and I just weighedthis just to give you an idea of howmuch to trim and I have a little overtwo pounds about 200 quarter pounds offat and stuff that I trimmed off justgive me an idea about ten and a quarterpound and I threw away about two and aquarter pounds of trim so we have aboutan 8 pound brisket left ready to go andagain on the show this to you to giveyou an idea of how to trim it off so youcan see that I tried to get that downfairly thin on this side and it won Idon’t want it to be too thick here sonow what we’re gonna do is we’re gonnafocus on the rope give me a second toclean this up we’ll make the Texas stylerub and get ready to throw it on thepillow curl be right back okaytexas-style brisket texas-style brisketat least I define it by an I believeeveryone else defines it by the rubconsisting of nothing more than coarseground pepper and coarse ground salt andit varies a little bit with what youwant to do as far as what I mean bythere’s the ratios Aaron Franklin likesto do a 50/50 Harry su likes to do say60% pepper versus 40% salt and the onekey thing I’ll talk to you remind youabout which which could happen to you ifyou’re not careful you want to keep thesame coarseness of both but I meanbrothers if you have a very coarseground pepper but use finely ground saltthen you’re gonna have a lot more saltpepper if you measure by volume so ifyou say 1/2 cup of coarse ground pepperand 1/2 cup of fine ground salt you’regonna pull too much salt in your in yourmixture goes the opposite way if he’sreally coarse ground salt and a fineground pepper you’re gonna have a lottoo much you know you don’t have toomuch pepper so try to keep them the sameor one way to avoid that is to weighthem so I weighed these out a measurefirst I measured by volume 1/2 cup ofblack pepperI saw the weight was I used grams andthen I measured on an equivalent amountof weight of the coarse ground salt andit should equal also about a half a cupbut this way by going by weight you’remore guaranteed of having the ratio youwant whether it be 50/50 60/40 whateveryou prefer so this is your texas-stylejust coarse ground saltI believe Aaron mentioned 16 number 16mesh and when you buy coarse groundpepper sometimes you’ll see it mentionedjust by the mesh size number 16 number12 or 34 like a table ground the largerthe number the finer the grind is andsometimes you’ll see it listed as say10/20 that’ll mean that’s ground fineenough to fall through the number 10mesh which is which are large holes butit’s too big to fall through the secondnumber which if it were 20 would be a 20so means a 10/20 coarse ground meansthey’re anywhere between those two itcould be a 12 14 16 so you’re gonna havea little variation as opposed tosomething’s called 16 or 12 mr. Churchreally be that size so that’s just apoint of reference for you now so thiswould be your basic Texas town we’d putthis on here sprinkle it on hereliberally rightsome like to do a very light coatingsome like to do a heavier coating of itsome do one side some do both we’regonna do both sides so we’re gonna dosay middle of the road not too light nottoo heavy now I’m gonna make one changeto it this is 1/2 cup salt 1/2 cuppepper now we’re gonna use amodification that Harry’s soup pitmasterchampion pitmaster recommendshe uses some celery salt our celery seedexcuse me celery seed not so resolved wehave about a quarter cup so 1/2 cup salt1/2 cup pepperquarter cup celery seed we’re gonna addthat into thenow another popular added lip what’s youwhat you could say isn’t the true Texasstyle but I think it’s widespread enoughwhere he’d still call it a variation ofthe texas-style brisket and this we hadsome granulated garlic or onion powdersnow again you only use fine ground youwant to use granulated again and you’dwant to go white on these I measured outa 1/8 cup of onion granulated onion 1/8cup of granulated garlic so we’re gonnathrow those into the mix again you don’thave to you can just use the traditionalsalt and pepper when I explain you howto do that but we also added in thiscase I want to give you anothervariation some ideas so I had the celeryseed and the onion and garlic a lot oftimes you’ll see it abbreviated onlinein the barbecue forms as an SPO G rubsalt pepper onion garlic all right nowyou can just sprinkle it on there byhand or if you have I have an old rubbottle that I’d saved I’m just gonna putsome carefully in here oh maybe not socareful let me just do it this way andI’m putting it in the shaker bottle justso I can get her on the brisket a littleeasier that’s allokay there you have it now what we’ll dois we’ll put like I said about a mediumcoating on here oops there we go let mepull this back here to make sure you cansee itand just get it on here liberally now asyou notice I didn’t put anything on herea lot of people put maybe oil on here amustard or something to help this stickbut what I find is typically the meat ismoist enough or I don’t have to addanything I’ve seen Harry sue addWorcestershire sauce Aaron Franklinhe likes to oil first I’ve also seenHarry do the reverse or he puts the rubon first then he puts Worcestershire onsecond again you can experiment and tryyour own I’m just trying to give youdifferent ideas on what to experimentwith at homeI’m just covering all the sides nowsince I added the celery seed onion andgarlic I’m not so worried about gettingtoo much salt and pepper if there’s oursalt and pepper only you got to be alittle careful not to get too much toyour likingand that’s what I believe some peoplejust do one side I know somebody whorecently made one and they tried out aTexas style and it was a little toosalty to their liking they did bothsides and they also use some moreconcentrated sea salt crystals and Ibelieve that was theirs part of theproblem is that they didn’t break downas well as the kosher salt so there youhave it that’s all we need to do is thatsimple trim it up salt pepper oniongarlic some celery seed we’re gonna goout to the pellet grill and get thatthing going in about 225 I’ll see youout there to grow in a couple of minutesokay we’re out here at the grill I haveit set to 225 which is high smoke modeon this Cabela’s grill which is really arebranded camp Shack so if you have thecamp chef and you have a high smoke modeyou know what typically is around 225 ifyou have any other brand I would say sotooyou know 225 to 250 could be their dealtamper what we’re gonna doI also have a water pan in here andthat’s keep it moist I don’t want it todry out now regulate the temperaturesand people moist environment one otherthing is on your grill know your grillso most girls have a hot spot the coldspot to position the brisket so that thethicker part is on the hottest part ofthe grill and if you have a hotter topversus bottom you’ll also want to putthe fat side towards your hotter part soif you’re hotter on the top of the faton top on the bottom on the bottom againthat’s the protective ETP juicy so myparticular grill tends to run hotter onthe right side so I’m going to put thethicker part for the brisket on theright side since the convection it’spretty even temperature and all pelletgrills and with the water pin underneathI’m going to say that this will becooler underneath it so I’m gonna putthe bare side of the brisket facing thewater pan and the fat site on top thethinking is that the heats gonna come upwith the smoke hit the top onat the top of each of its bad side arender accountone thing to watch out to on the hotRepublicans is it typically comes aroundthe edge so you want to try to avoidplacing the brisket too close to anyother edges now I’ve done if you cantell enough to get the water pan here Ipurchased some additional they’re justgeneric wraps like a secondary rack andI have two of them on here so two ofthese generic racks on top allow me toput a water pan on the main grid let meput the brisket above that that’ll alsohelp me to get more smoke now I’m notgonna use it on this cook if I happen tohave here a lot of times you want to useup smoke tubes to add more smoke sincethat’s gonna be on for a long timeprobably four to six hours of smoke andthey’re gonna wrap it for about sixhours we’ll get into that later but ifyou’re cooking a shorter cook and youwant some more smoke you can use smoketo get see these are quite smoked uphere this is it more of a exactl shapeonce it doesn’t roll around in this isan oval shape so again whatever yourliking you would just fill these withpellets light them and you can placethem somewhere like sowe’re not gonna use them today I justthought I’d mention that in case you’veheard of these I want to know these willadd more smoke so if your pellet grillhas a PID controller they typically tendto give up less smoke but they’re moreaccurate temperature wise you may wantto have smoke this does not use a PIDcontroller we get more swings but we getmore smoke so we’re not gonna use anywaythey were set at 225 I’m probably justI’m trying I even got a little get itfor about three to four hours will thischeck on itsee how it’s gone and then maybe bitabout the four hour mark we’re gonnawrap it up and I’ll bring it back hereto show you how to do that sit backrelax and see you in about 3-4 hoursokay we’re back it’s been about five anda half hours approaching six hours nowand haven’t touched it’s been at 225 onthe high smoke setting on the pelletgrill so let’s take a look and see whatit looks likelooks pretty good nice mahogany color asyou remember I had the drip pen underhere with water I didn’t have to refillit I just filled it initially and it’slooking pretty good so at this point intime let’s check the temperature firstbut I’m gonna wrap it they’ll probablyrun the stall temperature that’s beenthe point the points reading about 151and the flats readingabout 170 so that’s about expected andit’s been about five and a half hoursit’s not we’re gonna wrap it in somebutcher paper and for asking about thetomatoes they’re just to multiple paperdown it’s a windy at timesso there’s our briskettomatoes out of the way now if you wantagain use the pellet grill and you wantto get more smoke you could do more timeat that or as I showed you before youcan use a smoke to a now add more slowbut this should be a good mixture as faras the pellets are using primarilyappletsI’m going to do this wrap aroundput on here again now this is where youhave a choice you just somebody put itback on the grill but at this pointsince its wrapped we’re not gonna getany more smoke flavor so it’s really upto you if you want to continue it finishit off on the grill or take it indoorsand use a conventional ovenso we’re five and a half hours in we’reprobably going to do at least three morehours maybe up to five so what happensI’m probably gonna take this inside Iput on the grill right now just becauseI’m gonna be out here a little longerbecause they also have a yeah a porkshoulder going over here on the quemadoand I wrap this one about an hour ago sothis one should be almost done when Itake the pork shoulder off I’m gonnatake this off and take it inside so justlet you know you don’t have to do thewhole you know 8 12 15 hours for abrisket depending on your size you don’thave to do the whole thing in the grillthe whole time once you wrap it you knowtake it inside for convenience hole evenI here for about another hour so I’lltake it inside so the next time I comeback the balloon we pull it onto theoven inside well take a quick peek andthen we’re gonna let it rest and thenfor the final presentation we’ll take alook at that so anyway see you in acouple of hours when I pull it out ofthe oven all right everybody the wait isover here’s the brisket I wrapped it upon plastic just moving it around it waskind of greasy the wrapper and it’sstill kind of warm but overall that wason the it was now out there on the grillfor a total of ten and a half hours wehad five and a half hours of smoke at225 degrees and then wrapped it into thered butcher paper and then I put it andI had it out there for another hour andbut I put it up to 250 and then Ibrought it in here to the oven to mynormal gas oven and put that 250 and wefinished it off until it hit an internaltemperature of 203 degrees so we did it203 degrees it was a total of 10 and ahalf hours five and a half at 225 in thesmoke mode on thegirl and then the remainder of the timein a normal gas oven just getting up totemp now I want to leave it rest for twohours but it’s only been about an hourand it’s getting late so I figured Ibetter pull it out now so when I saycheck you’re still around one hundredand fifty hundred and sixty degreesbefore I wrapped it off in fact Iwrapped it up because I wasn’t sure if Iwas gonna finish the video cuz it wasgetting late but I figured I betterfinish it so let’s see what we gotit’s still kind of warm feels tender Ihaven’t looked at it since we wrapped itup one more the truth good here it isweird that that looks fantastic we’regonna cut in this bad boy and see whatit looks like so juicy juices everywhereokayso we’ll take some off the flatlet me get a nice place for the thecamera here so there you see I’ll justdo up ya holes right apart super tendermm-hmm super tender moist and I’ll goover what we do with the seasonings -let me just cut a little bit more totake singing get a look at that andthat’s just that’s just a nice beautifulwell done throughout and again you knowI cut this on the thick side but it’snice and tender now here’s the fat capwho left remember I kept I tried toshave it kind of thin but that’s productthe quarter inch or so everybody talksabout you can see it’s just fallingapart as I cut it here and it’s you knowyou see how juicy is the fact that I becareful wants to fall apart in my handsit’s so tender so I mean there you haveit we need a nice brisket there was aten and a half pound we start with a tena half pound or ten a quarter poundexcuse me ten a quarter pound brisket wetrimmed off two and a quarter pounds offat we just did a quick trim and wetalked about in the beginning when youtrim it think about how you’re gonnacook it if you’re gonna cook it hot andfast you’re gonna want to leave a littlemore fat on it if you’re gonna cook uplow and slow like I did today thenyou’re gonna want to trim it down alittle bit more you don’t need as muchfat to protect it because since you’recooking it low and slow and that’ll takecare of they won’t have to worry aboutit so much on for seasonings we did astep above the standard Texas stylewhich is coarse ground salt and pepperremember keep the grinds the samemeasure by weight not just volume so youget the right ratios you want whether itbe 50/50 or 60/40 we then added somecelery seed to it we did 1/2 cup salt1/2 cup pepper but then did I believe1/4 cup of a celery seed and then 1/8cup of granulated onion and granulatedgarlic powders so we did an SP og withcelery seed salt pepper onion garlic andcelery seedyou put that on there liberally put outthere 225 five and a half hours anotherfive hours at 250 in the oven we’vewrapped it up I wouldn’t hit about 100it was 170 in the flat and 150 in thepeak so we wrapped it up at that pointand that was that after the five and ahalf hours we wrapped it up finished itoff and here you goso I just need to think about all thethings I talked about don’t limityourself to just you know hot and fastor low and slow I talked about thedifferent options you have and keepthose in mind when you’re doing it theyjust went salt and pepper do you want toadd something to it and naturally couldalways add more I could have added somepaprika or whatever you’d like to themix but hopefully this is a good starteror a basic recipe for you to get startedon your own brisket and if you know it’snot that hard to do it is very timeconsuming and I’m gonna cut in one morepiece here that’s just yeah it’s justbeautiful I mean I don’t know if it’spicking up but it I mean it’s it’sglisteningand we let it sit here for all there’s alot of juice on the board and it’s justit falls apart it’s very tender verytender delicious juicy so hope youenjoyed watching this video if you’dlike to see more barbecuing videos orany other kind of videos let me know ifyou saw in the one segment I also made apork shoulder today in the comodo grillmaybe we’ll do a video on that thatturned out great that’s already put awayI sampled some that was delicious somaybe I’ll make a video on that but letme know what you’d like me to make onthe grills I can use quemado grillpellet grill electric smoker let me knowyou’d like to see and I’ll try to getthose videos out there for it so againthank you very much for watching pleasetry this at home I think you’ll reallyenjoy it and it’s worth the effort sothank you for watching have a great dayoh and if you like this video pleasesubscribe to my channel click the thumbsup or like buttons I’ll leave a commentto let me know you know what yourfavorite about BBQ brisket recipe is howdo you do it I’m fast low and slow whattype of rubs your seasonings do you usedo you inject it so let me know what youdo sothank you for watching[Music]

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