BBQ Beef Recipes


I’ve eaten at a lot of #Korean #BBQ restaurants but after visiting the meat market in #Seoul Korea I could not believe how amazing the meat quality they had. The best part was that you could buy your own meats as much as you want and pick out a restaurant to cook it.

The places I went to:
✧ 47th Avenue Tea House
47-9 Insadong-gil, Gwanhun-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea

✧ Majang Meat Market
53 Majangno 33(samsipsam)-gil, Majang-dong, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, South Korea

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BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes

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Video Transcription

[Music][Music][Music]how adorable and delicious hi goodmorning first full day here in Seoul andever tell him here there’s certainthings I crave right off the bat so lastnight I got some turbo cake got somedrool and got some whole talk and todayI am just a king a king for some Koreanbarbecue and some joj on me and you knowthat kind of ache like when vampire havehad blood in like a week or somethingI’m thinking this must be where they’refeeling and right now the weather isperfect it’s drizzling a little bitperfect noodle weather I mean grantedthere’s no bad weather for noodles butthere is great weather and this is itit’s like the bear pooped custard sorryfighting the stinks head off was reallydisturbing for a lot of you but this isberry berry good is it too early in themorning for puns[Music]paratis the ultimate Korean cheap eats$3 a bowl for the John man doesn’t meansweet sour pork okayI’ve never been so happy to have a bowlof jobs on me I know from me I’ve beencraving this for so long and I’ve donethis place because Chinese people loveit so they’ve been raving about likeoverseas Chinese when they come herethey all come to this place and they saythis jaja man is done best and of coursejohn mayer was originally a Chinese dishso I figure they probably know whatthey’re talking about I mean as soon asI walked in this place is aquintessential mom-and-pop shop I meanthe mom’s cooking the Pops serving andtaking the money I didn’t realize thenoodles were made fresh so thisliterally came out the noodle makerabout five minutes ago in a bowl jasjaman pretty big bow as well topped withbig chunks of meat onions sauce and aplate of Swiss our pork and that’s whereyou’re supposed to eat this with $3 $4total of seven dollars do you want agood she beat in Seoul probably can’tfind anything better than this now let’ssee if it looks up to the hype there’sdelicious dough chime in it’s got thatcrazy deep umami flavor there’s somesort of fat in here that’s rendering asyou’re chewing so middle becomes betterthey go to tomato sauce is creamy is nottoo fermentedand definitely not overly sweet at allthe pork experience our part it’s justlike it should be crispy on the outsidecovered in that thick sweet glaze andit’s already a little chilly in hereI feel a slight bit of burnt but let’sask some more the noodles have some sortof like almost buttery flavor to it Ithink above anything rice touchiness upthe noodles I really sets it apart thetexture is just so even lastic he hassuch a nice mouthfeel being bad aboveall this will really sets this apart andthat sweet pop and crunch from thesternness our pork there’s really aperfect combo this placethey don’t skimp on the meat you don’tskimp on the sauce you definitely don’tskimp on the noodles I mean this thingcosts less than a 6-inch Subway sandwichand I guarantee you this is gonna tasteway better but the flavors get a littletoo much for you chop on a pickle radishrefresh your taste buds again and thenjust hit the repeat buttonI’m a big fan of restaurants where youwalk in they only serve like a fewthings and here these noodles support aseafood dish that’s like the only thingthey have here it’s not all touristsmost people here right now all cornersand also any chance I getto support a mom-and-pop operation likethis I’m gonna do it this thingdefinitely scratched my jaw John me aninch I mean we’re in the world in arelatively expensive City King findfreshly made noodles delicious ones for$3 when you’re here come get a ballsupport this couple they deserve it thatwas much needed I mean is it the bestjob I’ve ever had in my life I thinkthat I honored probably goes to my mombut it definitely tastes like somethingthat came out of a grandma’s kitchenwhich it basically did I let’s go walkaround find some dessert and get readyfor dinner[Music][Music]this place is so adorable the floor isheated so it’s nice and toasty you can’tsee it there’s like a low gazebo type togive a little privacy room that’s thebest sweet red bean porridge shaved icejujube bunny cookie set crowing intraditional tea long white rice cakeKorean traditional tea try % them onyeah let’s do the rice cake in thetraditional tea I’m also gonna try thisporridge hey interesting tea comes in atraditional bowls almost like a soupwith Jujubee and pine nuts inside ricecake and this is the porush that I gotover the steps back this is interestingnever had tea like this beforeoh it’s very very very earthy tasting ohthis tea reminds me of kim kardashian itis thick it’s a little Irby but doesn’tlike tea it feels like it’s a soupthis will definitely not quench yourthirst it is very very thick and I’malready kind of regretting this one thisone looks like red bean quicksand orsomething oh my goshgood god there’s mochi little nuts 2gbheat inside as well ooh that’s good butit’s very very sweet Asians we love redbean desserts and that’s especially truein Korea it just tastes very velvety andsmooth and very very thick the textreminds me of mashed potato I feel likeI wonder too many sweet things that’sdelicioustoasted mochi it reminds me of like thebottom layer of rice in a rice cooker oris more toasted especially not overlysweet at all I feel like that is mysalvation honestly don’t get the jujubetea dad oh there’s red bean is good butman don’t try to tackle this by yourselfoverall though love places like thisreally traditional little spot and Ijust sit with a little rain drizzlingdown outside I really do like settingslike this it’s so calming relaxing bythe way this area I’m at right now it’scalled inside dome it’s kind of atouristy place but it’s super cool Ilike here got tons of artsy stuffpottery handmade paper products a lot ofthese traditional tea shops like the oneI was at right now so just really fun tokind of walk around and pick up somesouvenirs for your friends look at thisso cuteit’s a great place to walk around digesta little bit before my big barbecuedinner welcome to the meat market let’sgo check it out[Applause]this place this is a really local placeif you come here you can buy the meatsfor your household I mean this is asfresh as you can get go go[Music]not on my head I’ve been waiting forsomeone to get me help all I’m askingforit’s just some space and some time thenI’ll be alright I’ve been lovingthoughts in my mind I can’t get somethings I can’t say myself[Music]this is by far the coolest Koreanbarbecue experience I think I’ve everhad in my lifeI just be a part of that process thisreminds me of the seafood market I wentto where you pick out your seafood andthen you take it to a restaurant theycook it for you but this is like thatexcept for its steak and we gotdifferent types of meat they give ussome deep sashimi and then these will gointo a soup so the restaurant will putthese into a suit we’re gonna have soupas well and then everything is justgoing on the grill and it’s charcoalgrill so you already got that greatsmokeall right smells great I’ve ate plentyof Korean barbecues in my life this isby far the most exciting time for me Imean all the different cuts of meat allthat beef you see this right raisingquality to Hyrule its marbled it’s tonsof fat look how pretty the pattern ispeople should just like weirdoes as adress patter is just glorious and guysanother thing this is gonna be waycheaper and if you go to a restaurantyou ask for this kind of quality meatit’s gonna be way cheaper because you’llfind it directly from their source andthis is something not a lot of touristsdo right not a lot of people do it andthis is like really just locals comehere and do this it’s like a littlehidden BBQ secret I’m so happy to be apart of it I’m so happy to be able totell you guys about it[Music]you can see the marveling just coursingthrough them me I will is probably myfavorite steak outside of wag youusually it’s got about forty percent fatto sixty percent lean Wagyu is about 60percent fat to 40 percent Lee or fiftyfifty so you’re gonna taste a betterfood flavor from the highway it’s gonnabe a little less tender a little lessjuicy because they’re just not as muchfat content as the Wagyu but you get alittle you give a little and all youneed to eat this with a little bit ofsalt all you need[Music]hello cobia god bless you for this shejust burst out from that meat and it isless melty and buttery didn’t I do playit mixed up with that good great hugebeefy flavor this is the beef stewoh I’m so good the meat is goodobviously but just you there’s amushrooms in here little cucumber Kovupotatoes this might be one of the bestbeef stews you will ever havethis is the tail Chuck flap and it’spart of the cow that’s kind of likeright beside its neck and this it’s oneof the most tender cuts of beef andwhat’s great about jamul and the samething with Wagyu it’s okay to kind ofchart up a little bit cuz there’s somuch fat content it’s never gonna be dryunless you completely burn it it’s nevergonna be dry yeah second I’m justchecking to make sure my ring isn’teverywhere because I’m pretty sure myhip was below about a dozen times afterthat bite charcoal grill makes so muchdifference that bite it’s just one ofthe juiciest bites of beef you can evertake and the same time you’re not justbombarded by the great beefy flavor andthe juice smoke that’s fat inside themeat crazed justice unbelievablecombination brisket one of my favoritecuts of me perfect soak them and fattythe meat that we bought it just rendersso perfectly on your tongue and as youchew that the fat when there’s a littlebit more and more in that pie becomesslightly beefierand more buttery I love foods thatchoose texture and flavor and now feelas you chew it and this is definitelyone of those I mean this thing isbasically the Super Saiyan of barbecueand with something that’s fatty you gotto balance it out with a little acidtake a bite of this and that sweet onionis soaked in a little vinegar little soysauce just to give your mouth a bit of abreak and then butcher actually calledthis tip the shrimp beef because it kindof looks like a shrimpyou know what’s crazy this place eventhough we come lunch on this cucumberback in New York I found this pickleshop once and they had horse radishpickles this tastes just like that Ilove this place and the pickle shopclosed I can never find horseradishpickles that taste as good as that Ijust found it here this is like mybarbecue heaven[Music]oh that little shunt me that shrimp cutof meat that might be the two CS piecewe have so far all right that was like abeef juice corn age the flavor is almosttoo much I mean is that even a thing anda girl be too pretty or a guy’s been twocutest can there be too much moneycan there be beef run a barbecue thattastes too good my crazy but if thatwere possible that by would have been inthat little shrimp part is actually partof the sirloin it is the best tastingthe most tender juicy part of thesirloin oh yeah I like it like a shrimpcut is very fitting because that thingsthat juicy also you get a lot of piecefor the money I know there’s still somuch beef left not a bad thing I’m veryhappy about that mess sad about that all[Music][Music]it was so funny because the guy who soldus the beef he came up here it’s justlike 10 minutes ago he brought us thisand this is also from the neck I thinkit’s a leaner meat part from the neckbut this is crazy goodhe said we’ve got to try this and I’mlike what’s so special about it it’s notthat fatty but there’s like anincredible amount of beef flavor in thisthey’re definitely the p3s piece of meatwe had tonight but it’s like I’m justlike chewing on how essence it’s not themost juicy but that’s definitely themost flavorful feel like my mind justkeeps getting blown by this place thisis the most exciting part try a 21-daytenderloinwe could smell the age of wisdom thedeliciousnessas happy as I already was tonight Ididn’t think anything else could make mehappier until I took a bite of this it’snot that juicy is quite I’ve taken it’snot the most tender but I’ve takentonight but that aged tenderness withthat slight funk this is one of the mostdelicious bites I ever sat on thisbarbeque in front of me I feel like youneed a good combination of fatty beefand lean beef because with the leanthere’s so much more of that gravyflavor you know wonderful turn thatslice snappiness where you bite intowhere the juices start flowing out thisthing like the Mariano Rivera of Petethe perfect closerI’m sure by far the best barbecue I meanI’ve had really fancy Korean barbecuelike I coach Cote however you pronouncethat in New York City the Michelin starKorean barbecue I mean they did bringout like good cuts of steak but I waslike 200 bucks a person that was even20% for after finishing that this $180were the steak we’re still not evenhalfway through it I mean this thingcould feed three people easily thisplace that we brought it to wonderfulbunch on great beeps dude the flavorsthe textures the charcoal grilleverything about tonight has beentranscendent and if you come to Seouland you’re craving Korean barbecue cometo this crazy meet alleychoose your steaks go up to one of theseplaces cook it so you’re more involvedin the process you’re more likeselective with your meat talked to theportrait ask him what cuts are best andhonestly I feel like we got some reallyreally quality stuff it may easily wouldhave fed three people so it comes out toabout sixty bucks a person that’s howmuch I usually would spend on Koreanbarbecue in the States and trust me thequality not even close to what I hadtonight and if you look around likeJelena said it’s just all locals I mightthe only tourist here but trust meyou’ve got to give this place we’re noteven this place this whole experienceI’ll try it is unlike anything I’ve everhad before I mean there’s a lot ofbutcher shops a lot of different ourrestaurants but if you want to go to theone I went- is this one right here and this isbutcher shop oh look he’s got a pictureof that guy thank you thank you some ofthat gosh I was confused I didn’t fightthe meat over there I just that’s theone I went to I got to meet this guyright here go see this guy

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