Watch Cake Boss Buddy grill the perfect steak at his shore house on his Memphis Grill.
Follow Buddy on Instagram: @buddyvalastro
Starring Buddy Valastro Jr. and Ken Gardner
Executive Producer: Art Edwards
Executive in Charge: Stephanie Morrisey
Produced by Andy Mills & Cakehouse Media
Culinary Producer: Chef Tony Guglielmelli
Camera: Dukkyu Chang
Music: Music:
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
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Video Transcription
[Music]hey guys Buddy Valastro here and I’mwith my good friend Ken Gardner and he’sfrom Memphis girl’s show me what we’regonna do here we’ve got a tri-tip yeahwe’ve got a bone-in ribeye and we’ve gota New York Strip so what we’re gonna dohere is we’re gonna reverse serum soit’s a technique that that’s used whereyou you put them on at a low temperaturewhen the Memphis grill is at atemperature like 200 degrees 220 degreesthe the to convection fans that areinside there are pulsating on and offthat allows that smoke to build up inthe cooking chamber so if we open thisright now it’s got a little it’s got alittle smoke button I see that smokerunning out of there and I mean itsmells incredible it’s amazing it reallyreally you kid you got the perfume in awood there you go whenever i grill asteak or whatever people are scared toput the salt but you got a huge chunk ofmeat that’s this thick you ain’t got toworry about it being too salty the moreyou have the better than me it’s gonnataste yeah can we good rub oil first anytime you’re gonna cook a rib eye thatthick you’re kind of like scaredwhat temperature am I gonna cook it atis it gonna be – dude you know raw onthe inside is it gonna be overdonebecause you don’t want to butcherliterally a $40 thing I’m gonna set thisprobe so you can see I’ve got it in inthe probe jack one got it I’m gonna setit to a hundred degrees so you can seethat that that bone-in ribeye is that aninternal temperature of 53 degrees rightnow it’s cold so it’s cold so what we’regonna see is we’re gonna see thattemperatures start to rise up and we’regonna pull this steak at a hundreddegrees and if we want we can we couldhave the grill send us a text message oran email when that piece of meat hits ahundred degrees that we know it’s timeto pull it off the grill then we’regonna increase temperature and cook itover the open flame so basically thisreversed searing what you’re trying todo is infuse the smoke lowand slow right lights right kind of likethat’s how barbecues that’s righttraditionally done yeah and then at theend just to crust it get that sear actthat 700 degrees right so we’ll pull itwhen they meet it’s about 122 to 125 andthen we’ll rest it for about 10 minutesget all that juice to absorb back intoit now when you juice it up to keep theprobe in or probe out I would pull theprobe out and then I would use like aquick read probe got it and they’ll giveus a quick temperature so god I’ll tellyou this fire got actually cool so wegot temperature now right we do so thisthese steaks have hit a hundred degreesso what we’re gonna do now is we’regonna pull them off we’re gonna set themaside rest them for a little bit nowthat they hit a hundred degrees we tookthem off to grow and we jacked it up to700 degrees to get a nice sear so that’sgonna be consistent and even all the waythrough this steak looks amazing now Ican’t wait to finish it off now we’regonna take the steak that weand then I’ll put this one back here outof that beautiful little Holy Trinityhere all right aah-ha-aahyou want to keep it contained to themiddle to get credit exact like asearing station earring station that’swhat it is going on here what you can dois you move them around same aroundthere what’s gonna happen now is we’regonna start to get that nice parkingchart the other beautiful up therewell this loosely tell them in some foilonce we get them off then you you wouldhave been dead playing but where youwould have been a dead man for sure buthere comes the magic to it okay so we’llstart with the tight ship and we’regoing to try to cut this against thegreen and see the greens are runningfrom left to right so we’ll just mixthem Wow look at thatoh oh oh man that’s got a lot of flavorand you know what’s nice about it got alittle bit in smokiness with the Charneyoutside whose incredibleoh man you have the New York spitting ohcoolthe perfection look at that[Music][Music]