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#ഉപ്പിൽ ചുട്ട മീൻ
മീൻ – ഏദ് മീൻ വേണമെങ്കിലും ഉപയോഗിക്കാം ചെറു മീനായിരിക്കും ടേസ്റ്റ് വലിയ മീനാണെങ്കിൽ ചെറിയ കഷ്ണം ആക്കി ഉപയോഗിക്കുക
മഞ്ഞൾ പൊടി -1tbs
മുളക് പൊടി -1 tbs
ചെറിയ ഉള്ളി -4
വെളുത്തുള്ളി -5 അല്ലി
കറിവേപ്പില -2 തണ്ട്
വലിയ ജീരകം 1/2 റ്റി സ്പൂൺ
ഉപ്പ് -ആവശ്യത്തിനു
കുമ്പളം ഇല /മത്തൻ ഇല /വാഴ ഇല
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
hello friends what Italy end up on himyou say are they didn’t I’m gonna meanto to the common AnakaJionni with a cherry Amina not a nerdylittle to the Lord interior with pyaarki Lana I didn’t hear the tender in themcalcium my Nearpod Jana what it I waspoor man you know putting anybody withattended but a terrible spoon more of abody a to put in their romantic serieonly honorable Nigeria Richard I tiringit in the range a little too limp sirrocky irony which attended very underThunder car away plane tonight hair inyour chat under our ship you know putwinner Kyle teaspoon qualia 0 go monomerand other finish number a my aingredient stuck on the couch to couchit in la soupe caveyeah Eddie Biola defeated and shared Itell you taken the car away playingcheerio Liam well do Leo kiss yourthroat it ended number like each other -what color number written on my cell aparticular on a Mossad a particularvalue to go pay uncle keep our react achaud car is I’m kilometers you’re gonnameet a new coach it movin and I love thebolo in the culture is gonna use ourship unless of course you do a murder hedidn’t allow the Georgia pitcher colorand let the ball in this mix stay there- cougar so Carmen I’m oknodding I need Americana darkness butI’ll let the poly make see theirchildren honey me I’m gonna do not meanin there we’ll wash it off wash it upand I let the ball and I’m gonna say toPeter pick it up now let it boil at theHCP Deepika I’m not numbered I mean thatlet is tuned our loopcan you play minimum and let thepolymath solitaire super to visit inthis enzyme could be went to theparticle a come on down and you knowMinami masala tasty food is pickin upand let me enemy masala vada featuresinitiation I’m signal path to me intoour Ostia McDonough I’m gonna meet myson I go to get you to Parrish apartmentI mean I’m living here now let the polioin the pod near the canyon Cumbrecinderelly on a defibrillator with theboat near to come an economist and alay-ohparle de león divining Gilliam ViacomCumbre cinema tender Kaelin seriousTamaki this murder my eventtime will come later and let a historycome a llama Sally you poke a pet sitterela like a nap or I’m clipping a handlet the ball in the post in here to comewhat do you mean in yunjae leveragesadhana can I tap it another something alefty – Marcy my sitter and let the poleI mean a pod in here – KarimAngie I order the food the lana mokubacome eternal it do not let the car andyour Dominion foil paper on new BuickLilia the room millimeter to takeanother hill everyday a little corny boyAliceela opposed to them finding me in fortakeover and the chance to cool theliner and then I let the pole and put inyour step in gaining I divide SyriaNadia cheater don’t look at he was gonnasay another yoneyama de la canal let theboy like it pivots it endureyes I’m kicking him out to the pastureplay come on tell me the pole aBrazilian coup de lavit suitor I’m gonnamarry allow me any name with the butcherof this area putting lightning pose nearthe cow in the darkness even uncle I’mgonna mean for cigarette who create theto take out in the darknesshoney whatever you bathroom how to putyou lets you change the pattern underthe poets who died upon arrival a coupput toward cool and it cut loop on handit to go to color this I’m ready to laya path rescind Eid bag on fire and Igotta come to the very end I’m coupe putup you put on leather for a to die andI’m Sybil a numbered I mean puttingarrived it’s your cow on the run nobodyopen at night you right in thererun could be a girl number a now you mebut you got em bitch you go to car noDonna I’m gonna enemy input you gonnamess VictorTomica is any more girly but I’d forgetcity erase your past energy metering init they reckon when your partner colasand Shia Karim who put the ruler who putI cool a melodica a letter the parallelNana who put another pen Corolla KupaKai cool a number I mean holidays youknow perish upon wins immunity idol thisThank You Brianna piracy – vodkaelapid Iranian a new Marcie to recommenda hey CodycataleyaXavier moon alien there no loo aisle 8arocket channels just on the port Peterlove thisMichelangelo Conover you care do Lea RCtraditional career path ends him intodayon order a Witcher the Kalam Papa’sninja me until I need another totalbottom and it could write in this but Imean on night a window on the tendernumber dial everything for ketone the Idon’t know yeah something is Niall Horana knock on the Donna buddy pork superhit film wardens are a liar and ILO youback it and cute little a masala burneda alarm could try countdown and I’ll leta nice turn is in a got a me in a couplenot let the Paulo bento and I’m good nowRama de la mano numbered I mean anyolder they are 32 cows with Anna I’msorry come out of the water put it inthere man vocalizing okay who pullnumbered city land I let a is to thisunder the pony been good to date thecore and I’m good but I might kill amean in a now gonna put in in thisbetter to my eternal honest we did adirecting an ultra jump our EMR on thebuoy single atom I turned a child carnalDingell on the subscripts a Eva and thethird temperature level pattern you doLuna a mercury top up a friend’s numbera tasty I could you tell me anybodyready I didn’t mean I’m condemned overdecorous Ariel Sharon RNA would appearin Jeter I’m coming in a little poodlemix see the Kannada chi-chan in the lawand they taste if RI as originally attri-county is Janice record turmoil yousee the class 110 already hailed theayatollahs honest in uncle Kansamarinated live in a more Union Depot andlet the ball of the Lakers bayonetsagendaand I’m good on the couch – no come hereplease here todayChrist original latest in denial of thepony when the told the community I takewhatever today to come out loaded threesleeper you never stop Arianna Carlinletter e Papa Don Corleone removing anyvideo and smooth them or even a cutthere and you’ve been burning ordercarry parental enter video stepreturning on the lake yeah you mighthave be praying on the command eachotheris it a and a chance at civilian thesubscriber your town