BBQ Chicken Recipes

BBQ Baked Beans Recipe | Easy Recipes

BBQ Baked Beans Recipe | Easy Recipes – These Baked Beans are a classic side dish for potlucks and summer picnics and pair perfectly with BBQ Chicken Legs, Burgers, or Slow Cooker BBQ Chicken Thighs.

BBQ Baked Beans Ingredients
1 1/3 cups dried navy beans soaked overnight (I used a Pinto and Kidney Bean mix)
3 slices thick cut Bacon chopped (optional), I used a Chicken Andouille Sausage
1 large onion, chopped
1/2 cup Tomato sauce or ketchup
1/4 cup Molasses
1/4 cup Brown sugar or use up to 1/2 cup if you like REALLY sweet beans
1/4 cup pure maple syrup
1 teaspoon kosher salt
2 teaspoons Mustard
1 tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar
1/2 cup Apple Juice
1/2 cup water (optional)
1 green, red, and or yellow Bell Pepper, diced (optional)

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Video Transcription

[Music]what’s good everybody and welcome backto my channel smoking and grilling withme baby that’s right if you read thetitle so you know what we make it wedon’t go ahead and make these barbecuebaked beans and we don’t make it fromscratch and listen if you stay to theend of the video at the end I’m gonnatell you guys how to make it and how tochange so you can make it like superquick now I’m gonna go over theseingredients but before I do I want tolet you guys know listen they can bemade in the oven and they can be madeoutside on the grill so without megetting ready to overtalk it and nothinglike that we from the go over theseingredients I’m gonna just show you justhow easy it is to make barbecue bakedbeans from scratch okay look now we’regonna start with the beans right here gothe beans right here you can see thedifferent colors right normally I’mgonna say 80% of the time I usually usenavy beans but because beans are soscarce right now I had to just use pintoand kidney just a mixture right here I’mgonna show you look I got some andouillesausage right here I just got threelinks a couple of tablespoons of mustardyou can use dried much there also butI’m gonna go ahead and just a standardyou know wet mustard this right here isa teaspoon of kosher salt we got someapple cider vinegarmolasses brown sugar and this right herewas like I guess I’ll just call thislike a medium sized onion are you gonnahit another place that down here we gota half cup just a little bit over a halfa cup but the recipe I putting the downin the description box below its gonnasay you know to use a half a cup soright here we got a quarter cup of applejuice and then right here I got somepure maple syrup and this right herewe’re gonna use you know half a cup I’mjust gonna put it into a bowl that wejust want poured dump you know real easyand if you guys didn’t know if you knew- this right here this right here are wemaking a barbecue sauce right so let mego ahead and let’s get these cut andthen I’m putting these in a pan andyou’re gonna move forward now I’m justgonna take these you know I mean we’rejust gonna go ahead and just cut themyou cut them how you want to even cutthese like this you can cut them intoquarters you can do have so it’s reallyup to you just showing you guys youroptions it depends on how you want it tolook that’s why I want to use anotherthree andouille sausage just becausethis and it’s gonna be a lot and thenthe thickness is really up to you – solet me go ahead and just finish cuttingthese and then I’ll show you the nextstep okay what I’m gonna do is nowremember I soaked my beans overnightright so I’m gonna have my beans youknow to my pot look I’m a cover withwater we just want it to be about aninch above the bean drink and then fromthere what we gonna do is we’re gonnabring it to a boil and then we gonnasimmer then we gonna let it simmer forjust one hour okay now look it’s alreadybeen an hourthey simmered right what I did was Ijust drain them into my colander then Iput them in this bowl right here so whatI’m gonna do is I’m just going to addthem you know to my drinkwe’ll leave them like that right so I’llset these off to the side now we willbring these over and they don’t want toshow you you guys probably saw itsitting in the background you can seethe size it’s hard you know when theyhit and cookthen do these sauces down right so nowwhat we want to do is we’re going tostart here we’re gonna go ahead and putthis on medium-high click start and whatI want to do is I want to put this onhere I want to start I don’t know if youguys can see this look when you look atthe hand Dewey sausage you can see thecolor right look at that that’s a lot ofthe flavor and the grease or you knoweverything that goes asada making thesausage right what I want to do is Iwant to burn that get some of that outyou’re not I mean we want to like crispit up and reduce some of these flavorsyou know prior to putting them in mixingthem into the beans so we’ll let’s justcome up to temp and then I’ll show youwhat I’m gonna do okay now look this isgetting nice and hot I just want youguys to notice that I unplayed knowcooking oil in right render down some ofthis inside here so we’ll just put thesein here like thisnow I just wanted to bring you in so youguys can see take a look at that rightthere just a money flavor right here youknow I mean I know you guys heard of themoney sock but just the money flavor youwant to see you see we’re starting tochar on that that’s I so what I did wasI just flipped him over didn’t want tobore you guys with it but now you cansee that right so what I’m gonna do iswe’re gonna set bring this over herelike this I’m gonna bring the beans backright we’ll go ahead and cut this offand what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna goahead and just drop the sausage in herethat’s andouille sausage just like yousee I’m going over the top because Iwant to leave that grease in there I’mgonna show you off I’m gonna go aheadand just tell you now because you knowwe got some onions I’m gonna saute theseonions a little bit and get thosestarted too so as you guys can see thisis it right here so you guys have beencoming over the house been wanting toknow like why are my beans be over thetalk because I go to extra mile and justgo ahead you know and get my sausageright so let’s put this back right hereso you guys can see bring this back to amedium-high good startonce this comes back up to temp what yousee me doing isboom alright we back up the tip you cansee how it just like soaked up all ofthe grease right all of the oil fromthen Dewey sausage but no worries we’regonna let this cook down and it’s gonnarender real nice we only gonna do thisfor about four minutes now after fourminutes this is what they look like soI’m gonna go here turn this off you knowjust give it a stir around look at it Idon’t want to saute them all the waydownI just wanted to soften them up a littlebit let them absorb some of that flavorlook we we not finished marinating withthese flavors right I’m gonna set thatthere go ahead and bring this back soyou guys can see it now we’re just gonnago ahead and just add this right here ontop just like this and the reason I’mnot stirring everything up is I justwant to stir it like one time now I’mgonna say thislook now would be a good time if youguys gonna make these in the oven nowwould be a good time for you to go aheadand pre-heat your oven to 300 degrees[Music]I’m gonna bring it up close so you guyscan see you could just see the flavorhey too bad we don’t have smell-o-visionyou guys would be like we so now I’m notgoing to stir it right because there’sno to be they’re gonna be a littledelicate so now what we want to do is wewant to add all of our other ingredientswe’re gonna add them all okay so lookright now you see me starting off withthe maple syrup right you know it listenin no particular order that you just addreally this right from here on you wantto just do like a dump and go you wantto get all your ingredients in there andif you notice you can see that I’msprinkling everything around andespecially when it comes to this saltinstead of just dropping it like in thecenter or whatever because if we havemix it you don’t want no pocket of saltright so I kind of like sprinkle alittleof each ingredients throughout the wholeyou know this right so then you comewithout molasses hey it’s somethingabout looking at that molasses andwatching it for don’t that just dosomething to you now go ahead after youget all the ingredients in there youwant to be careful because then it’sgonna be time to go ahead and mix sowith ease that’s dirt now when youfinish mixing it that should look youknow similar to this right here soremember you just want to be realdelicate with it while you kind of likefold in and over and now is the timethat you taste it to see if you need toadd anything else to it okay we covernow to go in the oven for two hours andthen we’re going to take a look at itand I’ll show you the next step okay nowwe done there’s been two hours let’s goahead and take a look at itcuz what we gonna do is once we removethis we don’t go back into the oven andwe’re gonna let it finish cooking forabout I say thirty to forty minuteswe’re gonna take a look at it afterthirty minutes and then we gonna decideif we want to go a little longer butthat’s just to put that top on there sonow to start to thicken up once we putthis back inside of the side of the ovenhey let’s hurry up get this back inwe’re gonna set a timer for anotherlet’s just say we’re gonna set it forthirty minutes then we gonna look at itokay now here we go let me get you guysin a little closer you guys can take alook see how it is now look this wasafter like about 35 minutes so what I’mgonna do now is I’m gonna go ahead I’mgonna put them in this bowl right hereand then we’re gonna go ahead and tasteit now I want you guys to take a look atthis and look at it going in that bowlyour brain should be working right nowand all you should be thinking about ishaving that potato salad maybe somebarbecue chicken and ribs or whatever itis but that hands down right therethat’s your money son and all I can sayis enjoy so tell me what you guys thinkabout this one you know it’s super easyto make it’s a bit of a process you knowit mean it is gonna take a little whilebut to the end result your hands down itbeats that can you know working fromthere nothing like having something doneyou know from scratch so I’m gonna goahead so that I don’t over talk it righthere listen my mouth is watering as I’mtalking I got it right here you knowwhat I’m gonna go ahead let me see if Ican get just to focus with you guys soyou guys can see it that’s it rightthereI checked it out all right dear handsdown that’s it now I’m gonna go aheadand I’m friendly hit it hey no wait letme just going to be honest with you guysI’ve already hit it listen people behinda screen right now behind this cameraeverybody miles is water and I leteverybody sample it so here we go CheersI can’t say nothing about it you’re notI mean all I can tell you is you guysgotta try it’s a bit of a process youknow I mean but they listen if yououtside especially if you’re using yourgrill you can set this off to the sideand let it absorb some of that smokeflavor and if you in the kitchen just goahead and put it in do it the way I’llshow you right here either or theylisten hands down and then for me I liketo eat mine with a little potato saladnext to it you know I mean so I do alittle bit of that bean some of that enddoing sauces and a little half ateaspoon of that on that potato saladand that right there it puts me inheaven hey so with that being said heylisten if you’re new to my channel letme just say thank you for watching don’tforget to like this video and telleverybody out here there’s a channel outhere that simplifying these recipes andtaking the mystery out of cooking and ifyou’ve been watching me for a minute youknow how about to get out of here folksI’m out of herepeace

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