Hi guys. Today’s video is all about pizza. I am going to show you how to make the tastiest BBQ Chicken and Mushroom Pizza. Kids at home can join in making this pizza.. It is very easy to do . Enjoy and I would love to hear your feedback.
Original of the video here
BBQ Sause Recipes
BBQ Chicken Recipes
BBQ Pork Recipes
BBQ Beef Recipes
BBQ Turkey Recipes
Video Transcription
hey guys welcome back to my channel ifyou are new here you are welcome and ifyou have been watching my videos for awhile now thank you for coming back andplease subscribe hit a notification bellso she can receive cooking videos everysingle week today’s video I’m going toshow you how to make the deliciousbarbecue chicken mushroom pizza I tellyou it’s very delicious for the pizzadough we are going to need 2 and 1/2 cupof all-purpose flour you can also usewhite flour or bread flour advise you touse white flour bread flour or of thesauce now now we are going to put itinto our mixing bowland then we are going to put twoteaspoons of sugar 1/2 a teaspoon ofsalt and southeast optional and oneteaspoon of yeast this is instant riceput it in there then we mix our dryingredients very well we are also goingto need 2 tablespoons of cooking oila cup of warm water it should be warmwater but not hot to attach it again toneed a cup of warm water so what I’mgoing to do the first I’m just going toput half of the water then I mix it andI’m going to put the other half laterjust making a well thenother half of my warm water you shouldhave a clean surface because this way weare going to put our dough after mixingit just until it’s combined I’m notgoing to put it onto my surface afterthis we are not going to need our doughso it’s going to be for what and thenyou pull the dog back motion and you aregoing to do this for approximately 10minutesjust put your timer on and this time put10 minutes so you can get a very verywonderful dog so this what you do you goforward into bed so when up close lookthis how it looksevent to use both of your hands for meand my other hand is holding the cameraright now so just for illustrationpurposes this is how you’re going to doit with both of your hands[Music]it has now been 10 minutes and this ishow my job is looking like it’s notticking it’s just fly a ball and this iswhat we wantyou need your dough for 10 minutes nowwhat I’m going to do you just folding itin once I please when you fold itinwards then you turn it over and withyour small fingers you just twist itlike these so that you can form it intoa bowl kind of shape I’m going to take abowl just and then I’m going to cooklightly grease it with oil please toprevent the dough from sticking into theball when it’s racing or I think I’mgoing to put my dough into the bowl andcoat the dough with oil also if you haveolive oil use olive oil it’s going to bebest has full of flavoralso so we are cutting the dough so youcan prevent it from drying and having acrusty skin so this is how it looks thenwe are going to cover our bowlAida with a dry cloth so just put itlike this oh you can use a plastic wrapthen we are going to let it rest for 1hour and has doubled in sizeso just cover it and place it at awarmer area so what our pizza dough isrising I have some of the topics that weare going to meet like the chickenso before we cook the chicken I’m goingto preheat the oven into the highesttemperature then go like for mine it wasuntil 240 degree Celsiusnow before which we hit the open if youhave a pizza stone this attended you’regoing to put your pizza stone into theoven but for me I don’t have a pizzastone so I’m going to use a baking sheetbut I’m going to turn it upside down nowthis is what I’m going to put into myoven then I preheat my oven now for ourchicken I’m going to put cooking oilinto a warm pot so the pen I warm it andI’m going to put just a little bit ofcooking oil and then I’m going to put inmy chicken so what I did to my chickenbreasts I slightly cut it into cubes nowmake sure you don’t have any bonesbecause we’re going to have any boneswhatsoeverso I’m going to fry this and add someseasoning so I’ll be adding some pepperand some saltso now I’m going to add some tips somestout get the eggs andsome pepper[Music]after cooking the chicken world now I’mgoing to add my barbecue sauceyou can shoot whatever barbecue don’tyou like the best about you girls youlike vintage it a generous amount of itprobably have some coffeeso this is how it looks and it is nowready we are going to remove it fromthere so now my toppings are all readyso I have some tomato paste here somegreen bell pepper some mushroom I slicedthe mushroom cheese so today I’m goingto use cheddar cheese so you can use anytype of cheese of your liking likemozzarella and all that you going to usered onion but if you don’t have redonion you can also use the normalbarbecue sauce and chicken my dough hasrisen just been approximately one hourso let’s go and do with the dough nowguys look at this this is so incrediblejust look at the dough it has risen likenot even double size I think it’s likequadruplet I don’t know how you call itbut it has really recent like really yousee how small it was before and how itis now so just going to remove my placeyou can let your dog sit overnight nowI’m going to dustwhere I’m going to work though to stickon to the topicforget this then it becomes knowledgeand now I’m going to need it once moreand it is so soft like like listenthey’re going to make the other qualitynow I’m going to cut my pizza dough intofour equal parts for the one I’d cut atthis will be making my tasting instantwhat controland just cover my board with a dry cloththis will prevent them just cover itthis will prevent them from drying sonow I’m going to use this one put toomuch so you take your rolling pin if youdo not have your a rolling pin you canjust use your hands like this and spreadit up but you can get a little a rollingpin and then we’ll roll from betweengoing outward we turn it and just keeprolling for me personally I don’t like apizza with a crust or a border cross orhyppolitso for this one I’m not going to makecrustnow after rolling your pizza base intothe required thickness which you wantyou can trim it if you wantobserve that psycho pizza you can alwayscut it out into a gusta top but for meI’m just going to go this so what I liketo do I like to precook my pizza baseTed said I can come and add my toppingslater make with like thisthis will prevent my pizza from makingbubbles so this is how it looks like nowI’m going to get some flour and lightlydust the back of my cooking I’mgoing to do I’m going to rest like this[Music]put it herenow I’m going to put it into the ovenand let it cook for 10 minutes it hasbeen 10 minutes and my pizza base it’sout of the oven now if you don’t havetime you can just put the toppings ontothe pizza dough onto the uncooked pizzadough then you put it in but yeah if youhave enough time you can do like what Idid so what I’m going to do and get mytomato paste to put in my tomato pasteI’m going to put barbecue sauce and nowbecause I like sweet spicy food I’mgoing to add some crushed chili in mychicken so in my chicken will add somecrushed chili and some honeysome paprika alsoyou don’t like it too spicy you can justleave the paprika and the crostini up[Music]chicken make sure every bite or havesome chicken eat me I’m going to get mybell pepper and then my onion then I’mgoing to put my I’m going to get mypizza[Music]I’m going to put it on top of my baking now we are going to put this for 10minutes or until our cheese has meltednow my pizza is a little bit coolbecause now I don’t have a pizza cutterI’m going to use my knife now for therest of the dough you can just repeatthe process and voilaso I only put two pieces of pizza in myplace because it’s very very bigso yes there we have it I’m done withthat pizza and then you can alwaysincrease the amount of cheese justbecause I didn’t have enough cheese butthere’s nothing like more cheese sothere we have it we just made our pizzaI hope you guys really try out thisrecipe it’s very very easy and deliciousthe kids will like it at home and yeahdon’t forget to subscribe hit anotification bill share it and until wemeet again don’t forget to cook it andenjoy your food bye see you in the nextvideo[Music]